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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I'm going to make a prediction. If it is a three way for the title at WrestleMania, both Reigns and Bryan will be booed out of the building. You can sense a Daniel Bryan backlash coming. He's just such an unlikable cunt these days. Its amazing how this has happened. That dim grin he has on his face all the time and the fact he's winging all the time reminds me of a mix between Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart in late 96/97. Except Bret was supposed to be moaning for an eventual heel turn and Michaels was supposed to be smug unlikable heel. Or he's like a Vince Russo booked main event babyface in TNA. I have no idea how Bryan has turned so unlikable. He's like the nicest man in the world. Maybe its the hair. Maybe its the fact he's trying to steal Reigns number 1 contendership off him, even though Reigns actually won it fairly. But his characters done a proper turn since last year.


He's also getting a smattering of boos. Which was unthinkable last year. And I dont care how over you are with smart fans, if getting booed becomes a thing, few can survive it. Especially in there with Brock Lesnar, who is impossible to dislike.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I don't think Bryan should have been tweaked like this, he obviously works best when wronged and the fans urgently rally behind him. However, it could be argued that Bryan is showing initiative, he's trying to get back to the top at all costs without being too ruthless but is showing a confidence and assertiveness that he didn't previously show. Sure makes him look like somebody with the balls to go after something compared to Ziggler and co who just rolled over when they got fired.


Saying all that, it's Bryan's humility that made him endearing initially and if it ain't broke why fix it.

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I'd like a bryan turn to be reigns post mania feud. Get the vegan chat, chumming up with his heel wife and stop doing the yes and he can talk the crowd against him

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Daniel Bryan's always been a cocky bellend as a top babyface, except when the Authority were battering him every week. Look at that "Japan! Workrate! Moveset!" promo leading to his SummerSlam match with Cena. And every time he turned the tables on the Authority he was obnoxious as fuck, like when they got fired and he followed them out of the arena ner-nerring. His everpresent grin can't help but look smug when he's getting the upper hand.

Edited by King Pitcos
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It seems too convenient that he's tapping in to his more 'entitled' persona when they desperately want Reigns to get over. It has to be on purpose. If they wanted him to stay as over they'd have kept him as the defiant underdog. I want a hair slicked, yuppie goatee'd Bryan post 'Mania.

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So according to Observer Radio they flew Brock in for this week's show but he didn't appear because of some kind of issue. Meltzer wouldn't speculate on what it was and on who's end until he finds out more.


Coincidently, Frank Mir was throwing a challenge Brock's way on UFC's show this weekend. This should be fun.

Edited by Benno
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So much to digest in short time, but Ian's right. For Lesner, he has to test the market out there. He'll look at all the options out there which will be UFC and Belletor to begin with. With Frank Mir winning at the weekend, there's the potential match up straight off the bat. Would it be a one fight deal or more? Has to be more!


His training time, lack of downtime which he's had for the past two years at least would be reduced, whereas his life is pretty cruisy at the moment during his time off. His schedule would be easy on his body if he stays, but it's hard to really gauge what Brock is thinking.


His money at WWE would increase quite significantly in this current situation if he re-signs. Brock had been reported to appear on Raw Monday Night, but that didn't happen due to certain issues. I would have natually assumed he'd have featured post FastLane, but Heyman did his bit.


My thoughts are swaying slightly towards Heyman turning on Lesner for Reigns to defeat. My take on their promo was the only one who knows how to to beat him is Heyman storyline, thus backing reigns come 30 odd days time. But then that could happen if the company already knows he's not signing back on. Somehow it seems right to turn, but wrong for any future programmes with Brock and Heyman, it just won't be the same again for them.


It really does make a complete mockery within the system from Vince all the way down to creative and the one million writers alleged to be working for the company. It's very funny watching this bloody mess keep screwing up, and I'm in total agreement with Disco Inferno of all people, where the company needs to stop the bleeding, swallow their prides, and move this product in the right direction the way wrestling should be in 2015. They are completely ruining the modern era of Pro Wrestling within WWE not this preppy bullshit sports entertainment....MWAH


Enjoy the Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan re visit. Why don't they go whole hog and put that match on first at WM and go 17 seconds with Bryan winning!!


The "cancer" of the Divas division, not my words, being all that are the Bella's. Jesus Christ Vince is a bastard for not doing the NXT style on his main programming and producing that rubbish finish involving Paige. God I can see her family cringing at the way her daughters scripting is being portrayed, but no, feed us God awful storylines and no in ring performing which means absolutely nothing!


RIP 154

Edited by undercover elephant
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I thought the promo with Bryan and Reigns was really good and there was an actual pop when they shook hands and an even bigger pop when Bryan told Reigns to beat the crap out of Brock at Mania.


But then the promo Heyman did saying he'd back Reigns to beat all these legends of the past just got boos and it felt like a giant misstep. Unless the plan is to turn him heel at Wrestlemania.

Edited by digforvictory
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