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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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They said no, and the the northern bloke gave his convincing speech and showed his cut off fingers and they changed their minds... That's why we saw him giving some money to the pirate guy after; they got their loan through.


You should know by now there are no real "good guys"!

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All in all, a good series but although there were quite a lot of tits, the actual shag count was down, and no principal actresses got theirs out so I was a little disappointed. I'm hoping the girl with the curly hair who's made it to the big tree gets hers out in the next series. Come on GOT!


Can't say you don't have a type

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She's a bit young isn't she Loki?!


I have no idea what we are meant to think Melissandre and her God, I'm not a big fan of hers but the God seems alright, the whole fire thing appeals to my inner pyromaniac.

Edited by deathrey
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I once posted a theory on here about Jon Snow not being Ned's bastard child and that he was really King Robert's instead, and that Jon would be revealed to having royal blood. That theory didn't hold up when rewatching it, but there is definitely something to Jon and who his mother (maybe parents) is/are. It is a significant point of his character arc, and I doubt they would bring attention to his mysterious origins if it was to go nowhere and eventually be dropped like a WWE storyline. A Chekhov's gun of a plot strand, if you will. But the question is, with Ned, Cat and King Robert dead, who is left that could shed light on the topic.


I then started to think of the possibility of him being a son of Elia Martell and Rhaegar Targaryen. We know that Elia and her children were murdered by The Moutain in the sacking of Kings Landing during Robert's Rebellion, my thoughts where that Ned came across this as it was happening, and one child was still alive/was hidden away, and Ned took him in as his own. It would add some further reasoning to Ned's disdain towards The Mountain shown in season 1. But anyway, I used to mull over this theory with the other half while chatting about GoT, and felt that the only way we would ever make any inroads into this theory would be if Jon Snow and The Red Witch Melisandre were to ever cross paths. She has the ability to sense royal blood within a person, as evidenced with Gendry back in season 3, and we seen her getting all tingly looking when she was looking a Jon Snow through the flames, up at The Wall in the last episode of season 4.


Now, she may have been just getting all tingly looking at Jon Snow, cause Jon is a sexy beast and you couldn't blame her, but I'm thinking that we are going to make some inroads into Jon's past next season, and it might be a game changer of sorts.


Or, in all likelihood, I'm talking complete bollocks again, but its fun to speculate.

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Thats a fair theory too. I remember when Ned and Jon parted ways on the road, Ned said something along the lines of "You may not have my name, but you have my blood." I often thought the wording of that might be important. Either way, if would end up with Jon having Targaryen blood - which could lead to some trouble for him with Melisandre in the near future.

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Rhaegar ran off/kidnapped (I'm not sure which) Ned Stark's sister when he was married to Elia so my theory is Jon was Ned's sisters kid.


That's the general theory most fans have. I'm in for that one too. Time will tell...

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Erm time frames kinda push that out the window?


Unless Rhaegar was sexing neds sister for along time before how can he kidnapp her run off, wait 9 months have a child and then get killed?


My understanding is as soon as Rhae run off very little time passed before the war?


Was Neds sister found dead? how did she die?


All i want is a book to cover all this but im way to worried to read any of them incase i get spoilered up.

Edited by quote the raven
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In terms of the TV Show all we know is Ned returned from the war with John, and according to Oberyn, Robert started the war when Rhaegar ran off with Neds sister.


You won't be able to post spoilers in relation to how they met and the circumstances of her death because in relation to the TV Show you don't know.

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