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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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They're assassin's, pure and simple. Aren't they? Somebody asks the two faced god to kill dem man and then man dem killed by one of the faceless.

Edited by PunkStep
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They seem to be dipping in and out of almost every story this season, which I really like. Previous seasons had a story being untouched for a few episodes and I struggled to keep up with what's was going on when they went back to it.

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They seem to be dipping in and out of almost every story this season, which I really like. Previous seasons had a story being untouched for a few episodes and I struggled to keep up with what's was going on when they went back to it.


I think it helps massively that several storylines have merged. Eg. instead of seperate Stannis/Sansa/Jon/Brienne scenes they are now all in the same place. 

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On Stannis, we all know the rule about not seeing someone cark it but what reason for keeping him alive and lying about it would Brienne have?


Anyway, no one talk about that webrip episode until the usual time!

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Brienne did say last episode that she did execute Stannis, and I can only assume that is to be the case as I'm struggling to see why she wouldn't have done so because of his Shadow Deamon Monster killing Renley. Brienne seemed to take her honour and pledges very seriously so what would she have to gain from backing out of the deed.

I can only assume it was filmed the way it was to cover for if Stephen Dillane was undecided about coming back again for another series so they kept his status open.

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They've said it would have been needlessly gratuitous and limited the impact of other acts of violence in the show.


I sort of get it. Sort of.


There was never any question of what Brienne was going to do, and once she raised her sword the viewer knew what was up.

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Since Stannis died Stephen Dillane has admitted in interviews that he never liked the show, hated working on it and just did it for the money. If he was ever coming back he wouldn't have publicly slated it.

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Is it just me or was Stannis pretty pointless in the end? He was built up so much and had a lot of screen time, and got killed off just like that.


Also, I can't decide who is the bigger shit, Jeffrey or Ramsey. GOT makes me feel hatred for characters quite brilliantly.

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I don't think Stannis was anymore pointless than any of the other midcarders that did some shit then died. The show is so massive that it needs a few blind alleys to keep it going. It seems like Daeny, Jon and Tyrion are the main event players and will probably be about when the White Walkers kick off, everyone else is just filler. Oh, and Stannis the grammar nazi more than made him worthwhile.

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