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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Aye, her and Rusev are great together and the new Unamerican stable I've fantasy booked will need a manager.


That exceedingly long beat down on Rollins did a pretty good job of killing any interest in seeing those two go at Mania. They'll probably put the suitcase on the line now because they've already blown their wad on giving Orton his retribution.

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Wasnt the black scorpion ric flair


Most certainly and definitely not. Don't know how you could have thought that!


I know it wasnt him at the begining but storyline wise it was ric flair in the end!


Eventually, a rematch was signed between Sting and the Black Scorpion for Starrcade. It was to be a cage match with professional wrestling legend Dick The Bruiser as the special guest referee. The rule was if the Black Scorpion did not win the title, he would be forced to reveal his identity. Sting defeated the Black Scorpion with a flying shoulder tackle off the top rope. The Scorpion was unmasked to reveal Ric Flair. According to Flair, it would have been either himself or Barry Windham. Flair volunteered thinking the gimmick wouldn't hurt him, whereas it could Windham, who recently portrayed an imposter Sting at Halloween Havoc on October 27. The Black Scorpion angle ended with Flair's unmasking. Flair, as himself, ended up winning the title from Sting at a WCW house show less than a month later.

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Although personally I don't think the build to WrestleMania has been flat anyway, it's worth noting we still have 2 weeks and therefore nearly 7 hours of Raw still to go before the show.

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Such a strange and somewhat underwhelming build up to WrestleMania. Possibly more looking forward to them pressing the Reset button the night after.


But I'll admit somehow the less is more tactic with a few of the matches is working for me. Wyatt again, his delivery was superb as was the visuals and Undertaker replying with some mind games. The Sting package was good, I really hope this isn't his one and only match in WWE though because there's so much more of his character to explore. And for the World Title for the challenger and champion to only have came face to face once is mental too.


I don't mind the IC Title shenanigans, it's mildly entertaining and gets a few decent people involved. Couldn't give a shit about the Andre battle royal or the Divas. One thing I really didn't like was the Matadors beating the Uso's though, doesn't elevate the Matadores just makes the Uso's look really stupid.

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What a boring Raw, and weak build-up to WrestleMania. They're neglecting the main event -- I'm sure the idea is to save the face-to-face and brawl until the go-home show, but they really should have done something of note here too. Last week they did right by Reigns, this week they definitely didn't. Three weeks before the biggest match of his life, that's supposed to crown him as the new John Cena, he shouldn't be playing The Miz to Rollins and Orton's Rock and Cena. That feud's been weakened by the pseudo heel turn anyway.


The Sting video was a misfire. Undertaker and Wyatt stuff was okay, and Cena vs Rusev did its job.


The undercard for WrestleMania doesn't matter at all. It's total "get everyone on the card" stuff, three matches worth of it. It's understandable that those wouldn't particularly have thrilling builds, and yet the Intercontinental mess is doing as fine a job as any of the main events. R-Truth's coming across as the star of it. We need to hear more from Barrett, too.



Michael Cole told us it was Kofi Kingston & Big E fighting, with Xavier Woods on the outside, before correcting himself and saying it was Xavier Woods & Big E, with Kofi Kingston on the outside. Hey, they all look alike, right?


It's his homage to JR.


That exceedingly long beat down on Rollins did a pretty good job of killing any interest in seeing those two go at Mania. They'll probably put the suitcase on the line now because they've already blown their wad on giving Orton his retribution.



WWE are masters at killing solid feuds dead before the match by having the babyface get tons of revenge on TV. They ruined Ambrose vs Rollins with that.



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The thing that baffled me about the length was I noticed it ended at quarter past the hour. Is that normal? seemed like a waste of an over run. Surley they could have just had Orton RKO him walk off and then do some stuff post show if they wanted.


How often do you watch Raw? It always runs over by 5 to 15 minutes every week. The USA Network allows them a little extra because it's live.

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The internet was going wild for RKOs outta nowhere. WWE in response pull Orton off TV for longer than necessary then, on his return, make him slowly torture his rival for an age before hitting an RKO, not outta nowhere. WWE are definitely just taking the piss.

The actual Randy Orton character is a smart cookie. He didn't want to go down the Daniel Bryan route of having to overcome week after week of beat downs and 4 on 1 matches. He took his time, allowed the Authority to make mistakes and fall apart, and got the serious revenge on Rollins he was looking for, not just the fleeting glory of an occasional RKO outta nowhere. Any time other than right before Wrestlemania, this would have stood out. The telegraphing for the TV audience made the third hour the most watched for once.


It's not the fault of Orton and Rollins that the other WM storylines are hampered by part timers not being around. They did a fine job in the spot they were given, and a 15 minute match on the main show should be explosive

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