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Is the Angle stuff just unsubstantiated rumour, or is he legitimately free to return and they've been known to be considering it?

Roman's new vest was a nice change, as was the mixed tag match and promo which I thought was very entertaining.


Certainly another worthwhile episode of Raw.

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I'm fairly sure WWE are still stuck on the whole not wanting someone to die in the ring, thing.


But, I saw it reported at the time that his packing in TNA and making public sops to 'looking after his future health' was his way of showing WWE that he was a responsible grown up, not hell bent of killing himself in a match.

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If Angle can work an indy circuit, I can't see why it would be a danger to have him wrestling a few matches on every other PPV til Mania, after which he can settle into a non-wrestling role. Would be one of my biggest ever pops were it to happen but I'm not holding my breath.

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I think it's partly cos he's having his squashes along side Jax, who really has offered nothing - Jax had some matches with Asuka and Bayley that were good but her as this beast/destroyer/monster of the women's div....nah, I'm not having it, like others have said; she's just a wee bit big, she'd probs actually be more sorted to some kind of body-positive, big and beautiful face gimmick - thats where the money is with her, if there is any - she doesnt look anything like she kicks in heads and feasts on the goo inside like Kong did. The new theme(for Strowman) is great though. Wrestling can let the RAWK go generally thanks but a muddy track like that with a big roar at the start is class. "pay attention to this mean fucker at once". Nia has a catchy lil tune but it has the opposite effect


It's obviously gonna depend a lot on presentation with someone like Braun and I applaud what they've done thus far. He didn't look like a MASSIVE LIABILITY for once at Battleground either as far as I can remember.

Not sure about the reverse chokeslam though, my never-taken-a-bump ass sez a normal chokeslam looks more painful. Wonder why he doesn't seem to use that weird headlock sleeper thing he debuted with? I thought that was pretty cool

Edited by sj5522
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Yeah, but I'll be damned if the set up wasn't perfect for an Angle return. They were in Atlanta, as Cole mentioned the site of the 1996 Olympics- although he conspicuously left out Kurt as a gold medal winner- then Rusev going on about no American being able to beat him set the stage perfectly for a surprise return of some sort... then we got Reigns.

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Definitely agree on the chant, was cringing waiting for it to happen, seemed they told her to wait for it as well the time she took to start talking. 


Angle's in 2k17 based off the roster reveal last week, so there seems to be a legends deal of sorts now he's out of TNA, so it's not out the question he's on good terms with WWE.

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I'd have Strowman use the Crush finisher. His reverse chokeslam thing is an attempt at something new, it just doesn't look very devastating, though perhaps they could tweak it. Even the Baldo Bomb could be a good one for him.


Echoing everyone else's praise for Jericho. When he'd do interviews in the last ten years talking about all the acting and improv comedy etc he's been doing, it never seemed to translate to his wrestling act. Now, it does look like it's all come together for him and he's better than he's ever been. Enzo is up there with him as well, and Charlotte has been on good form. Sasha was crap, she should never be allowed to talk on camera again without a lot of coaching.


Loved that they managed to do a three hour show with half the roster and still manage to give a few of the upper card names (Balor, Reigns, Owens, Cass) the night off from wrestling. If they could do that every week (say no Jericho, Rollins, Zayn matches next week) it'd help the viewer burnout on seeing everyone wrestle all the time -- of course, it's easier to rest lads when you've got a Brock Lesnar appearance for your main event.


And what an appearance it was! I'm definitely over the Heyman hype thing for Brock's matches, but that RKO outta nowhere was fantastic.

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Braun Strowman is every shit, tall guy they've ever tried to push. He'll never get over. They're best just turning these jobber matches into something similar to Rodney Mack’s White Boy Challenge, eventually using it to get someone else over. In fact, since Goldberg is back in their good graces, I'd have no problem with Braun killing jobbers for the next few months, only for Goldberg to show up for the, "Thousand Dollar Challenge," and murder him. Maybe even do it at Wrestlemania, after Goldberg goes into the Hall of Fame the night before. That's the best they'll ever get out of Strowman.


Finn Balor is never going to have it on the mic, is he? I know babyface managers don't really work, but he's the perfect example of a guy with a great look, who's great in the ring, but absolute garbage when it comes to promos. Dead awkward and wonky, he's genuinely difficult to watch sometimes. He'd be great with someone like Heyman doing his interviews. Finn wasn't the worst promo of the show though. He's lucky Sasha set the bar so low earlier in the night. She was shocking in front of the live crowd.


Jericho is on fire at the moment. I'm gutted his act has really clicked just when he's likely leaving again. Wasn't he planning on returning to Fozzy sometime after Summerslam? Such a shame.


I like Rusev vs. Roman. Far from it feeling like a demotion for Roman, it actually feels like an extremely well deserved promotion for Rusev, who's one of the most underrated guys on the roster. I look forward to them beating the shit out of each other.

Edited by Supremo
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