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Raw Discussion 15/04/2013


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I absolutely fucking despised the Ryback video. It might just be me, because I've read that a few people liked it, but it wasn't for me. I dont care if it was well produced (it was), if it was something different (it was) and it made sense (it did). His delivery was horrid. He looked like he was doing the facial exercises that they used to do on TV AM years ago when he was speaking. Ryback is fucked.



I know a Champion being beaten in a non-title match has built up an upcoming title match successfully in the past (I can't remember any recent ones, mind you). But having THREE champions being pinned in one show - as well as a Title change in a fourth match - really stood out as being weird this week.

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It's not EXACTLY what I was getting at, I was alluding more to the possible shift in direction of the product somewhat.


No you weren't.


Cena's been with the company 10 years, his gimmicks been solid for 8+, all those 10 year olds that first bit are 18 and CM Punk fans, and yes there's still younguns in the crowd, but there needs to be some movement to keep a hold of the fans Cena brought in now they've grown up and like more adult things.


Never once do you bring up the product. You say Cena's gimmick has been solid but now there needs to be some movement. You don't mention the product around him at all. In fact the only product change you really mention in your original post is sticking to the same venues.


Don't worry I won't point out your absolute bollocks assumption that I notioned ALL Cena fans are children, but I will mention the vast vast majority are of a younger age, and I do question how many fans have been drawn to WWE by Cena, but then outgrown him and in turn outgrown the product.




Cena's been with the company 10 years, his gimmicks been solid for 8+, all those 10 year olds that first bit are 18 and CM Punk fans, and yes there's still younguns in the crowd, but there needs to be some movement to keep a hold of the fans Cena brought in now they've grown up and like more adult things.


You pretty much do notion that. The only Cena fans you mention are all the ten years olds who have now grown up and the younguns who are now fans of the product. And that any fans Cena brought in have grown up to like adult things.


Maybe you didn't say what you wanted to say the first time round, but to be honest this just comes across as you trying to change your argument.

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To paraphrase myself, Cena is great at what he does and I think it was Dick Murdoch who said he should never change heel as he's past that stage now


Dick Murdoch died in 1996, so he must have been psychic to say that about Cena.

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I absolutely fucking despised the Ryback video. It might just be me, because I've read that a few people liked it, but it wasn't for me. I dont care if it was well produced (it was), if it was something different (it was) and it made sense (it did). His delivery was horrid. He looked like he was doing the facial exercises that they used to do on TV AM years ago when he was speaking.


I agree. It reminded me of the imaginary interviews I'd give on the bog when I was 12. All weird emphasis and rambling.

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Speaking of Ryback, I wonder if hes in a spot of bother. Yesterday he tweeted this:


"Watching the pain on Cena's face was worth standing back for. Funny the 2 things he says I lack his ex wife seems to love. #RybackRules"


Now he has had all of his tweets wiped out, bar a single one from two hours ago.


Can't see whats massively wrong with that tweet, given how much they exploited Cena's divorce in the Rock-Cena 2 build up - plus it would be a great thing to use to cement Ryback as a proper twat heel, almost like Batista before he left.

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I'm just so frustrated that they've turned him heel. Despite his high profile losses he was still one of the most over babyfaces. Cena vs Ryback vs Henry for the belt would have done me fine. Instead we're supposed to buy the idea that Henry's not arsed about being the WWE champ now, since he's turned his attentions to Sheamus.

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