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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Someone made a good point on the F4Wonline forums. Everything that made Goldberg's promo great was all the old school stuff that they instruct guys not to do.


He played to the crowd, he showed genuine emotion, he spoke directly into the camera, he didn't use any stupid buzzwords or phrases.


Never was it clearer that WWE have completely lost their way with the promos. A guy shouldn't be able to rock up after twelve years away and put the whole roster to shame.


I want them to pay Ryback however much he wants for the Wrestlemania dream match against Goldberg. Provided Toronto don't fuck this up by being dickheads. If anyone thinks Goldberg "doesn't deserve it," or is, "stealing a spot," then they're retarded.


They've certainly lost their way with babyfaces. They do not know how to make babyfaces likeable anymore. 


Goldberg came across last night cool as fuck but also as a hero and someone we should cheer for. It's not as hard to make babyfaces as the WWE makes it look.

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I keep seeing Ryback this or that, why? Ryback is shite and Goldberg is the fucking man, this was obvious before this return and is still the case, Ryback has no charisma at all. Am I missing something? Goldberg vs Cena however, give me some of that.

Yeah Ryback has no charisma.....ok.


You might have him on been careless in the ring and maybe he was a little too big for his boots backstage, but not having charisma........thats bollocks pal. 


It's all down to booking decisions and if you book someone as bad as they did with Ryback, it's going to end up as a shit show no matter how good they look or how good they can potentially connect with the crowd. 


Pro wrestling is very simple and like I've said, they over simplify it. It's not reinventing the wheel.

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Ryback would need some serious rehab. He was buried so badly before he left. You can't possibly expect fans to buy superhero megastar bill Goldberg vs the guy that lost to a midget jobber on the preshow at wrestlemania. It's too late now for that, unless they have him kill a load of people before the match happens.

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Adding to the lost their way thing, when Reigns came out I thought I heard a few more cheers than normal probably down to Rusev and Lana's fun segment. But then they make him shout out to the "Roman Empire" that's the last thing the guy needed right then absolute stinker or a line and killed it all dead for me in minutes. I could even see on his face a little fucking wince when he said that

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I can't believe how great the Goldberg segment was. I would have bet my life that it was going to be underwhelming, including shite WWE entrance music.


It was great! I nearly got choked up watching it. He looked so chuffed with the reaction and happy to interact with kids in the crowd. Genuine emotion, believable storytelling, intensity! this is wrestling!!! 


If he wears Goldust's wig next week I'll top myself.

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What needs to be said about Goldberg has already been said. Just absolutely fantastic. I almost didn't get that far though because I was bloody tempted to switch the show off altogether when Seth Rollins kept calling Jericho "sparkle crotch". Who the fuck are they targeting with stupid shit lines like that?

Vince, probably. He laughed.


Let's not forget how boss Goldberg's jacket is. Want one and I'm willing to sell the house for it.


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Man, Goldberg was sweating like Paul Heyman writing a paycheque.


First bit of WWE I've watched in ages and it was brilliant. I'll definitely be tuning in for Goldberg vs Lesnar 2. In fact, I think I'm going to have to watch Raw next week now as well to see Brock's response. Most I've gave a shit about WWE in years.

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