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What is Cesaro doing in that tear away suit, don't get me wrong he looks alright just in a normal suit promo wise, but the whole tearing it off thing makes him looks ridiculous


That's the thing for me, WHY is he doing it. No explanation whatsoever, it's just bizarre. And the same goes for his shitty 90s throwback Oakley-style sunglasses. I get why Miz is wearing sunglasses inside an arena, because he's a cunt. But is Cesaro a cunt too? it would seem so.

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Cesaro looked good when he had the Statham “I’m balding, I’m man, so what?” hairdo and a towel. That’s all he needed and all we expected of him. He was a good hand then!
He’s lost a lot of muscle definition and size and now with that Party Boy removable suit he looks like Magic Mike Stipe by way of Agent Smith. It is all very bizarre, as Brewster said, and I don’t understand it.
Get Dazzler in here. I want him to go off on one again!!!

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If fucking Superman ever came to rescue me from a burning building, having ripped off his January sales Primark cuntsuit to reveal a baby blue vest emblazoned with the word 'booty', I'd tell him that I was taking my chances with the flames.


Nothing about his act makes sense. Unless he's SUPPOSED to look like a human collage of 'stuff that makes you look a goon'.

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That's the thing, what PunkStep mentioned, all I think when I see somebody in a shit suit and wearing sunglasses indoors is "You're a bit of cunt mate aren't you", whether that be on TV, in Derby city centre, at my work, picking m nephew up from school, still a massive bellend. I associate suits in Wrestling with heels and authority figures, conjures up images of Triple H doing a 25 minute monologue.


I'm just confused by the whole thing, he may as well go the whole hog and fucking wrestle in the suit, ala American Males.

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If fucking Superman ever came to rescue me from a burning building, having ripped off his January sales Primark cuntsuit to reveal a baby blue vest emblazoned with the word 'booty', I'd tell him that I was taking my chances with the flames.


Nothing about his act makes sense. Unless he's SUPPOSED to look like a human collage of 'stuff that makes you look a goon'.

There's not necessarily any rhyme or reason to it. It seems like since about two weeks after he debuted, he keeps grabbing entrance gear out of the lost and found box in the hope that it'll disguise him as someone with a personality. He's gone through loads of cast-offs and the only thing that's ever worked for him is having a tag team partner.

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Yes the gimmick is pretty much him being a everyday normal guy but in the ring a Swiss Superman. Hence the suit thing and then ripping it off. 


Not saying I like the gimmick or even Cesaro but that is what it is. 


Makes sense, but then how does the 007 thing fit in? It's like someone has pitched him four different gimmicks and he's just thought fuck it, let's do all of them!

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Could they keep the Styles/Reigns feud going right through to Survivor Series? Even if not for the title all the way, just keep them in each other's business. AJ costing Reigns the title against Wyatt or something like that. And then at Survivor Series have a traditional five on five match of Bullet Club v a Samoan 5 - bringing in the debuts of Balor and Samoa Joe. As well as a welcome return to the Rock, 20 years after he himself debuted at Survivor Series. 


I'm not sure who the fifth member of Bullet Club would be however, whether they can bring in another member from NJPW or recruit somebody within WWE. For storyline purposes, it'd be interesting if it was Ambrose.


Styles, Balor, Anderson, Gallows ??? v Reigns, Rock, Joe, both Uso's

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Nah, if you going to take one in the barn, you don't want a soggy Swiss roll. Roman Reigns, now there's a man who could give you a working over.


...I don't know what's happened with this conversation.


 You're coming out of the closet by the sounds of it.

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