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Ambrose should have been the guy who kept the Shield crowd entrance and not Reigns. Reigns doesn't look like a star coming out like that for me (I also think that crowd entrance is done after Mania), it suited Ambrose a lot more as this everyman/nutter type. His appeal is that he's dangerous and off his tits, but he has that regular guy look about it. Which in wrestling should be bad, but works for him.

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Agreed on that, Chilli. As I've said before, Reigns using the entrance seemed like clinging to the past. However, I don't think that'd seem the case with Ambrose as he's meant to be unhinged and unconventional. And he looked different.


As Rick said, it went downhill after getting his head stood on by Rollins.

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A year or two of stagnation may be good for Ambrose in the end. If he'd been in Reigns' shoes he'd probably be experiencing a backlash now, though I doubt it would be as fierce. That said, if he's not a made man by the night after Mania 32 then they've dropped a bollock with a guy who should've been an easy win.


I'd like to see Ambrose beat Cena for a title at SummerSlam, either the US or IC would do. It's probably a bit soon for the Worldy. See how he does from there and if he floats give him next year's Rumble and build him as the challenger to heel Reigns in Texas. If Austin has a match in him I'd even consider a heel turned Ambrose as the opponent.

Edited by Pinc
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I stopped giving a shit about Ambrose when he started spraying heels with Ketchup. Has he even won a PPV match since the split?


He is just a goofy loser now.

I believe his last PPV singles win was against RVD on the pre show of SSlam 2013.


Poor form.

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Ambrose should be a star. I maintain that a feud with Brock would be amazing. Ambrose/Heyman on the mic, Ambrose being the only person mental enough to stand up to Brock and wild brawls.


I enjoy him being goofy doing the kiddy stuff as well. He can make the most of cheesey material most of the time

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I stopped giving a shit about Ambrose when he started spraying heels with Ketchup. Has he even won a PPV match since the split?

He is just a goofy loser now.

I believe his last PPV singles win was against RVD on the pre show of SSlam 2013.

Poor form.

He didn't even win that. RVD got the win via DQ.

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They had something with Ambrose with the showing up out of nowhere thing against Seth Rollins. He could probably have ended up in the main event if they hadn't jobbed him out and turned him into a comedy act.

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Ambrose is alright but yeah, he could be so much better, the feud with Rollins was great and then they just seemed to cut the legs out from under him after the HIAC match. Just been going back through some of the stuff he did in FCW with William Regal, that was superb. Not to mention back in the indie Moxley days.

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They had something with Ambrose with the showing up out of nowhere thing against Seth Rollins. He could probably have ended up in the main event if they hadn't jobbed him out and turned him into a comedy act.

Yeah he had that "im going to stop you from cashing in every time you try" which was cool.


When he (and Rollins) climbed the cell at the start of that match i thought Ambrose was going to get the Rollins treatment and me made into a proper star. Instead we got the hokey Wyatt ghost thing, the loss via monitor and all kinds of shit backstage bits.


All i like about Ambrose now is his off the ropes clothesline thing. Fingers crossed they can turn him around but i dont have faith they can.

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He had all the potential in the world but now I just see him as a mediocre, at times cringe inducing shitbag. He came across as a right despicable cunt during Turdgate as well, and not in a good way. This was the final straw for me. Regrettably, I don't think there's anyway back for the lunatics minge, he's 2015's Marty Jannety if the Rockers were a trio and if Jannety was a shit haired twat who was a cross between an arrogant Bushwacker and The Repo Man with a surname that reminded me of custard. Lumpy, tepid dribbly arsed custard. 

Edited by SD Jones
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I think Ambrose could've been the top guy for this era that pleased everyone, that may sound a bit over the top and I'm a huge mark of his so I may be blinkered but I think the Bryan/ziggler type fans and the kids and lapsed fans and everyone else could've got behind him equally, who doesn't love a cool nutter? If he had been built up to it no one would've been booing if he had won the rumble. It seems crazy to me that he's so much lower on the card than the other two shield boys when I think he has more appeal than either of them. I hope he's just lying low for a bit before they strap the rockets to him again, I won't get my hopes up but it wouldn't be the first time it happened.

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I think Ambrose could've been the top guy for this era that pleased everyone, that may sound a bit over the top and I'm a huge mark of his so I may be blinkered but I think the Bryan/ziggler type fans and the kids and lapsed fans and everyone else could've got behind him equally, who doesn't love a cool nutter? If he had been built up to it no one would've been booing if he had won the rumble. It seems crazy to me that he's so much lower on the card than the other two shield boys when I think he has more appeal than either of them. I hope he's just lying low for a bit before they strap the rockets to him again, I won't get my hopes up but it wouldn't be the first time it happened.

Completely agree. They're idiots for overlooking him.

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