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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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it's mad how much WWE have screwed up with him though. I'd be having wet dreams if I got to book Roman Reigns, it's so easy just hide the weaknesses and he'll kick all sorts of arse, but they tried to portray him as this wise cracking, all-rounder ready-made-Cena-replacement that he's just not. I don't think you can cherry pick a guy and go "that's our new Cena" as a Cena only really proved himself through working harder than all the others. Randy Orton was likely supposed to be the bigger pushed talent back when they were still coming up, but his attitude seems so-so, at least compared to Cena. The next Cena if there can be one will likely just introduce themselves naturally through being shit-hot at all aspects of their job. So I think it's been a big mistake to put that kind of pressure on him, not very subtly either. It's pretty harsh on the guy too, even if he's in a position countless others would do anything for.

Then when the problem looked to have lessened as he got better reactions coming out of the Raw he won the title. Hardly any dissent by the end that night in Philly which can't really be understated. Then the Rumble happened, PPV crowd not taking well to the One Vs All tagline first of all but not hopeless, then they go and book him like a mug nobody would sympathize with by just walking out with referees for a large portion of the match and toddles back when he feels like it - whoever came up with that fine detail needs a lead enema

By that point, most people were fucking meh on Mania's main event and him, the Road to Mania felt like an age. He has been on a decent run though, I think the Rusev stuff was slightly lackluster and he came off as a bit of an arse in a couple segments there, but the AJ stuff revitalized him pretty instantly in my eyes. If the heel turn happens I'll weep with joy

Edited by sj5522
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Fucking hell, just turn him heel. He's absolutely excellent in the ring, he really is, but I reckon his best work was against AJ Styles earlier this year and against Finn Baylor in the Universal title tournament. He's absolutely brilliant at almost bullying people smaller than him, so just subtly turn him heel and he'll be a top heel instantly. The only problem is who faces him as the top face, because nobody on Raw is really clicking as a face right now, and I don't think anybody is particular crying out for more Reigns vs Rollins.

Edited by Slapnut
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Fucking hell, just turn him heel. He's absolutely excellent in the ring, he really is, but I reckon his best work was against AJ Styles earlier this year and against Finn Baylor in the Universal title tournament. He's absolutely brilliant at almost bullying people smaller than him, so just subtly turn him heel and he'll be a top heel instantly. The only problem is who faces him as the top face


Finn Balor. I'm not sure what else they've got for the Raw title match at Mania other than Reigns vs Balor -- maybe Owens vs Jericho, unless the belt's getting called up to Lesnar vs Goldberg. But assuming they do go with Finn like they were going to after SummerSlam, the problem they then face is heels to put him against that will have people invested in the match. The most effective heel to the televised show crowds is a top babyface who goes the gym and gets on rollercoasters. Finn vs Reigns would get people involved. Finn vs Cena would as well. But Finn vs Owens or Jericho or Cesaro or whatever, it's going to be people sitting on their hands or just doing the "THIS IS WRESTLING" chants. It's easy to care about Golden Boy vs Internet Darling. It's kind of easy to care about Golden Boy vs Golden Boy, because that means one of the golden boys is getting ~BURIED. But it's harder to care about the outcome of Darling vs Darling. So then you've got the likes of Sheamus as a challenger that wouldn't be too darlingy, but nobody would buy him as a credible contender anyway.

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I genuinely believe if you turned him heel, after a while he would get the face reactions WWE are looking for.


100%. Have him beat up the internet boys for a few months and like Pitcos said, Balor would have enough Full Sail Credits to go against him into Wrestlemania. They're fucked if they're keeping him face.

Edited by Undefeated Steak
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Just start wading in and throwing the folk out who are booing him for no reason and spoiling shows. Would happen at any other type of show and would hopefully start to lift the stupid sense of self entitlement these pricks have to ruin other people's enjoyment of shows. Reigns is fine as he is.

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Just start wading in and throwing the folk out who are booing him for no reason and spoiling shows. Would happen at any other type of show and would hopefully start to lift the stupid sense of self entitlement these pricks have to ruin other people's enjoyment of shows. Reigns is fine as he is.

You can't start throwing people out for not cheering and booing who you want them to. You'd have no fucker want to come to the shows.

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Once word gets out of a couple being thrown out, then the self indulgent pricks doing it will soon stop. And more people would go as they wouldn't be surrounded by neck beards trying to get over

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You are saying it as if a minority are booing him, he is majorly booed by over 50% of the arenas. Are you planning to chuck out half your crowd every show? It's a damn good way to destroy your live attendance figures - who is going to want to go to a show where they need to do what they're told?

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I genuinely believe if you turned him heel, after a while he would get the face reactions WWE are looking for.

That's the problem, the dicks in the crowd would start cheering for him because he'd be the badass he's supposed to be. He came across that way on Monday because he wasn't making knob/balls jokes like he did during his feud with Sheamus. Yes, there was a massive boo when he said he was "The guy", but even I can't stand that. I find it quite upsetting that he sounds like he comes to the ring to absolute silence, but you can tell he's trying to justify his spot there now. I couldn't help but feel like he was on cruise control a little once he'd realised where his career trajectory was taking him, but wonder whether somebody's had words with him, or he's seen some of the "heat" he's been getting from the "smarks".


EDIT: FUM Something like that would be akin to when the producer trotted out during that Impact taping and bollocked the crowd for doing the exact same thing. People are entitled to cheer or boo for whoever they want to, but I get the feeling after that particular Raw after Mania things got a bit out of hand and now some of the crowds are hoping to make a name for themselves, but that night's crowd went with everything on the show. Still, at least he is getting a reaction as opposed to coming out to complete apathy.

Edited by jazzygeofferz
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WWE will never win with Reigns because they don't know how to book a face these days. Turn him heel and the crowdy will cheer. This will prompt them to turn him face and give him shitty punchlines. The crowd will again boo. Turn him heel again and the crowd will cheer. Rinse and repeat.

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