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Do we think Rusev's 'cheese gobbling cheese America...whatever you call yourselves Americans' line was meant to be 'cheese eating surrender monkeys'?


Whatever it was, it was hilarious.


The general message of the first segment was 'sorry, don't know yet'.


Also, John Cena is a fantastic, fantastic promo and Brock Lesnar guy is a fucking self-important weapon.


Do you reckon they knew how succesful the face vs face dynamic would be before they wrote the swerve?!


I'm still unduly excited for Styles/Cena, but think it'd have been better sans The Club. It's a shame that it's another match Styles will have to lose, though.


It is amazing though, that WWE seem to actually appreciate what they have with AJ Styles, though.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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I was way too distracted during the AJ/Cena segment by Gallows awful trousers.


Wrestling fans are weird. Can you imagine people commenting on the clothes in any other type of entertainment show (Gok Wan aside).


"The ending of Breaking Bad was great, but Walter Whites socks really ruined it for me." 

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Titus O'Neil's "you're nothing but a Bulgarian....blowhard" line was so bad.


Call him a Bulgarian bitch!


That would have had some impact.




If Cesaro is the Swiss Superman, why does he have the James Bond entrance? And why doesn't he have a t shirt that rips off the classic blue/red Superman shield underneath his suit?

Edited by Metallica
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Love Gallows, but his attire has been horrendous so far during this run. I thought he was wearing a homeless man's trainers while he was giving Cena a kicking.

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Cesaro's weird shoulder tape thing annoys the piss out of me, and all. I'm not exaggerating, it's like some trypophobia type reaction my brain has like people who get freaked out by honeycombs and mould clusters and stuff. It's visually just very, very annoying.

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Surprised no one mentioned how shite Rollins looked with his wet locks slopping all over that suit jacket. I get why long haired wrestlers wet their hair before a match, but for a fucking promo, c'mon, use a damn hairbrush, tie it up, anything. No one looks 'the business' in smart clothes  if there's all damp patches on them


Absolutely agree! I noticed this and it bothered the fuck out of me. So few wrestlers these days know how to dress the part, they just don't know how to look like stars. Rollins actually looked pretty sharp in the suit, which is a minor miracle for a WWE wrestler, but let himself down with those wet patches all over his shoulders.



Why do they wet it anyway? Is it just because wet hair looks cooler than dry hair?

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That Cena/Styles segment was great. A heel turn is just what AJ (and The Club) needs to take him up a notch. I'm praying WWE don't just feed him to Cena at the first available moment and we can get a quality feud from this.

Styles has convincingly lost both of his major feuds so far and is 1-4 on PPV. I can't see this one ending any different. Winning and losing isn't everything though. I'd rather he was losing to the real stars than beating Miz or Ziggler in the midcard.

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I was way too distracted during the AJ/Cena segment by Gallows awful trousers.

Wrestling fans are weird. Can you imagine people commenting on the clothes in any other type of entertainment show (Gok Wan aside).


"The ending of Breaking Bad was great, but Walter Whites socks really ruined it for me."

It's not weird - wrestling's about distinctive characters and appearance, especially in WWE, as much as it is about ability to have a match. A guy who does a biker gimmick is not going to do well if he rides to the ring on a moped wearing a chintzy kutte. Gallows is supposed to be a nasty big bad-ass bruiser, and he looks like something out of Spaceballs.

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Storyline wise though it sort of makes sense that he's been losing his big matches so far, he's been holding back from being his "true self" as a heel. What matters now is how they handle him from this point forward.


I can see why he lost to Reigns, but I'm still scratching my head as to why he lost to Jericho at WM?


There are a number of ways you could go with this.  You could hold of until the PPV after MITB for their first singles bought and do a six-man between the Club, Cena and the New Day.  You could get AJ in the MITB match.  He could qualify by winning a match containing all the losers from the previous qualifiers.  Cena could then cost him is shot at the brief case.


They will probably go with a one on one match though.  I think AJ needs to win the first match as I can see this being stretched over a few shows with the blow off coming at SS, possibly over the SD title.

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It's as if they knew! My plan for chucking WWE and it's Network after Mania has been wonderfully scuppered by their continued excellent use of Styles.


Cena v Styles is a proper dream match and I'm pleased WWE sold it like one and the crowd reacted to their first face off like it was a huge deal.


While the angle and heel turn were golden, it would have been cool to get at least a face v face match out of it before the turn, but oh well. Cena v Styles!


That's probably angle of the year for me so far. Both men handled everything like the Dons they are. Michael Cole was even pretty good during it with his line about how even thugs like Gallows and Anderson are trying to get Styles to calm down.


Top notch pro wrestling that angle.

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