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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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A great start to the Summer Slam build. All the big angles over delivered.


I knew Lesnar was returning, but I liked the way they led to it. With it seeming like Triple H had no choice but to go for the bloke that broke he and his wall eyed mates arms.

When Heyman is in these big angles he's always up to it; that promo was truly excellent. Really put over both men and the match as something you really shouldn't be missing. I like that they are now referring to John Cena as the greatest champion of all time, it adds something extra to the match.

Summer Slam is on my birthday and watching Cena v Lesnar is a wonderful present from WWE. Madness that people were crying about WWE selecting this golden feud over something else.


The other highlight was definitely Stephanie and Triple H. I'm genuinely looking forward to a Stephanie v Bella match down the road. You can see it being the most heated womens match in years.


Speaking of women, Paige finally turned up. It wasn't outstanding, but it was well done.


I'm well up for a new Nation group. Be even better if they had Mizark turn up as the leader. Big E and Henry would make a great powerhouse team.

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Bloody hell Paige reminded me of her Mum last night... that storyline's been a bit weird, but as a heel she should be great.


The whole thing with Triple H reluctantly giving Brock the title shot in order to get the belt(s) off Cena makes it fairly obvious that originally the plan was for him to prise it off Daniel Bryan, which would have been way better, but Brock being back with Paul Heyman in full Paul Heyman mode is still great.  I'd be quite happy with him winning the belt(s) and showing up whenever the fuck he feels like, maybe with the whole thing turning around and Hunter actually needing Bryan to win it back from Brock?!


Oh, and Layla looked ridiculously hot last night..!

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Triple H trolling the yewtrees at the start was the highlight. Pretty great Raw all round. It didn't make sense that he was going to give Orton the shot before Reigns intervened, though.


They really have to stop sticking Heyman with shitehawks now. He's great with someone established at the top level, but he can't get someone new over to save his life. The last three have all just quietly stopped being Heyman guys.

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Triple H trolling the yewtrees at the start was the highlight. Pretty great Raw all round. It didn't make sense that he was going to give Orton the shot before Reigns intervened, though.


They really have to stop sticking Heyman with shitehawks now. He's great with someone established at the top level, but he can't get someone new over to save his life. The last three have all just quietly stopped being Heyman guys.

I wouldn't say it was a matter of them being shitehawks. Ryback and Cesaro both have something, but Ryback got saddled with Axel as a pair, and Cesaro got used to gather heat for Lesnar. It's actually shocking how much of Cesaro's momentum that Heyman completely killed.

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Ryback and Axel weren't a team until after they split from Heyman. In contrast to his ECW reputation, Heyman with a deeply flawed performer fails to accentuate their positives and actually seems to highlight their negatives. Unless they're already a star -- Lesnar's not much better at talking than Axel and Cesaro are, but he has the aura, appearance and history that lets him stand there while Heyman talks and look like a star instead of a spare wank. Ryback, Axel and Cesaro didn't.

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Could you not say Heyman had a hand in establishing Brock first time round? Sure, he could back it up in ring, but a lot of what got Brock to the top so convincingly in 02 was due to Heyman to some extent.


Doesn't mean he still has that ability now, but he did okay with a non-established guy back then, so you'd think he'd still have some of that talent, at least.

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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Yeah, he did it with Brock the first time -- although even in that time period, he tried it with Albert to about as much success as his latest three. So that just makes me think that Heyman can help you along if you've got the goods anyway, but he can't make chicken salad out of chicken shit.


WWE has finally started putting the black wrestlers together in a new Nation of Domination, after fifteen years of white kids on the Internet asking them to do so.

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Ryback probably would've done a great number against The Rock, and could have lost there with infinitely less damage done to his persona. If they'd run with him to that point, he'd still be a viable star now. But The Shield might not have taken off as well as they did. They were the one positive to come from Ryback's murder in October 2012 and subsequent 20 months of fucking the corpse. Well, The Shield and The Big Guy's bully gimmick, until that got thrown out to play job boy to SuperPunk again.

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I guess the coming out the crowed thing is to "stay true to his roots" and keep the crowed popping kind of thing but he is going to need a bit more of a costume and music change in my opinion. Very soon to if he doesn't want to come across as the guy clinging onto his former stable character that falls down the card.


Hard as that may be to see now, I think without clarifying some individual character his mega push is going to stall sooner than later

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Yeah, he did it with Brock the first time -- although even in that time period, he tried it with Albert to about as much success as his latest three. So that just makes me think that Heyman can help you along if you've got the goods anyway, but he can't make chicken salad out of chicken shit.


This is a fair point. Heyman is an incredible talker but if the guy he's talking about/for can't back it up - it doesn't matter. The exception being Ryback who could have backed it up but they had nothing for him to do except put Punk over which killed any chance of rebuilding him.


Good Raw I thought, like many others.


The Steph/Brie stuff was the highlight. They were both brilliant. Brie in trying to fly over the barrier showed more fire than I've seen from a female wrestler in years. Steph was awesome as the antagonist. I'llbe absolutely guted if we don't get highlights of her visit to jail next week in full on Mountie mode. "You want the finger? There's the finger". Steph vs. Brie at SummerSlam? I'm up for that.


Trips "Me and my friend Mark" promo was funny stuff. Looks like Reigns vs. Orton at SummerSlam. Not overly excited about that but Reigns could use a decisive win over a big name.


Cesaro looked better standing up for himself and they did a good job with the finish. Ambrose continues to look like a nutter and Cesaro doesn't have to lose for once. Loved the uppercut spot.


Wyatt promo was very good. Loved the back drop of the highlight reel. Brilliant thing about the Wyatt character is he can absorb losses. He's delusional so it doesn't affect him, he can brush it off.


Paige heel turn was well done and she looked excellent for the first time on the main roster. Killing Khali was a great use of Rusev. New Nation was the first thing I thought when Woods came out. But more likely I think Big E just kills him for weeks. Fandango needs to send his CV to Dixie.


Cena/Lesnar, Orton/Reigns, Ambrose/Rollins, Steph/Brie, Paige/AJ, Swagger/Rusev and Wyatt/Jericho is a pretty good SummerSlam card. Just needs some stips in the mid-card to make it feel big time.

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