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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Admittedly have yet to watch Raw this week but I'm really into Ambrose's character at the moment. What do people see for him in the future. I think if they keep going with him he could be huge as an Austin style face in the future.


A huge babyface future for him is definitely possible, but not simply because of his "against the system" look/style like Austin (He's more comparable to pillman for my money). For me he fits under the same description as Heyman used on Jericho's podcast for Tomy Dreamer. If we see him get beat back and forth but he keeps coming back then the audience will really believe in him. It's a classic Rocky story. The way he was getting beat backstage on Raw and once it looked like it was all done, he climbed half back up and uttered "is that all you got boys?" that was the start of it for me. I instantly thought of how Heyman described Tommy Dreamer.

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Ambrose is easily the best member of The Shield, he has the whole package, and once Reigns' star dies from numerous failed title shots, I think we'll find he'll be the most successful of the 3. Rollins is going nowhere, though!

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With all the Punk being taken off WWE.com etc, anyone find Heymans little 'Plan C' comment interesting? May be reading too much into it.


Yes, you're reading too much into it. It's almost certainly Lesnar, setting up him and Cena at Summerslam. Punk is emphatically gone from WWE.

Edited by mim731
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once Reigns' star dies from numerous failed title shots


I don't think that's going to happen. He's not going to be pinned at Battleground, he's probably not going to be pinned clean this year, there's a strong chance he's going to win the Royal Rumble and he's probably going to beat either John Cena or Brock Lesnar (or both) clean in the next 12 months. When WWE pick you as the next big star...you don't lose title matches.


I know you don't like Roman Reigns but it's clear that WWE are building him up for a main event spot and the fans are buying into him. It'll take something catastrophic happening to derail their plans for him.

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What sense does that make? He's in the title picture now, so they'll gauge the reactions and pull the trigger when the time is right. It's not like they're making him look weak, and he won't be pinned on Sunday, so I don't think I get that statement.


On that logic, either nobody should ever be pushed again or anyone who is should win the title straight away.


Or did I miss the sarcasm with that statement? I'm ever so confused...

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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Soon as I heard Heyman say 'Plan C' I thought of Brock Lesnar.


The lack of Lesnar being mentioned this week and the plan C comment led me to believe they are trying to make people think it will be Cesaro.


Blatantly Lesnar though.

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What sense does that make? He's in the title picture now, so they'll gauge the reactions and pull the trigger when the time is right. It's not like they're making him look weak, and he won't be pinned on Sunday, so I don't think I get that statement.


On that logic, either nobody should ever be pushed again or anyone who is should win the title straight away.


Or did I miss the sarcasm with that statement? I'm ever so confused...

Not sure it's sarcastic, just people worrying after Ryback, I think. As long as Reigns doesn't suffer any losses and they find him something to occupy him during the Lesnar/Cena stuff, he should be OK.


I'm not sure why he's in the match in the first place. Authority were desperate to keep him out of the MITB match but stuck him straight in this with a weak explanation.

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Admittedly have yet to watch Raw this week but I'm really into Ambrose's character at the moment. What do people see for him in the future. I think if they keep going with him he could be huge as an Austin style face in the future.


Nobody's going to be as huge as Austin because the current booking philosophy doesn't allow it and wrestling just isn't popular now anyway. By all rights he should be a big star though. I said before that he had the highest ceiling of all The Shield guys and now he's beginning to look like the potential biggest act in the company. But the cynic in me (and, yes, the paranoid Ambrose fanboy in me) doesn't see him being pushed as a top act. I see him as an enduringly popular act with live crowds/'smarks' that gets main events and titles but is ultimately used to get over the guys that they are pushing to the top. There's been warning signs in how he's been used in the last couple of weeks. It's obviously way to early though and I'm probably dead wrong.


I like Reigns quite a bit but he's in danger of being exposed as vanilla if his mic work doesn't pick up. Still not sure about his look either. But I do think he is more likely to succeed than to fail.


Rollins I honestly can't stand. He's laughably miscast in his current role and I'd be surprised if anyone gives a shit about him after the Ambrose feud. Just let him fly as a Jeff Hardy type babyface. And don't give him a live mic. Ever.

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once Reigns' star dies from numerous failed title shots


I don't think that's going to happen. He's not going to be pinned at Battleground, he's probably not going to be pinned clean this year, there's a strong chance he's going to win the Royal Rumble and he's probably going to beat either John Cena or Brock Lesnar (or both) clean in the next 12 months. When WWE pick you as the next big star...you don't lose title matches.


I know you don't like Roman Reigns but it's clear that WWE are building him up for a main event spot and the fans are buying into him. It'll take something catastrophic happening to derail their plans for him.


I do like Roman Reigns, he's great. I also liked Ryback, and look what happened there.


What sense does that make? He's in the title picture now, so they'll gauge the reactions and pull the trigger when the time is right. It's not like they're making him look weak, and he won't be pinned on Sunday, so I don't think I get that statement.


On that logic, either nobody should ever be pushed again or anyone who is should win the title straight away.


Or did I miss the sarcasm with that statement? I'm ever so confused...


Yeah he's in the title picture now, but with the plans for the title from now until probably Wrestlemania not including him winning it, they need to stop putting him in title matches he won't win. Whether he gets pinned or not, all it takes is one too many failed shots and he comes across as a loser.

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Yeah he's in the title picture now, but with the plans for the title from now until probably Wrestlemania not including him winning it, they need to stop putting him in title matches he won't win. Whether he gets pinned or not, all it takes is one too many failed shots and he comes across as a loser.

I don't know if that is necessarily the case though. Sure that happened with Ryback, but all Ryback really had going for him was this indestructible, unstoppable monster gimmick, and once he was stopped a few times and lost that aura he was fucked. Rybackhad one on one matches for the title, ones inside a Hell in a Cell, where there is nowhere left to hide, and he still couldn't get the job done. Its hard to paper over the cracks in those kind of scenarios.


Reigns in being put in (so far) multi man matches where he doesn't have to take the fall, where a variety of mitigating circumstances can come into play. Its easier to take a loss in that kind of environment and not take too much damage. Plus Reigns is different to Ryback in the sense that he is just cooler than him. Maybe its just me, but I get the feeling that people look at Reigns and they want to be that guy. I always thought it was lightning in a bottle with Ryback, right guy in the right place at the right time, but its been a bit more organic with Reigns, and therefore I think he could sustain a screwjob loss or two before finally overcoming the odds and getting his redemption.


Case in point would be someone like Daniel Bryan; he was screwed around immensely at Summerslam last year, but its didn't stop him being the most over act on the card. Sure, he has different qualities to Reigns and has the whole underdog thing going for him, and the YES movement etc. but he still remained over, and the crowd firmly in his corner in spite of him losing several title rematches and what not.


I'm not saying Reigns can definitely follow the same trajectory as Bryan, or that the fans would definitely be as loyal to him as they were to Bryan either. But at the same time, I don't think the fans would be as fickle with him as they were with Ryback either. There is no set formula, and just because Ryback went down the tubes a certain way, doesn't mean Reigns is destined to follow.


I agree with LaGoosh in that I think there is a good chance that Reigns won't even suffer another pinfall/submission loss between here and the new year. Maybe one in some big screwjob finish around Survivor Series or something, but I think he can handle not winning a multi man ladder match, and absorb a loss in a 4 way where he doesn't take the fall too.

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