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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Other than the commentary and a few other things (but mostly the commentary) that was a decent show.


What? It's for charity LMAO Ambrose was just perfect in that segment, wasn't a fan of the finish to his match though but the live crowd seemed to be shocked by it. Good match.


Paige and AJ trying to out crazy each other is going to be pure torture.


Nice of JBL to remember that he is a heel and start ripping on Swagger but it's a shame that he and Cole are the most irritating commentary duo in WWE history at this point.


Stephanie is great, the Bella are complete and utter rubbish. What the fuck does Brie Mode even mean? Am I missing something obvious or was it explained in an episode of Raw that I missed?


A Menry/Rusev bomb thrower should be a fun 10 minutes or so.


Back to the main event and that had to be the weakest fan poll in history, basically two matches that are the same in all but name and a match that is slightly different and obviously the match that they wanted the fans to go with.

Edited by The King Of Swing
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I see The Shield guys kinda like Austin, HHH and Rock 97-00, I can see them having great feuds and mixing together for the next few years but each time it'll be a bit different and mix things up


Ambrose vs Rollins remminds me of HHH vs Rock from that time, a midcard feud thats so hot and the matches are that good it could main event shows,


I thought Lesnar might come out and batter/take off tv Ambrose but it didnt but maybe down the line it'll happen, and get Reigns to help his 'brother' leading to Lesnar if thats the plan


Orton looks badass with his hands taped


Ryback has a weird combo of gear, didnt look bad on Raw but sometimes the colours are all over the place, I wonder how he can move with so much pads


New title looks decent but pretty much the same

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I wasn't a big fan of that Raw. Ambrose and Rollins were brilliant, mind. Great main event (although No Holds Barred and No DQ being presented as different things is wanky) and the backstage thing setting it up was good too. I can definitely see the comparison with HHH vs Rock in 1998 with them. Ambrose is written out now and should come back in a couple of months, guns blazing. 


Stephanie and Heyman were really good too, as usual. The Bellas were almost as bad as they've ever been. I'm dreading the future of that feud, when Stephanie's out of their picture completely.


I didn't like how little development there was towards Night of Champions. No sign of who Brock's fighting. No sign of Reigns moving on to face Triple H, which makes me think that's not happening, although there are still four more Raws to go.


When Orton told Flair "you might find out why they used to call me the Legend Killer", was the implication that Ric is senile? He was around for literally the entire Legend Killer run, often standing right next to Orton. 

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Ryback is slowly turning into Ahmed Johnson!


Rollins/Ambrose I'm absolutely loving right now, fued of the year. I really like Reigns, and see him being THE man in the future but right now Rollins and Ambrose are looking like they can slot into the WWE main events with ease. Their bout last night and at Summerslam had that late 90s main event vibe to it. Really hope the company builds round these 3.


Overall, an enjoyable show. Didnt mind the Steph/Brie stuff, just didnt need to see it 3 or 4 times.

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It's been almost 10 years since the legend killer run hasn't it? Maybe time for a revival. Could be something to make me interested in Orton again. Although playing the crowd for the Ryback tag was awesome.

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They're obviously pushing Reigns like he's the next big thing,but he's still a bit too bland for me to see him as a proper next big main eventer.He's definitely lost a bit of mystique since The Shield split,whereas Rollins and Ambrose have come on leaps and bounds.


He's just missing that intangible piece of the puzzle,could be something as simple as a stupid memorable catchphrase,anything that will help him to properly connect with the crowd.


I was never a huge fan of Ambrose at all,but he's done fantastically well for himself so far.

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It's been almost 10 years since the legend killer run hasn't it? Maybe time for a revival. Could be something to make me interested in Orton again. Although playing the crowd for the Ryback tag was awesome.

Can't see that working, I'd expect any legend killer worth their salt to be a legend themselves a decade later. No progression in 10 years wouldn't say much for him.

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They're obviously pushing Reigns like he's the next big thing,but he's still a bit too bland for me to see him as a proper next big main eventer.He's definitely lost a bit of mystique since The Shield split,whereas Rollins and Ambrose have come on leaps and bounds.


He's just missing that intangible piece of the puzzle,could be something as simple as a stupid memorable catchphrase,anything that will help him to properly connect with the crowd.


I was never a huge fan of Ambrose at all,but he's done fantastically well for himself so far.


Maybe more of his personality through interviews? One thing I liked was whenever he'd be doing an interview with Renee Young, he'd come across as cool, calm, collected, confident and dangerous. Made all the cooler by Young panting like a dog on heat. It adds a nice bit of depth to his character and made him cool in my eyes.


Right now though I'm with you... just missing something. Loving Ambrose though... give him the show! 

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Have the WWE ever had a top star who did the cool, calm, collected, bad-ass of few words thing? The only one I can think of really is Diesel, and he never set the world on fire. I suppose Goldberg in WCW was pretty much that though, and he did well. But the way they present Reigns definitely isn't in the Austin, Rock, HHH, Cena mold. EDIT: I forgot about Batista, actually. So yeah, they have done it.


If anyone watched the 2K15 roster reveal, Reigns and to a much larger degree, Sheamus and Cesaro, had much more personality on the panel than they are on TV. Sheamus even told Hogan "I'd love to take a legdrop from you... So I could kick out of it."


I don't know if Reigns' character needs any tweaking, or whether putting him in a decent feud would do the trick. Ambrose has had the advantage of having a really good rivalry since the Shield split up.


Night of Champions - Cena gets his rematch


Edited by King Pitcos
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