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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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I believe the standard Westeros trial by combat rules state that the accused stands in the centre of a circle with their arm outstretched and eyes closed. They then spin and stop, open their eyes and, behold, there is their champion. It was a device invented by Ser Turnaround Pick.

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Jamie vs Loras could be interesting. What about The Mountain? He's been promised to Oberyn so he needs to get his ass down to Westeros anyway. It'd probably be a conflict of interest though. Can't some book wankers spoiler tag the rules for us so I can stop blindly speculating. The only problem with Bron being picked is that if he loses we lose two great characters. Also, would it be safe to assume he could have had his head turned given that he said he'd sent Shae packing.

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Based on what we have seen so far you, can choose who you want as your champion (or fight yourself). Any chosen champion would have to agree to fight for you though.

Edited by MoKonjic
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Are the champions fighting to the death then? I know that's what happened with Bronn at the Eyrie in season 1, but has one of the champions got to be killed? You wouldn't put your main event fighters in that position if so, since you'd lose a top knight even if the accused got off the charges.

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I think it's to the death but like when Lysa refused Tyrion the right to send for Jamie, I'm sure the rules could be bent to serve the accusers needs. We also had a trial by combat between The Hound and Beric, think they said it was the first to die.

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I thought the only reason Champions were selected at the Eyrie was due to the fact it would have been Tyrion Vs Robert Arryn, and Lysa said it was unfair to have a child (The Prosecution technically) go against anyone, and Tyrion played that game too?


I so need to go back and watch the lot again, soon as Season 4 is over, the missus wants to watch it, can't wait.

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The rules are never spelled out in the books but I think they are:


The accused can either fight for themselves (as the Hound did) or pick a champion to fight on their behalf (as Tyrion did). But the champion has to agree to it, they can't be forced into it (In the Eyrie, Ser Vardis refused to fight Tyrion but then decided to fight when Bronn offered to be Tyrion's champion). Presumably the fight ends when one of them either yields or dies.

Edited by LaGoosh
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Smug book nerd talk but...


Theon's failed rescue was an odd scene, and something that's not in the books, but it had to exist to fill the gap that you get through losing the first person POV stuff in the book. Now it's established that "Theon" is gone, and he wouldn't just run away if he got the chance, because he's Reek. Sweet, loyal Reek, it rhymes with Weak. Without that, you'd be all "Ramsey's sending him on a quest? Bit dumb. Isn't he just going to leg it back home to the Iron Islands?"

Edited by Astro Hollywood
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Not even touched the books, but that's exactly what I got from the ordeal, he's gone. All that is left is Reek, an loyal dog to Ramsey that will fetch any ball he throws no matter where it's thrown.


Plus we had Ramsey looking kickass, post being balls deep and splattered with Ironborn blood.

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