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Anyone else getting tired of Linus' reviews?

No, it's just you.


Not quite. There was a parody from some snide cunt last week.


Seriously, you don't have to read it. There's an ignore function or your mouse probably has a scroll wheel.

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On Main Event last night...



Jack Swagger wrestled Bray Wyatt. No explanation given to why he could wrestle there, but was out of Survivor Series. And the commentators talked quite a lot about how he had been taken out of Survivor Series by Seth Rollins' kerb stomp.


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Linii's Raw Report is brilliant. It's got a certain innocent, childlike, magical charm to it  and reminds me what it was like to be a wrestling fan before everything went smart. It's a staple of my weekly reading material and I enjoy me a bit of Linii, so I do.


It beats, “We need the attitude era back. Fcuk PG WWE! Cesaro buried again!!! FFS! He could be the next Stone Cold only he’s stronger and more tech innit!!! They don’t know what they’re doing! Bray Wyatt FTW”

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On Main Event last night...



Jack Swagger wrestled Bray Wyatt. No explanation given to why he could wrestle there, but was out of Survivor Series. And the commentators talked quite a lot about how he had been taken out of Survivor Series by Seth Rollins' kerb stomp.


I nearly mentioned something similar after Raw. I'm imagining there'll be some filler matches with only 4 announced. I wondered if they'd use Sheamus on the PPV.
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On Main Event last night... 

Jack Swagger wrestled Bray Wyatt. No explanation given to why he could wrestle there, but was out of Survivor Series. And the commentators talked quite a lot about how he had been taken out of Survivor Series by Seth Rollins' kerb stomp.


I nearly mentioned something similar after Raw. I'm imagining there'll be some filler matches with only 4 announced. I wondered if they'd use Sheamus on the PPV.

I reckon Sheamus might run in and do the Hogan '96 turn.

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Linus, you are dead wrong about the bunny.  He's my favourite thing at the moment.  I'm kind of hoping they just go all the way with him, and have him interact with people all the way up the roster until they find a good reveal for him - like he's HBK returning to feud with HHH or something ridiculous.


Wrestling's the place for nonsense like this - I loved the commentators arguing about whether it was a bunny, or a man in a bunny outfit, and it gave King the opportunity to say "puppies" and sound the most enthusiastic he's been since 1999.



Wyatt's lost some of his cool factor without the Family.  He was Manson with his followers. Now he's just a weirdo.


Really enjoyed the Ryback - Cesaro match, the best I've seen from both of them (even though I think Ryback fucked up a couple of times, Cesaro covered for him).  Ryback reminds me a bit of Big Poppa Pump, and Cesaro busted out the Triple Germans, which I've always liked.


I wish Ryback would drop that silly "feed me more" routine he does where he looks like he's punching a small child in the face.


The WWE literally re-did the start of Rocky 4 (the best Rocky) - how cool was that?  Who's going to play Rocky in all this then?


Grumpy Cat is a better actor than some of the roster, sadly.


Is anyone else finding themselves actually siding with The Authority?  HHH's little speech was touching, plus upset Steph makes me want to do a bad, bad thing.

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The WWE literally re-did the start of Rocky 4 (the best Rocky) - how cool was that? Who's going to play Rocky in all this then?



Gotta be Cena surely, WrestleMania match between the two? I'd put money on it. It's the most logical option.
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On Main Event last night... 

Jack Swagger wrestled Bray Wyatt. No explanation given to why he could wrestle there, but was out of Survivor Series. And the commentators talked quite a lot about how he had been taken out of Survivor Series by Seth Rollins' kerb stomp.


I nearly mentioned something similar after Raw. I'm imagining there'll be some filler matches with only 4 announced. I wondered if they'd use Sheamus on the PPV.

I reckon Sheamus might run in and do the Hogan '96 turn.


I agree with you on that one. I think Team Authority is going to win as I can't see them losing power. We all know that Cena doesn't lose cleanly and I don't know who else it could be. Besides, Sheamus is treading water at the moment and needs a heel turn to get him back on track.

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