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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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I'd pretty much guessed about the Mountain facing Tyrion's champion. this is due to getting the fact I accidentally read about them recasting the Mountain. Then there was the fact they've mentioned the Mountain quite a few times in prior episodes, so it was a bit of a Chekov's gun situation. The following is just speculation, but I'll spoiler it to stop people bitching if I'm correct.

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I can see The Hound going back to King's landing to try and get some cash for returning Arya and him ending up being Tyrion's champion and facing his brother in a battle.


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That would be epic!

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Good episode but obviously more of a place setter than previous episodes. But it appears to have got everyone to where they need to be to set the final 3 episodes up which are surely going to be chocked full of mad shit.


Two weeks wait though....fucking hell.

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  • Paid Members
Good episode but obviously more of a place setter than previous episodes. But it appears to have got everyone to where they need to be to set the final 3 episodes up which are surely going to be chocked full of mad shit.


Two weeks wait though....fucking hell.



Two weeks wait?!?!?! WTF!

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  • Awards Moderator

Two weeks is too long to wait... Oberyn vs. The Mountain is going to be a cracker, though. Oberyn and Tyrion's scene in tonight's episode where he said he'd be Tyrion's champion was great, and the Mountain looked an utter beast in his scene.


And Jon said Mance's army were almost at Craster's keep, didn't he? That might all kick off, or at least set up for kicking off, in two weeks as well. The last run of episodes should be excellent!

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I'm not that much of a prolific masturbator these days, but every now and then I like to revisit one of my goto wanks from when I was a younger more virile man. Case in point, when the feeling is right you find me seeking out the deleted fountain scene from Boxing Helena anytime I want to revisit my teen obsession with Twin Peaks sex kitten Sherilyn Fenn.


Game of Thrones has killed any chance of me seeking out any number of topless Tara Fitzgerald scenes from the Camomile Lawn though. What an oily rag!

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That set things up nicely. Oberyn is a good egg, he's like a dirty Inigo Montoya. I think I blindly predicted the champions but I did guess most of the possible scenarios so no points their. Looks like Pistol Pete has his targets set on running things up north as well. That scene where he reminisced how he could be Sansa's dad if things were different then kissed her perfectly highlighted his twisted creepiness.

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Tyrion and Bronn breaking up broke my heart :(


All in all though that was a very good episode.


Little Finger finally did something awesome and no I don't mean going all creepy Uncle on Sansa, hopefully Lyssa's demon spawn goes flying next week.


Hound and Arya's scenes were very good though I'm not sure where they go from here and as much as I'm enjoying their scenes I'm kind of hoping that Arya is just waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

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What's the name of the really filthy priest from Father Ted? He's turning into him, by way of Brad Pitt in Snatch. Though that said, his accent is an improvement on the 'over-elaborate kung fu movie dub' one he used for series 2 and 3.

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  • Paid Members
Hound and Arya's scenes were very good though I'm not sure where they go from here and as much as I'm enjoying their scenes I'm kind of hoping that Arya is just waiting for the perfect moment to strike.


Im going to be pissed if she kills the hound. If he has to go down, put him in some stupid 30 on 1 effort or killing his brother,in short like a total badass. With his last words being cunt and or something about chicken





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