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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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If it was to sell DVD's they wouldn't say it during a Ryback match. They'd never highlight Goldberg when Ryback is in the ring unless they were going to do the match. There's no advantage is shining a light Ryback as a Goldberg rip-off if they weren't planning on bringing the real Goldberg in to sort him out.


The fact there's a Goldberg DVD on the market anyway shows they think there is value in him.

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I've just caught up with Raw (yet to watch Smackdown). I honestly think this is heading to a match at Survivor Series with Cena, Big Show, Bryan and the Rhodes boys against HHH, Orton and The Shield. That would actually be quite a good outcome for this whole thing.


That has WarGames written all over it, has HHH finally got the stroke to get one of his wrestling gimmick loves onto a WWE PPV yet?

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I think a War Games match would make more sense with Miz on the team instead of Cena. Miz is the one who has the issues with the authority, and you can have Cena in a singles match to add more value to the show. I'm not sure I'd have Triple H himself in the match either.


Goldberg at WrestleMania would be something different, but surely they wouldn't give him money along the lines of Rock and Lesnar, nor would they expect him to draw like them... Are they thinking of profitability rather than the buyrate figure this year? He could be better value than Rock if so.

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Sting (using him as an example) and Goldberg's roles would be massively different. Sting they'd want in a storyline and be hyped to shit and then have some dream match. Goldberg is just something special for the people buying it anyway. He may help it, but his value isn't a Lesnar or a Rock or a Batista. He's well into his 40s and hasn't wrestled in years. He's the one looking for it, because he wants his kids to see him wrestle for the first time. I think both sides see it as something to get each other back onside because both of them never know when they might need each other down the road. I think all anyone wants is for Goldberg to come out and do his big entrance, run over Ryback and hit all his offence, spear Heyman and celebrate for a bit. He's what you think of when you think of a special attraction at Mania. It'll be a fun thing. Nobody wants Goldberg to wrestle for 15 minutes at this stage of the game.


Lesnar and Rock's deals are total one offs. When they signed them, both were pretty unattainable and had huge value outside of wrestling. I dont think anyone is getting deals like they had again.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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It'll be a sweat deal for Big Bill, his entrance will probably be longer than the match and there isn't any real pressure on him, as all people are wanting is the Spear and Jackhammer.


I love Goldberg, but in 2013 he's not a bloke you fancy them building a 'Mania main event around or thinking he's worth that money.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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You wonder what 'Mania will look like, as they seem to be talking with anybody with star power that is available. Possibly Goldberg and Sting, Rock and Lesnar are going to be there, also exciting news about them trying their hardest to lure Austin out of his retirement for one more match. That's some show, if they can get all those men involved.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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If they are gonna' bring in Goldberg for WM30 I'd rather they didn't put him in a proper match with anyone. All the best Goldberg matches are against big-bumping jobbers. Theyshould just have him in a handicap match with 3MB or something. He hits a spear, big boot, gorilla press-into-a-spear on another bloke, another spear, Jackhammer. Show's over.


In fact, I'd open the show up with it.

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Im still going along the line of hbk screwing Bryan because thats what his best friend hhh wants him to do. Shawn saying the " two words for ya" catchpharse adds fuel to the fire. When does hbk say that on his own? I cant remember him doing it for a long while. Orton coming out was a set up i think. Maybe im reading to much into it

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Screwing Bryan out of the title keeps the Orton/Bryan/Authority deal moving, and I've seen nothing to suggest that's their plan. If anything, they're paring back on Bryan's involvement. The Rhodes Boys and Big Show, of all people, are being positioned as more important in this angle.


They have been great, though.


As much as I love Show, though, his role would have been great to push someone over the edge.

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I've just caught up with Raw (yet to watch Smackdown). I honestly think this is heading to a match at Survivor Series with Cena, Big Show, Bryan and the Rhodes boys against HHH, Orton and The Shield. That would actually be quite a good outcome for this whole thing.


That has WarGames written all over it, has HHH finally got the stroke to get one of his wrestling gimmick loves onto a WWE PPV yet?

Also, isn't War Games the brainchild of Dusteh? Makes even more sense of they go with it. Plus Goldust was in THAT War Games match, wasn't he?

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The one I suggested above is the one I'd like to see, and I think it's be a great way to tie everything together. If they get everything sorted as the end of the year comes along, I think they'd much prefer to do "filler" feuds up until the Rumble, when they can then get the whole "Road to WrestleMania" build up going. I don't think they have the capacity to long term book from now until next March if it's not a Cena/Rock scale match.


I think HHH would get back out there for a match, if he thought it would draw - I've seen on some sites the possibility of a one on one with Big Show at Survivor Series but the bigger draw could well be a War Games match with those above, plus it means they would have a main event that people would definitely pay to see, rather than spreading stuff out over the whole pay per view. Rock after all tagged with Cena in the Survivors before their first meeting.


And on the Mania stuff - I think it's highly unlikely they'll persuade Sting to turn up for a one shot deal against Taker, even though it would be everybody's dream match and would draw hugely. I've read numerous interviews with Sting where he's talked about considering going to WWE, even as recently as last year, and had turned it down. One of his principle reasons was that he would be a one shot deal against Taker where he would inevitably lose, and he didn't see the point in that. Goldberg would work in a one off, and I agree with one of the above posters, it's gotta be a squash, as he's not Rock/Lesnar level. The only way I could see him doing something other than a squash would be a 5 minute effort with Ryback where he would go over, just so they could say they've done the match.


I would also be massively surprised if Hogan didn't make an appearance at WM 30.

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One of his principle reasons was that he would be a one shot deal against Taker where he would inevitably lose, and he didn't see the point in that.

Where did you read that? Sting wrestles in a t-shirt in front empty buildings these days. Principles and quality control isn't on his agenda. He doesnt give a fuck about doing a job for huge money and then going home for the rest of his life. Sting's all business. The reason he's never went to WWE is because of money. Turner paid him more and the Carters paid him more. This is the window of opportunity where WWE will be able to pay him and more I imagine this is the best chance of it happening.


This quote from last June seems to say he doesn't care about losing for a big payday.

“It’s no secret. I’ve always wanted to wrestle Undertaker; I’ve said that for years. And who would not want to work WrestleMania?”
Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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