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They're clearly taking their time to build him up for one of the big boys. Given the cartoon nature of Rusev, you would think he's the perfect foil for John Cena. Essentially Cena v Putin. They've done a great job so far, as it's clearly getting over with the crowds. Past that I don't really care so much, as I've got exactly what I want.


No doubt, if the Rusev act is still over (and WWE are still interested) post-Cena losses, then they can continue it for a bit longer before he turns on Lana and Putin.

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He could go after the US title to make a statement. I think that'd be a good way to go, but project it so that he takes that belt and then has his focus on the WWE title shortly after to keep momentum going so he doesn't become just another midcard guy.

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It was my suspicion before Bryan lost the title that Rusev's opponent in a theoretical match at MITB and/or Battleground would have been his last before Cena. That would have made the core SummerSlam card, for me ;


Daniel Bryan VS Brock Lesnar

Roman Reigns VS Triple H

John Cena VS Rusev

Dean Ambrose VS Seth Rollins


You would have looked forward to that, yeah?

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Decent show. Lana (and Rusev) was definitely the star again. I thought Big E.'s promo was going quite well until he went all Boogeyman. Matches between them will still be good though. Big E. could do great if he's positioned as the stepping stone to Cena. He has a great promo voice. They just need to leave out the gimmick.


Is running a repeat of the Smackdown main event an admission that no-one watches Smackdown or have they just really run out of ideas?


Liked the way both matches were extended to 8-men. Should have made more of Kane being in to aid Orton though I thought.


Steph was brilliant. And what a trouper to show that much arse. If only for someone who might actually benefit.

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Stephanie is easily the best non-wrestler in the game at the moment. As much as people say "Heyman!" I ask you who Heyman's actually putting over? Steph's doing a great job, showing plenty of arose too.

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Liked the way both matches were extended to 8-men. Should have made more of Kane being in to aid Orton though I thought.

The Money in the Bank Ladder match for the contract only has seven men.


What other matches do we think will be added to the show? There are only 4 matches at the moment, surely they will add a couple more. Goldust/Rhodes vs. Ryback/Axel again? Rusev vs. Big E?

Edited by DJM
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Liked the way both matches were extended to 8-men. Should have made more of Kane being in to aid Orton though I thought.

The Money in the Bank Ladder match for the contract only has seven men.

Oh right. I wasn't really counting when Trips was announcing them. Don't remember them saying there was a spot left. Silly me.

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As much as people say "Heyman!" I ask you who Heyman's actually putting over?


Cesaro and Brock Lesnar, I guess.


Lesnar's off TV and he's done fuck all for Cesaro really. If anything Cesaro's gone backwards since his association with Hey man.

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I reckon that's up for debate. But even if you said just those two it's two more people on TV she made look good than any other non wrestling character has these past monthsr. I'm not even sure what the point you're debating is to be honest. That she's made less people look good than other non wrestlers? She's certainly done a lot more to get over wrestlers or programmes than Heyman as of late, and so she should get the credit for it despite Heyman getting that credit from several corners online. That's clear as day.

Edited by PowerButchi
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