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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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After Wrestlemania and rematches with Ambrose/Rollins they need to have a whole years worth of programmes lined up for Roman where he wins each fued decisively. He needs to run through Big Show, Shaemus, Randy Orton, Alberto Del Rio, Real Americans, Ryback, Christian, win a Survivor Series and win the Rumble and then be ready to beat either John Cena or Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania for the belt. If he just hangs around doing fuck all with endless singles matches on Raw each week he'll be dead in the water. They need proper feuds, proper stories and he shouldn't lose EVER.

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They need to be careful with Reigns losing the big matches, even if a couple of blokes cost him. They did that with Ryback and it led to diminishing returns. If anything, I'd have Rollins and Ambrose trying to foil the rise of Reigns, only for Reigns to constantly out think and out power them, similar to Raven's Flock v Goldberg. That was a fantastic feud and it really helped Goldberg because it solidified Goldberg as the baddest bloke in wrestling.

That's spot on actually. In stead then Reigns swats them away with ease for a few months, and its that very defiance that prompts The Shield pads to look at bringing in a 3rd member.


Cena'd look a don in Shield gear as well, though he'd probably insist on a flak jacket 3 sizes larger than he needs.

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That Uso tagging the other Uso mid-plancha was pretty damn smart. The Shield/Wyatt Family showdown was also brilliant, the crowd seem to be right into it too- which is a testament to how well they've been booked and how over the six of them are considering they're all heels- which normally makes it much harder for the fans to invest interest in.


Batista keeps getting booed to fuck, doesn't he? During his previous run, did he get booed? Obviously Cena always had, but I thought the same fans always got behind Big Dave. Have to say I've been completely unimpressed with him so far.

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That Uso tagging the other Uso mid-plancha was pretty damn smart. The Shield/Wyatt Family showdown was also brilliant, the crowd seem to be right into it too- which is a testament to how well they've been booked and how over the six of them are considering they're all heels- which normally makes it much harder for the fans to invest interest in.


Batista keeps getting booed to fuck, doesn't he? During his previous run, did he get booed? Obviously Cena always had, but I thought the same fans always got behind Big Dave. Have to say I've been completely unimpressed with him so far.


I don't think the problem people have is with Batista himself, I think it's more that he came back looking in bizarre shape, dressed oddly, in a spot nobody wanted him in. Turn him heel and he'll do better, but nobody wanted a face Batista coming back in that shape and winning a rumble with 2 or 3 other better choices.

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That totally makes sense for him being booed at the Rumble, but he's been getting booed on Raw, too. Always thought the smarty-arse fans had a bit of a soft spot for him unlike Cena and Orton.

Outside of the initial storyline when he left Evolution I don't remember him ever being a smartarse favourite. Him and Big Show got blanket 'You Can't Wrestle' chants on one of those Hammerstein Ballroom ECW shows.

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Fantastic Raw. Well, from what I saw, missed the first hour due to work commitments, but apparently it was Daniel Bryan being awesome as usual.


Slightly shit ending aside (why did the Shield attack Sheamus? It seemed like an excuse to get the Shield/Wyatts brawl happening, which shouldn't have), everything was firing on all cylinders.


Cesaro vs. Cena had a fantastic high-energy 20 minute TV match, some ridiculous feats of strength and athleticism- Cena sitting up out of the Big Swing and hitting a DDT, Cesaro landing on his feet from the AA- all at high altitude in Denver, amazing.


Liked the back to back Swagger/Big E thing, some of Zeb's mic work fell down with the crowd, but it was just something different to get a mid-card feud over. I tuned in just in time to see Emma hit the aeroplane spin and almost kiss Santino- not a huge fan of a Santino/Emma romance, but at least there's a storyline in the midcard.


The highlight of the show was Roman Reigns running through Mark Henry like a hot knife through butter, the subsequent Ambrose/Reigns tension (I think Rollins' role in all this is very underrated, he's excellent as the guy in the middle here), and the Wyatts/Shield staredown. That should have been the Wyatts only appearance of the show. It was note perfect and would have sold PPVs just as it was.


Surprised how short the Batista/Del Rio stuff was, I left the room to fix a sandwich and missed the whole thing.

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Slightly shit ending aside (why did the Shield attack Sheamus?

I presume it was Triple H's orders to stop his "face of the WWE" losing another match. It made sense because I'd previously wondered why The Shield wouldn't have come down at the end of the Wyatts' match.


It was a good show. In-ring stuff was excellent. The Shield promo with Renee was great and the staredown with the Wyatts was excellent again with Reigns and Ambrose's characters being displayed beautifully once more.


Cena's opening promo was good but it's a shame it descended into one of those shit segments where a load of guys walk out and say one thing before someone else comes out. Cesaro's not convincing on the mic.


I quite liked Colter's work during the Big E. handicap match but the live crowd didn't seem to care. McIntyre took a dreadful bump when big E. tried to suplex Mahal into him!


If I'd never seen it before, the ending would have been super hot but at this point, it's repetitive. They could store a lot of these scripts in a database and just have it fill in the names when they need to use it.


Highlight of the show was that amazing superplex on Cena. That was insane.

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Good enough Raw.Cesaro/Cena was very good,and I enjoyed Christian heeling it up a bit in his match with Bryan.


The Shield/Wyatt closing brawl would have had a lot more impact if they both hadn't been used all over the show beforehand.The perils of 3 hour Raw I suppose.


That Emma dance isn't going to get over,so she should have been told to stop fucking doing it.

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