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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Liked the Hogan stuff. Shame there was no Brutus. I'd have preferred Bruti to Orndorff. Funniest part was Hall hiding behind Gene Okerlund when Brock came out.


I thought it looked like that too at first, but I think Hall was just positioning himself to be next to Hogan and in the money shots. 


How out of place did Orndorff look in the ring next to everybody else!? 

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Orndorff looked like a senile old man hobbling down to the ring, that was horrible. He was before my time, but surely even fans of him had to be embarrassed by that. The timing issue made WWE look super dumb with the birthday cake gag, even Lawler had to say, "Well, everyone watching already knows that."


Great to see the nWo. The crowd caught onto Hall's bit really quickly, kudos to them, there were actually boos for the red and yellow!


Rest of the show:


Steph and Brie... ugh. We could see what was happening the second Bryan's "physical therapist" hit the ring, and it was total shit. Shame, because everything else in the feud has been pretty good by Diva standards.


How many times have we seen the distraction/roll up thing lately? AJ looked like a complete dumbass for not just ignoring Paige and squashing Eva Marie.


Has RVD won a single match since returning? The poor guy's lost all credibility. I really don't understand why he came back. I like Van Dam a lot, but he hasn't even had any feuds, no appearances on big PPVs like Summerslam, Survivor Series, Rumble or Mania. He just trots out week after week to lose.


Y2J suited up once again! Best verbal exchange of the feud yet, they've peaked at the right time. Good to see Jericho keep his rebuttal serious and short. Wyatt looks more comfortable talking than anyone on the roster, save Heyman.


Roman Reigns getting cutesy in his promo... ugh, so it begins. They're going to pussify the badass Reigns just to make sure he really fills that kid-friendly spot of Cena's. I know that seems like C-Rock whining, but I got a bit of an ill feeling in my gut with that "Believe that!" line.


Super Mario looks amped up for his match with Brock Lesnar at Summerslam.


Seriously though, everything with that feud clicked. That Network special after Raw was great to sell it too, too bad the only people watching it are the ones who have already paid for it.

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Good enough Raw,still seems a bit weird having Swagger beat Cesaro clean.Amazing how quickly his stock has fallen and Swagger's has risen.


Loved the dirty smile on Eva Marie's face when Lesnar came out and interrupted Hogan's party.


Paige was good value again this week as well.

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I liked how Orton had the crowd in the palm of his hand at the business end of him vs Sheamus. Like he wanted to remind everyone how he's so good, it won't hurt him a bit to put Reigns over clean on Sunday.

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I'm not into Roman Reigns, at all, it has to be said. Magnificent specimen, but there's just something I can't put my finger on as to why I don't like - or believe in - him.


He doesn't have it. That thing that they want so badly for him to have, for him to connect with the audience and stay over for a long period of time. Even the UKFF's collective boner about him can't make it happen. I'm sure he'll be around forever and his inevitable coronation as "the guy" vs Lesnar next year will be fun. Just can't see him 5 years from now in the Cena spot and never losing.


A criticism of Daniel Bryan was the hint of a smirk on his face during serious promos. Worse is Eva Marie's smirk during matches. She's the heir to the Vickie Guerrero hate spot. Make her GM of smackdown and feel the hate wash over her like a tide of terrible hair colouring.

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Thoroughly enjoyed this weeks Raw. There was no poxy comedown from what I feel was a high the night before at SummerSlam, and everyone (except the Bella’s and the progressively inept JBL) delivered with aplomb.

Heymans promo was fucking mesmerising.

Stephanie is the most attractive female walking this earth at the moment.

Miz and Ziggler surprisingly entertained me again.

I'm a bit disappointed the Swagger push has grinded to a halt, as I've been enjoying him. 

The Rhodes Brothers/Uso’s match was as solid as you’d come to expect from them cunts.

Ryback was like a man possessed and I’ve been starting to really take to Rybaxel as a team over the last few weeks, it has to be said.

Ambrose and Rollins delivered a better match than the night before, and I wish I was Dean Ambrose.

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Decent Raw. Heyman's follow-up to SummerSlam was pretty awesome. New WWE title is too similar to the old one to have any wow factor but it's alright. I love Lesnar just sitting on that stand until he got bored of it and kicked it over. Also Lesnar mouthing Heyman's lines is hilarious.


The Nikki Bella stuff was too soap opera for me. hey had a good WWE-based reason why she would have turned on Brie. Instead they write a backstory that isn't there and isn't necessary. Steph! Steph! Steph! saved the segment.


Ambrose/Rollins was heated again. Good use of Kane to keep the heat on Rollins while Ambrose is only gaining reasons to eventually kick the living shit out of him. Would love to see this end in Hell in a Cell. It's perfect for it.


Reigns continues to roll on. The crowd reaction to Ryback was brilliant though. I wonder if a few people backstage got a bit red in the cheeks when they realised what they fucked up with him.


If you want to get on TV, take a 9.99 sign to Raw.


Distraction roll-ups are the worst.


Wyatts vs. Big Show and Henry was tremendous. Noticable though how much quicker Harper and Rowan were than the two vets. They could do to win more matches. They're too good to job every week.

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When is the last time Mark Henry cut a poor promo? He knocked it out of the park again last night. Whisper it quietly, but over the past couple of years he may have quietly been one of the very best promo guys in the entire industry.

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When is the last time Mark Henry cut a poor promo? He knocked it out of the park again last night. Whisper it quietly, but over the past couple of years he may have quietly been one of the very best promo guys in the entire industry.


It's such a massive pity that it's taken him all this time to become a truly excellent all-rounder and his body keeps letting him down.

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Also Lesnar mouthing Heyman's lines is hilarious.


The Nikki Bella stuff was too soap opera for me. hey had a good WWE-based reason why she would have turned on Brie. Instead they write a backstory that isn't there and isn't necessary. Steph! Steph! Steph! saved the segment.


Ambrose/Rollins was heated again.


Distraction roll-ups are the worst

Had a chuckle when Brock did that for sure!


Can someone explain what the fuck that opener was doing at the start?!! I thought it had no business kicking the show off. Could have easily been on a half past hour slot.


The clothesline at the end of the match with Rollins and Ambrose showed an unprectable spot which made me go wow!


An enjoyable show which had Rusev and Mark Henry, Ziggler, Cesaro, Brock. A good blend.

Edited by undercover elephant
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Paul Heyman man, the guys wrestling sex, I need to get hold of his dvd as soon as.


Nikki Bella, Natalya ad AJ all have smackable facial skills, its a good job they all contribute in the tits and arse category.


The 3 Shield guys have really saved WWEs arse in the last year because at the start of the year if you would have said Raw would still be a good show without Punk, Cena and Bryan I wouldnt have BOlieved you, the 3 guys have really stepped up.


Throw my name into the hat of the Ambrose worshippers, the dudes top class.

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When it rems the last time Mark Henry cut a poor promo? He knocked it out of the park again last night. Whisper it quietly, but over the past couple of years he may have quietly been one of the very best promo guys in the entire industry.

Good point, what struck me about his promo tonight was his delivery, it reminded me of Marcellus Wallace in Pulp Fiction, which is only gona be badass.

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Main event was brilliant,even with the shitty nwo powdered brick finish.Having the Bella's feature so prominently only works when Steph is involved,I have zero interest in seeing them feud with each other.Cena's one is marginally better on the mic,and looks less like a clown when wearing that red lipstick than Bryan's one though.


What did Jericho say in his promo?I find his voice so annoying that I skip through any segment that involves him speaking.


Cesaro's siren music is fucking shite,and he's such a dull bastard when he's not swinging or uppercutting people.


The Ambrose ''its for charity'' line was nice.

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