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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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Read a theory that hodor had warged too long and it messed his mind up, linked well to the three eyed ravens warnings

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What, no love for the Bran's flashback sequence?


I found seeing a young Ned and his family exceptionally interesting and can not wait to see where they go with it, hoping for a Jon Snow's parents reveal.


Hodor could talk! What the fuck went wrong there then?


Top episode, the Mountain is definitely going to be built as this unstoppable machine only for Arya to fuck him up with blind ninja skills and scratch another one off her list.

Seeing young Ned and his sister was a great moment, one of my favourite scenes in all of GOT tbh


This weeks GOT podcast has a great theory on Hodor, basically hes a fully functioning adult but he has a medical condition where basically the link between his brain and voice is broke(this is common in people after strokes). If this turns out to be the case it will certainly make all the Hodor scenes different on rewatch


When I heard Bran was coming back I rolled my eyes, his character was always uninteresting to me but after this scene I'm really intrigued to where his journey will go next

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Another good episode I thought. Only downside for me was the Daenerys and Tyrion scenes. Neither plot is interesting me in the slightest to be honest.


God I hope Arya takes that irritating blondes head off.


Jon's story is by far the most interesting for me now.


King wuss is hilariously easy to manipulate and push around. I kind of pity the lad.


Cersi still thinking she is Queen is pretty funny. Good to see someone remind her that she isn't.

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After last weeks great episode it felt like a paint by numbers kinda episode to me, the only interesting scenes were with Jon Snow and also Bran.


The bit with Samwell was insufferable as ever.


They need to hurry up and bring Bronn back!

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Everyone seemed amazingly unfussed by a dead guy walking about. Expected much more unease and less rubbish cock jokes. Getting one a week this series and nine have been funny.


So Ned told everyone a lie re beating Dayne in battle, making us wait to see what other stories he embellished

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I'm enjoying Cersei and her band trying to recoup. Despite them being total cunts, I'm really behind them and want to see that sanctimonious high sparrow get knocked down a peg. Diana Rigg is the only cool character left on the small council, the rest are all losers. Tommen being a pathetic wimp is going to force their hand to violence and it's going to be a glorious mess and everyone is going to come out worse for it. Yay!


I'm confused who the people are in Bran's flashbacks. Who is (was) the super two swords guys? Who is the guy who stabbed him in the back?

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I'm a book wanker (I don't use the books to wank, if that's what you mean) and I had to look them up. They made out they were super important characters, but I'd never heard of them.


They're Ser Arthur Dayne and Ser Gerold Hightower if you're interested.


I think the intention was to show that Ned might not have told Bran the whole truth growing up. FWIW I heard a baby crying in the tower... is he going to pick up an infant Jon Snow?

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The two-swords guy was Arthur Dayne.  He was part of King Aerys' Kings Guard and one of the best swordsmen around (hence the comment from Bran about him being better than Ned).  Whatever is in that tower was of great value to the Targaryen's to have him guarding it, at least that's my interpretation. 


The guy who stabbed him was Howland Reed, Meera & Jojen's dad.

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Ickle baby Jon Snow is going to be in that tower, he has to be.


I read a theory that Jon and Meera were twins, it was based on haircuts and the fact that in the books (*hock ... spit*) they are the same age, but unless Meera was cryogenically frozen it's a ludicrous idea for TV. I did like the tie-in that Meera who has Bran's back is the daughter of the man who had Ned's.


Another slowish episode that was set up, and further use of the GOT's forumla.


Danny needs to get back to her dragons and people, which is bleh.


A Stark child is on their way to another Stark child for safety, yet that other Stark child has either moved on or died, all whilst a further Stark child is going to be held to ransome.


Samwise Gamgee is a pathetic cunt and the soppiest 'husband' of all time.


The Imp had a few wise cracks.


Talk of Trial by Combat.


Wolf is killed.


Need a week of action next week, have Jon meet up with Sansa to stop that bullshit, and begin to forge plans on taking back Winterfell, with mention of Howland Reed, that could be a decent pit stop for them but needs to be a short one with armies quickly built to dethrone Bolton. I feel the first series' were driven by the pace of the books, now we're past that they could pick up the pace and drive on a wee bit.


Bran is easily the best bit about this series, when Ned turned to look was a great moment, and him getting to learn everything from a fella stuck in a tree is my fave bit about it all, however I like his story since we learned he could Warg up and kill shit with Wolves or Hodor.

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