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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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hmmm might give it a whirl then to be honest pal.

I always enjoy the uk show's cos the crowd just have alot of fun, can't see me fucking sleeping anytime soon the pain is insane

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I thought it was pretty good for a UK show. Decent progression on Cena/Rusev, Orton/Rollins and Show/Reigns, nice pops for BNB, Paige and Neville and another good Prime Time Players promo.


I'm not a big fan of them insisting that a babyface smiles through all adversity but Reigns is getting more and more confident on the mic which is great to see. The angle with the taxi was quite good but why in the holy fuck does everything to do with Show have to be sooooooooooooooooo sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow. And taxi door or no taxi door, Steve Austin would have made three comebacks before he went down. Still, if it gets us to Extreme Rules, Reigns kills the cunt and we never see this match ever again, I'll be happy.


Really like the stipulations for the main event. Even if the logic to get there was utterly ludicrous. I'm not a big fan of that beat the clock thing but it at least makes it very likely you'll find a winner!


Cena in ultra suck-up mode was naff but the open challenge gimmick is still really fun. No idea what a Russian Chain match is. I love it when they just make up some gimmick from nowhere. Like a "Chicago street fight" or whatever.


Mizdow can fuck off. Bag of shit. The Ascension are finished now right?


What wee the references to the fingerpoke of doom all about? Did Vince buy his writing team the WCW DVD for Xmas or what?


The PPV is shaping up to be decent. Guessing we've got a Wyatt match, a Bryan IC defence and maybe Ambrose/Harper to add to the Cena/Rusev, Orton/Rollins and Show/Reigns matches?

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hmmm might give it a whirl then to be honest pal.

I always enjoy the uk show's cos the crowd just have alot of fun, can't see me fucking sleeping anytime soon the pain is insane

Toothache is one of the most irritating things!!


Mate i haven't suffered with it this bad in a long long time, can't sleep and my eyes keep streaming its thee worst pain

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WWE's website have clarified the rules:

"Adding insult to injury, Lana then revealed that she had successfully negotiated the new terms of the previously announced match, which will see Rusev and Cena tethered at the wrist by a length of heavy-duty chain. Living up to Extreme Rules’ reputation, both Superstars will be allowed to use the chain at their discretion, whether using it as a whip or to add weight to a punch, as Rusev demonstrated on Raw."

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