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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I'm all for the idea of this being broken (no pun intended) into segments between matches during WrestleMania. Would be a nice little side story to the show.

They will probably end up showing it to the fans before the pre-show and then putting it on for the viewers at home whilst they take 5-10 minutes to set up the stage for whatever music act that will be performing. 

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Maybe something similar to when Wyatt faced Orton in their fight in the house, going back and forth from whats happening at the Hardy compound to whats going on in raw. It wont be as good as final deletion tna. That was fun. WWE will try to make it serious

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I'd imagine it's going to be VERY similar to Final Deletion, which after all is what everyone wanted right? That was by far the best thing about the Broken gimmick. Most of everything that followed was OTT shite. I think everyone is going to realise that deep down they didn't want to see more of the Broken character after all. I'm all for it though, something different.

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First of all, if this angle achieves nothing more, it got SkySports.com to write the headline ‘WATCH: Matt Hardy seeks advice from a giraffe called George Washington’, which is obviously great.

I didn’t like the main event. But, then, I didn’t really like the original run either, bar the odd cheap laugh, so it clearly isn’t for me. Did laugh at Senor Benjamin and his globe. I wanted more laughs, I think, and I definitely wanted a big lake reveal at the end. Instead it sort of felt like a normal no-fun Bray segment but with a drone, at times.

The booking of Roman is strange. Voluntarily puts himself in handcuffs? I mean that would have been fine if it’d have lead to him doing his ‘Ooh Aah’ thing and snapping them off, but instead he just got beat up by Brock for ages. And the fans didn’t really care. I don’t think handcuffs and stretchers really are what’s going to turn the audience towards him. Sympathy has little sway these days. 

The booking of Ronda Rousey is fucking incredible, however. Like, insanely good. ‘People need to stop being afraid of a woman’s confidence’ is a killer line and they towed the line well between her badassery, the fact she has lost but has bounced back and the fact that she’s a huge wrestling fan and delighted to be in WWE. They seem to instinctively know with her what her selling points are to the WWE universe, who are often shitty to outsiders. 

Whoever wrote the line ‘I decided to talk a lot of shit, break a bunch of arms and at the end of the day at least I can feed my dog’ should be tied to a desk and made to write everyone’s promo’s forever and ever amen.

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Last week the complaint was that Roman just went home. This week he crashed the show, refused to leave, got arrested, beat up the police (which sadly means he'll be in prison and miss WrestleMania) and then took a beating in handcuffs and it's still wrong. It's clear at this point that people don't like him and won't until something changes drastically but let's stop pretending it's this little thing or this little thing. This was a great way to make Lesnar look a cunt. And people cheered. Stop trying to make Reigns the babyface and this will all work.

The Final Deletion was a bit samey albeit without some fun in the lake but was better than the two of them having a normal match. I did like Wyatt just bashing Hardy with his fist in the "Dome of Deletion". Just the sort of crazy, needless offence a guy like him would do. Please tell me that kid isn't really called Wolfgang.

Cena/Taker isn't doing it for me. You missed the fucking boat you useless bastards.

Women's stuff was all great. Really top stuff.

Strowman's promos are dire. They sort of work though. Like everything about him. The "comedy" should be rotten. His work is iffy. But you just can't help but like the big dumpling. He should be in the main event. It seems so obvious.

Edited by tiger_rick
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I refuse to get my hopes up, but I’d love it if this was truly the end of the Bray Wyatt character. Tired, one-note, drags everyone he feuds with down, it’d be a huge benefit to the show if we never saw him again.

I liked Ultimate Deletion. It wasn’t as good as the stuff they did in TNA, and you could tell Matt and Jeff weren’t given the total freedom they had previously, but I still enjoyed the daftness. The most telling thing was Michael Cole apologising to the viewer before it aired. It couldn’t be more clear that Vince isn’t a fan of this stuff, despite being willing to give it a go. It was by far the best thing Matt has done since coming back and maybe the best thing Bray has done since that 6-Man Tag with the Shield years ago.

Roman Reigns getting a, “You Deserve It,” chant after being destroyed. LOL. Guy can’t catch a break from this writing team. Has there ever been a top guy written worse? Sulking off without complaint when suspended, volunteering himself to be handcuffed and constantly being strapped to stretchers, only to be thrown about to laughter and cheers. Imagine Stone Cold or The Rock agreeing to this. 

Edited by Supremo
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Last week the complaint was that Roman just went home. This week he crashed the show, refused to leave, got arrested, beat up the police (which sadly means he'll be in prison and miss WrestleMania) and then took a beating in handcuffs and it's still wrong. It's clear at this point that people don't like him and won't until something changes drastically but let's stop pretending it's this little thing or this little thing. This was a great way to make Lesnar look a cunt. And people cheered. Stop trying to make Reigns the babyface and this will all work.

I don’t like Roman, you’re right. I think he’s a tremendous in-ring performer but I think he’s a terrible, joyless character/promo that seems to take no enjoyment from his work.

But to the bolded points;

- did he crash the show? He came in through the crowd certainly, and took a microphone. He even pulled up a chair. In the past, the pulled up chair and moan is a heel tactic. They’ve used it with Punk, Miz, Ziggler, Bryan... loads of whiney heels. Faces usually fight their way into the ring and then make their demands.

- he didn’t refuse to leave. He voluntarily put himself into handcuffs and was happily leaving until he got touched. Which is a strange distinction to make. Who gets arrested without getting touched?

I agree with you, trying to make him a baby face is the problem. The handcuffs were a convenient way to have him be the victim of a sympathetic beatdown, to try and elicit a baby face reaction. I think had they go full action hero, had him snap his handcuffs and give Brock a fight they would have got a bigger reaction. Put the heel heat on Lesnar by have him run away or something.

To the extent fans have wanted to get behind Roman, it’s been as a quiet, brooding bad ass. Not a guy who pulls up a chair and wants to arrest himself.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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Austin agreed to all sorts of shite. Undertaker trying to emblam him is one of the worst (five) segments in Raw history. It's all forgotten because he was fucking awesome and people loved him. Rock laid down every other week. Booking anyone like him these days would be the black death for them. But he was The fucking Rock. There's no comparison.

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5 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

- did he crash the show? He came in through the crowd certainly, and took a microphone. He even pulled up a chair. In the past, the pulled up chair and moan is a heel tactic. They’ve used it with Punk, Miz, Ziggler, Bryan... loads of whiney heels. Faces usually fight their way into the ring and then make their demands.

- he didn’t refuse to leave. He voluntarily put himself into handcuffs and was happily leaving until he got touched. Which is a strange distinction to make. Who gets arrested without getting touched?

Of course he crashed the show. Angle just said he was suspended and wouldn't be there. Sitting in a chair and refusing to leave has been done by faces loads. There's a great Nitro that starts with Randy Savage doing the same thing. That was better though. People liked Mach.

He didn't resist arrest. Then got pissed when they put their hands on him.

All semantics. People don't like him. That's the be all and end all. So we get this picking apart of every little thing. It's pointless. If they did it like 1998, people would still complain that he's trying to be Steve Austin.

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