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3 minutes ago, Supremo said:

It’s easy to forget, since it’s the least appealing match ever, but isn’t it Angle vs. Hunter at Mania?

I'm guessing not, I think the combination of Angle not looking great out there and Strowman destroying Triple H indicated they had changed direction (if Angle/HHH was the plan in the first place).

36 minutes ago, The King of Old School said:

Reigns/Lesnar, AJ/Nakamura, Cena/Taker and say Strowman/HHH is a strong top end of the card for Mania

That's pretty much my prediction for the top end as well. I'm going to predict the following to make up the rest of the card:


Shane/Bryan VS Owens/Zayn in some sort of street fight- so Daniel Bryan can get away with not taking as many proper bumps and Shane is in his best environment where we don't have to see him wrestle

Asuka VS Paige VS Alexa Bliss

WWE's Four Horsewomen VS MMA's Four Horsewomen (no Smackdown title on the line this year)

Some ladder cluster for the IC title to include Joe, Miz, Balor, Elias, Bray & Matt Hardy. 'Get them on the card'

Raw tag titles involving 2 or more from: The Bar, Rollins/Jordan, Revival, Balor Club

Smackdown tag titles involving Usos, New Day and perhaps Gable/Benjamin and/or Bludgeon Brothers

Andre battle royal, predicting Kane to win

Bobby Roode VS somebody for the United States title. Orton maybe? Unless Orton is shoe-horned into the Nakamura/AJ match. Urgh.

Cruiserweight title match on the pre-show, Enzo VS Neville is the most logical, if they can get things with Neville sorted. If no- god knows. A bit WrestleMania 20 style shitty gauntlet/multi-man thing?

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18 minutes ago, PunkStep said:

I'm guessing not, I think the combination of Angle not looking great out there and Strowman destroying Triple H indicated they had changed direction (if Angle/HHH was the plan in the first place).


Shane/Bryan VS Owens/Zayn in some sort of street fight- so Daniel Bryan can get away with not taking as many proper bumps and Shane is in his best environment where we don't have to see him wrestle

WWE's Four Horsewomen VS MMA's Four Horsewomen (no Smackdown title on the line this year)

I think Angle/Triple H was the plan, and I don't think we've necessarily moved away from that yet - there's no way they could have not known what kind of state Angle would be in when he wrestled, and I suspect part of the reason he was paired with Triple H in the first place is that Trips would be able to work a very safe match with him. Whether the Strowman attack means they changed that plan I don't know - it could just as easily have been a way to take Triple H off TV again, so they can hold off on the build for Triple H/Angle until nearer the time. That would mean potentially dropping a pay-off to the Strowman/Triple H angle, but it's not the first time that's happened - there was one year when Triple H was taken out by Sheamus and ended up facing Undertaker at Wrestlemania, if I remember correctly. Depending on what else Braun is doing at Wrestlemania, it may be that he jumps Trips after the match and we go right back to that for Extreme Rules or whatever.

I don't think there's any chance Bryan is allowed to compete. Even with not taking bumps, it's too politically charged an issue - when there are ongoing lawsuits surrounding head injuries, and WWE forcing people to work through injuries, or without enough knowledge of the link between repeated head injuries and brain damage, there's no way they're going to risk putting someone with a highly publicised history of head injury in a match in any capacity.


I don't think we'll get the Four Horsewomen match either. I'm calling Asuka vs. Rousey for that one, but I just don't see them paying Ronda's mates to come in and work a match when it's only Rousey that's the draw. It seems like an expensive long way round to get to the obvious selling point, which is "Ronda Rousey in WWE".

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4 hours ago, PunkStep said:

Cruiserweight title match on the pre-show, Enzo VS Neville is the most logical, if they can get things with Neville sorted. If no- god knows. A bit WrestleMania 20 style shitty gauntlet/multi-man thing?

a face run for Drew Gulak would be nice

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Thinking about it, I wouldn’t mind seeing Samoa Joe vs. Triple H at Wrestlemania. It’s a bit late to start the angle now, but if they’d kept up with Joe being Hunter’s muscle then there’d have been some great drama in Joe eventually turning babyface. Joe feels like he has far more upside with a Mania win over Triple H than Seth Rollins or Roman Reigns did. There’s something there with Joe if they ever decide to pull the trigger. I reckon they’d have a good match, too.

I wonder though, do you think Joe’s seemingly constant injuries are his hard style catching up with him just as he makes it to the big leagues, similar to Daniel Bryan?

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That would be good - Joe's definitely in a position where he's plausible enough as a top level star for the match to not seem out of place, but still in a position where a big win would actually elevate him, whereas Rollins and Reigns already felt like made men and beating Triple H was just a rite of passage.

I'd say if Joe wasn't hurt there'd be plenty of time to build it - Trips obviously has unfinished business with Angle, Shane and Strowman, but WWE could probably hand-wave that away and rush to something else if they need to. But with Joe being out for a few weeks, it's unlikely.

What I really wanted from that angle of Samoa Joe as Triple H's heavy, while Kevin Owens was still The Authority's boy, was a story to finally reconcile the villainous boss Triple H we see on RAW with the fan-friendly hype man Triple H that opens NXT shows with a promo and takes mark photos with the new indie darling signing. With Owens and Joe both being former NXT Champions, and Seth Rollins having been a former NXT Champion and the previous Triple H project, have it basically turn out that Triple H was using NXT to hand-pick his henchmen, and potentially even his successor. Follow up on stuff like Seth Rollins crashing Takeover to call him out, have William Regal come to RAW and confront him, do a mini "inter-promotional" feud between RAW and NXT in the background of the Triple H/Seth Rollins feud. And then, when Finn Balor returned from injury, he could either side with Triple H's boys, or refuse to - and then you've got an instant transition into your next feud. Obviously none of that happened and nothing really amounted to anything, though.

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So little hook to the show at the moment. They're not telling stories where it matters but killing time. Seeing Strowman throw people around is always fun but "You're fired", throw some people around, tip a lorry cab over, "You're not really fired" in a couple of hours is jut filling time. At the least, he should be fired at the end of the show to build a "What will he do?" type of anticipation.

Jason Jordan as a snivelling weasel is the best thing on the show. It's the only thing that feels like it's going anywhere.

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Most interesting thing on the whole show was Jericho being advertised for next week. 

That bit where Strauman went into the production truck and didn’t really do anything was pretty awkward, wasn’t it? 

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So that may be why it's 6 months or so before  Jericho wrestles Naito. Gives him time for a Mania run. That's some uncanny business.

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"oh my god, they are worth twelve million dollars" might have been the most poorly delivered line in the shows history, Kurt Angle is a terrible actor. He adds nothing as GM does he?

Edited by Egg Shen
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5 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

So that may be why it's 6 months or so before  Jericho wrestles Naito. Gives him time for a Mania run. That's some uncanny business.

I don't think he'll have a Mania run - it's probably not impossible, but Fozzy have a show in New Hampshire the same day as Wrestlemania, and Jericho isn't The Rock, so I doubt they're going to fly him in from his other gig especially.

Even so, going from wrestling Kenny Omega at the Tokyo Dome to appearing on RAW in under a month is pretty canny in and of itself, and - depending on what his contract with NJPW actually is - I wouldn't completely rule out a Royal Rumble spot.

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That'd be a busy day, then. I'd have just stuck him in the Rumble as a surprise entrant.

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I guess they're just making the most of an opportunity. Hopefully they don't just feed him to Strowman or Kane to build them up for the Rumble match.

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