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I thought Saxton was doing what he was meant to be doing to get over the devastation of what Lesnar had done. They replayed it enough to seem like they wanted to emphasise how huge it was, so I figured Saxton being all subdued and shocked was intentional. It undersold Neville a bit, but the Brock thing was more important anyway.

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Yeah I thought he was doing that 'sad/this is real' voice on purpose. Then King came out and sounded excited to be calling the action which I thought was time for Saxton to amp up and do a normal call, but I think he had gotten lost by then.


I wish they'd have just had Brock go nuts in the main event segment instead of having it at the top of the second hour, I hate sombre commentary.

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Also you know when the title match is that early on that it either wasn't going to happen or something would go down (both in this case). You would think that in modern day WWE that if the title was to change it would be a main event in which it would do so not an hour or so into the show?

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Oh my days! There are tears in my eyes from laughing so much. Best use of three words and two full stops EVA!1

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Of course Vince wasn't going to put two replacements in Renee and William Regal out there, which I think would have come across a million times better for what followed. It wasn't a hard thing to make happen I thought with a bit of thought. I think Saxton comes across a bit dry at times in his delivery. I am and I'm not blaming Byron for not making more of an opportunity than he did out there. Everyone's been saying the same thing on this issue, and alleged comments posted here on Vince's thoughts echos the mindset.


I pictured Regal selling the carnage that Brock saying he can't believe what has just happens out here with Brock. He can call him a bloody nutter on camera and that it's bloody mayhem out there, something along those lines. Adding Renee as a duo by far would have exceeded expectations better than a solo guy, regardless of whether he was meant to be playing a somber looking replacement, the bottom line unfortunately was he sucked big time the night after Wrestlemania.


Unless Vince was convinced that this was going to work for the remaining two hours, then I blame Vince for that decision as there is nobody else.

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Renee and Regal are fine for NXT, but they're nowhere near good enough to be mainstream wrestling commentators. Even considering the quality of the mainstream commentators. Commentary is the one thing Renee falls down on. Probably wouldn't have hurt in the circumstances though.

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Renee and Regal are fine for NXT, but they're nowhere near good enough to be mainstream wrestling commentators. Even considering the quality of the mainstream commentators. Commentary is the one thing Renee falls down on. Probably wouldn't have hurt in the circumstances though.

I think she's got enough experience behind her from NXT and backstage segments on Raw. It wouldn't hurt to put her out there during Divas matches to sample a taste. Eventually I hope they do use her in some capacity on the mainstream broadcast in the future.
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Renee and Regal are fine for NXT, but they're nowhere near good enough to be mainstream wrestling commentators. Even considering the quality of the mainstream commentators. Commentary is the one thing Renee falls down on. Probably wouldn't have hurt in the circumstances though.

Yeah I love Renee Young and think she's one of WWE's best assets, and even I think she would be terrible as a commentator. She is the perfect anchor for a panel show like she does (and hopefully becomes a weekly thing, I mean please, takeaway an hour of programming and have that panel show instead.) but wouldn't fit at all as part of commentary team. She is absolutely brilliant in what she does, did I mention I love her?


I used to live in an ignorant bliss when I didn't properly listen to the commentary and didn't know Vince was basically giving them lines, I would just blank it out as I usually watch whilst doing stuff. Now I'm aware, I can't handle it and I get so irritated by how utterly shit it is. It's making the product so much worse. Who are they even meant to be appealing to with their commentary? Kids won't understand or give a shit, and adults will think it's beyond shit and contrived. This is where Vince needs to find professional commentator who can do a bit of colour he can trust and let them speak naturally.



The crowd were awesome this week, they added to the show exactly how you want them to. The booing of Rollins was brilliant and the pop for Orton was insane! I've started to really like and enjoy Orton recently, I actually think it's really fresh and I'm excited at the prospect of him headlining again. (I probably like the idea of him more than actually him)



Even Cena was getting the cheers, which I thought caught him off guard for a second whilst he did his talking segment. The boos weren't as loud so his "some people love me and some hate me" bit wasn't that effective. I love me some Cena, the guy is the man.


I enjoyed Raw so much more due to that crowd, surely WWE must have been loving that fact this was of the few times Reigns got cheers. Well what sounded like mostly cheers with some boos, they seemed to get behind the finish of the Big Show match.


My theory on the crowd is that Austin is so cool that they're too cool to be 'cool' and just circled back to cheering when you're supposed to.


It's going to help if Daniel Bryan is going to be Smackdown exclusive (isn't he?), that way people will end up forgetting him. Hopefully.



As for Raw, I enjoyed the matches and it's everything I really want from a Raw. I watch it in about an hour or so, which is the perfect length.


One thing that annoys me - I'm not a fan of having any match on Raw which is likely to be on a PPV at some point, which surely has to be the case with Miz vs Mizdow? I guess if it's not going to add subscriptions then it doesn't really matter.

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Normal service resumed. Reigns back fucking around with Big Show and Kane in nearly every tedious backstage segment.


That chap who replaced Cole on commentary is even more boring, and useless when trying to reign in JBL's nonsensical ramblings.

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They should have Reigns batter Show and Kane so badly at Extreme Rules that they go away for a bit. It will probably endear him more to the folk that are booing him, as well as making him look like a bad ass again.


They were pretty clear last week with their direction. It's going to be the same old tedious content until Lesnar turns up in the Summer and hands The Authority a one way ticket to Suplex City.

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How good was that Neville/Rollins match though? Made RAW worthwhile imo. And I actually didnt mind the Reigns/Big Show match, I just wonder now with Reigns out of the title picture until atleast after Axe-treme rules, what they will do with him. I certainly hope he stops getting boo'd. 


Divas battle royale for London next week! 

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I think Neville was put on the map this week. I think the bog standard undefeated streak of unimportant short matches wasn't what he needed, now everyone that wasn't familiar with him knows what he's about and what he can do with a major player. Well done.


I am really enjoying Cena in this 'opportunity' role. A good competitive match every week with guys that aren't normally mixing it up in the main event is such a good, focused way in making everyone involved look good. 


The World title scene is solid and I liked the main event. The 3 Rs all came out of the match looking good and on equal footing too so Ryback may even be a viable opponent for Seth after Orton (unless Orton wins the title). 

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