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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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I thought they stopped rowing because they were in shock at seeing the Night King raise all the people they had just killed. It wasn't dumb it was totally believable. The look on Jon Snow's face is one of someone whose brain can't believe what they have just seen. I think that is probably fair given the circumstances his character finds himself in.


They stopped rowing before that though. They stopped to watch the Giant fighting, started again for about two seconds, and then stopped again to watch the remaining humans get slaughtered. I've no problem with Jon's reaction, because it looked cool, but it was stupid that everybody on the boat was content to just gently drift away from the unspeakable horrors they were witnessing. They could still have had Jon look back if the extras were rowing surely?


It was still a great episode though.

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Didn't even notice the music tbh but the CGI was dodgey as fuck, still it was a good ending.
Hated the scene with Shireen though, a dad burning his daughter alive is a step too far for tv. Really uncomfortable viewing.

Quite a strong episode but not as strong as every other season's penultimate episode has been but I suppose last week's episode balances it out.

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Yeah the CG at the end was somewhat dodgy. I think sometimes it's easy to forget that GOT is a TV show and not a movie and TV shows just don't have the budget or time to put into these things.


Not sure how I feel about the Shireen thing. Obviously it was horrible but it wasn't the "good horrible" like the Red Wedding or Oberyn's death. GOT is always grim but it's almost too grim at the moment. The good guys need a victory! And in many ways this week like a lot of this season it feels like all set up with no big climaxes. The main reason for this ofcourse being that it's based on the worst books of the series which are mostly filler and build but finish with loads of cliffhangers. I'm hoping that next week is a really strong finish to the season. It feels all a bit up in the air at the moment.


And if that's the last we see of Dorne...I'm totally ok with that. Seems a bit of a waste.

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I liked the last scene. I noticed the music for about a second but then got sucked right back into the show. Poor Jorah - He finally gets back in Daenerys good graces and she fucks off ten seconds later.


The scene with Shireen was awful though. I'm really not sure what the creators were thinking with that. We're now heading into a climatic battle between a rapist who murdered his own King, and a bloke who burned his only child alive. Why should anyone even care about the result now?

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The way they've set up the Battle for Winterfell as being between a King-killing rapist, and his psychopath rapist son, and a child murdering nutter, I can only now see one result. Stannis trumps the Boltons, but before he can celebrate Brienne (one of the few likeable people left in the North) takes his head clean off and hands the North to Sansa.

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They could've burned Yara, or even Gendry. Both have King's Blood and it's not like either of them are doing anything particularly important. Where IS Yara anyway. It can't take that long to sail from the Iron Islands to the North surely?


That's assuming Stannis burning someone was even necessary? I'm honestly not sure what that scene achieved. We now know that Stannis is a heartless fucker who will do anything to gain the Throne but we're supposed to want him to win against Roose and Ramsay so that isn't really a good thing. This probably gives Roose and Ramsay the moral high ground, actually. At least they aren't kin-slayers.


The way they've set up the Battle for Winterfell as being between a King-killing rapist, and his psychopath rapist son, and a child murdering nutter, I can only now see one result. Stannis trumps the Boltons, but before he can celebrate Brienne (one of the few likeable people left in the North) takes his head clean off and hands the North to Sansa.


Good point. Littlefinger's heading North with an army as well though and I think he might be the one to "save the day".

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They should have killed Gendry.


Or y'know, not left their supplies out where someone can easily burn them.


Also, it's utter horseshit that Ser Jorah Friendzone still lives, yet Ser Barristan the Bold doesn't. 

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They could've burned Yara, or even Gendry. Both have King's Blood and it's not like either of them are doing anything particularly important. Where IS Yara anyway. It can't take that long to sail from the Iron Islands to the North surely?


How does Yara have King's Blood? Isn't she Theon's sister, daughter of Lord of Iron Islands?

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Well, THAT didn't happen in the books.


All I can think is that Dan & Dave didn't want anyone at home feeling conflicted and going "Oh, I kind of liked Stannis" when he meets his end, which they spelled out near the beginning of this series is probably going to be Brienne shoving her sword up his arse.

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