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What was the season premiere stuff about anyway??? Don't get that when it's on every week.


Plus the Bella Segment made Brie look like an absolute bitch. What's going on with this fued. Whose now the heel?????

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What was the season premiere stuff about anyway??? Don't get that when it's on every week.


Plus the Bella Segment made Brie look like an absolute bitch. What's going on with this fued. Whose now the heel?????


September is premiere season in the US, when the top shows return for new seasons or new shows debut

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What was the season premiere stuff about anyway??? Don't get that when it's on every week.


It's an attempt to make people think it's new and exciting, because all the other programmes are having their season premieres at the time... And they had hard competition last night with the football, so it was to give them a bit more sparkle to the show. This isn't a new thing in WWE, either. I don't know if they do it every year, but this definitely isn't the first time they've done it.


It worked as well, the rating was slightly up from last week rather than the slaughtering they could have had.

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Agree with point made yesterday. A solid two hours of Raw over three hours. Cena/Heyman segment was tremendous. Absolutely loved it. What a great antagonist and a brilliant response. But fuck I wanna see a heel John Cena.


Cage match was decent. The dive was sold brilliantly. Not sure I need to see anyone getting slammed in a cage door ever again though. Way over done.


Reigns/Orton was good and the post-match angle was solid. Looked shit having all them guys coming down to hold the black supports though. Not sure about the Rollins near-impaling. The spot looked like it was supposed to happen, hence the dive, but I'm not sure he was supposed to almost die. I think he fucked up. His "shit your pants" reaction when it nearly came down looked genuine.


Cena/Lesnar, Reigns/Rollins, Jericho/Orton looks a reasonable top line for he PPV with support from Usos/Dusts and Sheamus/Cesaro.


Didn't watch much else. Fuck the Bellas nonsense. Did see Springer's post match tribute to Mick Foley on the stretcher in FF which was funny.


If they're going to make a big deal of the season premiere, shouldn't there be a season finale? Could be a ratings hit if they put enough behind it.

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If they're going to make a big deal of the season premiere, shouldn't there be a season finale? Could be a ratings hit if they put enough behind it.

Wouldn't it kinda undermine both if the finale is the week before the premiere?



Only the same amount as having a season premiere for a show that never finishes.

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So if it was the season premiere of Raw it should have been the season premiere of Smackdown last week too. What was the difference? I think it was just to give them something else to rant about during commentary.  Can't recall them doing it last year. Last time i remember them talking about a season premiere was 5 or 6 years back.

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So if it was the season premiere of Raw it should have been the season premiere of Smackdown last week too. What was the difference? I think it was just to give them something else to rant about during commentary.  Can't recall them doing it last year. Last time i remember them talking about a season premiere was 5 or 6 years back.


Hopefully they'll us why at Wrestlemania. We need something to go on instead of Undertaker's match. 

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