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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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The little Mantar looking bloke is 48, so fuck knows what he can do now. Hornswoggle vs the bull will happen, though. Mass cock ups only add to dwarf matches. I just imagine piss running down the legs of the agents in the Gorilla position at the hilarity of it all. Road Dogg sucking on his inhaler as the action goes on with tears in his eyes.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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He wrestles like he's many years younger than that though. He is all cool spots though, and his best spots involve bigger guys being willing to go with him. Ziggler would be fun with him I think. Inevitably there'll be guys there who won't want to do that for whatever reason, and there's certainly fans who'll bitch about the stuff involving him being unrealistic and the big guys having to look like idiots by bumping around for the guy. That's if the 'E bother to use him that way. I still think he was a strange signing. He was over like crazy with the young fans in AAA and was always a pretty fun watch but I'm still not sure he fits into the WWE without there being a mini division.

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I'm just a little worried that some of this huge swathe of a storyline isn't going to get a payoff - back in the old days (when Pepperidge Farm remembers), feuds were drawn out over a long period, and a PPV provided a payoff for the storylines that had built up over a long time. I know things are very different now, but I really would like things to come to a head - ie: Bryan getting one over on Orton, The Rhodes boys getting their own back on the Shield, and Big Show finally snapping and twatting Triple H - maybe even AJ gets her hands on Steph. I'd just like a sense of closure when, eventually, it's run it's course.

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The Rhodes Boys were molten hot after last night, would have been nice to see one of them (as they're both great on the stick) have promo time. They've fluked into a massively over act there, could have made more out of it as it'll probably be lukewarm next week. Things like The Rhodes Boys are an example when you have to strike while hot and ride it as far as you can. Your Daniel Bryans will stay over, things like The Rhodes Boys you need to flog the death out of while people are in to it.


Also, after the DVD ad, Goldberg is beating Ryback in 90 seconds and I'm going to come hard.

Edited by PowerButchi
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I wonder if Del Rio vs Cena goes on last.


It should. The ace is coming home. That's far bigger than the alleged decisive chapter of a feud that's been stretched too far and overcooked despite technically only lasting two months. They wouldn't be able to follow Cena anyway, everyone will be too knackered from cheering or chanting "Cena sucks" either way.

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Fuck me i know your not allowed to hate cena here but dam, when he said he was leaving due to a legit injury the fans chanted "YES" at him. So now he is coming back straight into a title match that he will win.


The other thing that stuck out............R fucking truth the crowd almost died when he came out.

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Coming back to a title match? He should be coming back to a live blowjob from a roster member of his choice.


Its been shown just how important he is since he's been gone. He's the only full time member of the roster who can make things seem like something over than 'just another Raw/Smackdown moment'.


That's why he's been rushed back.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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Also, he's coming back for a shot at the WORLD title, which means about as much as wrestling Essa Rios for the light heavy on Heat. That title means fuck all. I don't see the problem. Actually, I thought people would be happier as it means he's out of the chase for the big belt in the big story which is currently running.


Moaning about Cena coming back to a World Title shot is a real case of not seeing the forest for the trees.

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