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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Bryan comes out and talks about how all the doctors have said if he carries on wrestling he'll be Rocky 5 brain damaged so it's with a heavy heart he's decided to.......cue Lesnar annihilation and Bryan secretly entering the Rumble and facing Brock at 'mania.


You could even scrap the rumble bit, put the belt on Cena and do Reigns vs Cena for the belt at mania and have Brock vs Bryan as a grudge match. At least Reigns has a fighting chance at winning the mania crowd over then.

Edited by Mr_Danger
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Very good final Raw of the year. The whole show was enjoyable and easily watchable. Loved the Daniel Bryan segment, looking forward to the Rumble even more. Glad the authority are back, thought it was a great way to end. 4:16am Bedtime now. 

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I expected that RAW to be much about nothing with it being in-between Christmas and New Year but it was really good.


If Bryan is good to go then he's got to win the Rumble and face Lesnar at WrestleMania. It's the best story out there, the fact the title was stripped from him, the comeback from injury and the fact Reigns just isn't ready for it.


Great to see Barrett back too!

Edited by Winston
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I bought the Best of Sting DVD set today, look forward to educating myself on the guy.




I think the Authority return is purely to start building HHH/Sting for Mania


Agreed. Anonymous Raw GM aside, Raw has been much better without them. I like that they haven't leaned too heavily on celebrities as guest host/GM, having entertaining guys who understand the product like Bryan, Edge and Christian run the show really breathes life into it.


This week's Raw was great. Nothing will ever convince me that 3 hours is a good run time for a weekly episodic show, but this was excellent, even with a halved roster.


Edge and Christian were great. Christian's line of "That's what I was going for," was the first time I actually laughed out loud during a wrestling show since The Rock was last on.


It's a pity Christian appears to have retired with such little fanfare. All the injuries caused him to fizzle out, and having a big send off would have been a little strange given that he's spent most of the last 3 years on the shelf. That said, surely they could have done something more than a random throwaway Jerry Lawler line.


Loved Ryback's promo, simply because it had depth and a story, which is more than I can say for most who get mic time (Ambrose, Wyatt, Stardust etc). I remember watching the Million Dollar Tough Enough and being impressed with Ryan Reeves' look. Now, I'm a little sad on finding out the guy was two years younger than I am now when he was in that contest. Need to eat my vitamins and say my prayers.


Reigns was decent, but considering he's facing Rollins, I expected a bit better in that match. Unless Reigns has a Charlotte Flair-esque improvement coming, he's nowhere near ready to be the Man at WM.


Thank fuck Bryan is back. He's become a much better actor, he almost hid the smile on his face before the big reveal.


Wrestlemania main event- Lesnar vs. Bryan. Then Triple H vs. Sting, Cena vs. Rusev, Shield triple threat. Best for business right there.

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Bryan beat Cena clean, Cena beat Lesnar. Lesnar beat Cena. It's possible. It's wrestling, anything's possible and should be.

Absolutely. From a kayfabe perspective, Bryan might just be the most likely guy to overcome the odds and beat Lesnar. Remember he beat Triple H and then Orton & Batista in the same night, whilst injured, with plenty of outside interference. It's a perfect Rocky replica story.


Also I reckon he'd get the very best out of Lesnar, too. Lesnar is great chucking smaller guys around and Bryan can have an excellent big man/little man match. I remember a fantastic match he had of Smackdown a couple of years ago VS Big Show.


Edit: also, now Bryan is in the rumble, there's no way Reigns is going to win it AND remain as a face now. As others have said, the crowd will want a Bryan win and nothing else.

Edited by PunkStep
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