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Facebook updates that blow your mind


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"Paper on the back car window" is supposedly true. Been going for years. Helpful piece of advice there. Nice to see the message passed around.


I'm getting fed up up with the "somebody is going around in a white van kidnapping kids \ dogs \ elephants" etc. Seems that everybody with a white van is a suspect. Paranoia.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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"Paper on the back car window" is supposedly true. Been going for years. Helpful piece of advice there. Nice to see the message passed around.


I'm getting fed up up with the "somebody is going around in a white van kidnapping kids \ dogs \ elephants" etc. Seems that everybody with a white van is a suspect. Paranoia.


Preston and its silly amounts of racism is terrible for the ' an Asian man tried to get a girl into his car this afternoon' pops up about 4 times a year. I swear it's like living in the 1940s round here sometimes. It's the modern day equivalent of The Bogeyman.

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Preston and its silly amounts of racism is terrible for the ' an Asian man tried to get a girl into his car this afternoon' pops up about 4 times a year. I swear it's like living in the 1940s round here sometimes. It's the modern day equivalent of The Bogeyman.


It is horrendous for that, not as bad as Blackburn or Burnley mind but still horrendous.


Given that it's Remembrance, Prestonians seem to add the Poppy in to the mix, as a shop in town refused to serve someone who was wearing one. Because they were apparently Muslim, it meant that people could try and out do each other as to how racist they could be, with everything from 'they should go home' to 'if they can burn the poppy then we should be able to burn the Qu'ran', reaffirming what Chokeout said. It's grim up north :(

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Someone posted something along the lines of "Remember to some people the Coca Cola advert is a reminder of how difficult they find it to buy Christmas presents for their starving hungry African orphan children'' or to that effect. It was followed by people competing to see who had the hardest time buying presents each year although they "would do whatever it takes' to make sure their kids had ps4's"etc. I tried to troll these self righteous turds by saying that if they're that poor then they probably won't have a television to be affected by the advert, they just liked my comment.

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I'd purposefully avoided Facebook during Rememberance Sunday and the 11th for the array of poppys and modern day soldier stories being rammed down my throat.


Quick check this morning and was greeted by a picture providing the very reasons I had been avoiding Facebook for.


It contained a Squaddie in a Starbucks on an Afghanistan base (looked like Lash) on his laptop skyping his daughter. Underneath the slogan "Remember everyone today"


Now I'm all for Remembrance Sunday, and the 2 minute silence on the 11th of all the 11s that marks Armistice Day but really? Comparing the mass amount of deaths that WWI created as soldiers lay in muddy to fuck trenches, to some squaddie having a double expresso whilst skyping his family every other day is taking the piss.


The whole 'dumbing down' of what last weekend was about, and latching onto it the deaths and serious injuries of soldiers from Afghanistan is really grating on me more and more. Similar to the statements of "John got 12 years for fingering a Chinchilla, he has a comfy bed, three meals a day and plays on his PS3 in the comfort of his warm, dry cell ... Graham is in the Paras, he has slept on the floor with gunfire coming in for the past 2 years ... where's the justice?" I've just had a enough of everything relating to Soldiers in Ganners, Help For Heroes, Wooton Fucking Bassett and everything else relating to modern warfare and how squaddies have it difficult.


Am I on my own in wanting to shout: "They signed up for it, it's a good job with a goodish pension, they can learn good trades, they live exceptionally cheaply on UK turf and a vast majority of these "heroes" have urges to fight people when pissed, shag other women whilst their squaddie mattress wives shag their neghbour when they're away which turns into domestic abuse when they are face to face on R'N'R every three months, I wouldn't do it, but I never signed the paperwork, there are PLENTY of jobs out there where folks put their lives at risk, what about them?"


I see a uniform and it's just one big meh from me

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Some pictures of Rhinos going around on it today. A breed of them is extinct apparently. Oh, man is so terrible! Sad day for the world :(


It just contains more people looking for a pat on the back for bringing the subject up and possibly chucking in a quid for the WWF or something. If they're that concerned, make a conscious effort to campaign and contribute to their conservation. Don't share a photo on Facebook and look for likes and shares and so on.

Edited by Fatty Facesitter
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Just been to read up on what's happening with the rhinos. I do find it really sad. Western Black Rhino now extinct, Northern White Rhino (the plight of which I did know about) virtually gone, and only about 40 Javan rhinos left. Really depressing. True, it's not something I would post on Facebook about - because what is that going to do, as you say - but I find it very sad news.

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Don't get me wrong, I think it's a shame too. My main issue is with people shedding a bunch of e-tears and then they'll just forget about it when the next sad bit of chain mail-esque pictures float around. If they genuinely care, go set out to make a difference rather than hope for some likes on their wall. For instance, why not start a page/group of their own dedicated to raising some funds and building some sort of conservation thing for them?


Unless I'm being thick I'm sure species in the past that were at risk of extinction have survived through people coming together to raise funds/awareness etc. Hopefully someone taps onto that in this case and people who've been posting about it will follow them up on it.

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A girl on my Facebook put up a status eysterdaya about how unahppy she was with her GP. Along the lines of she'd taken her daughter to the surgery, GP said it wa a virus, they came home and the little girl passed out and had to go to A&E. Fair enough, if she felt the need to let people know this but my question would be why the fuck are you on your phone updating your Facebook status from A&E when you should be making sure your daughter is ok?


I see stuff like this fairly often and it always pisses me off that people would rather go on facebook and rant about the doctor/school/football team coach than 1)discuss it with the person who has upset them so greatly and 2) concentrate on making sure their child is ok rather than getting into hour long discussions on social media. Discussions that usually descend into some form of bigotry or discrimination.

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Idiotic? I've sat in A&E waiting rooms with my son, bored and frustrated on more than one occasion. I've never felt the need to go on to Facebook and broadcast what's wrong with him or decry anybody. In my opinion the priority is the child and making sure they're ok. Her priority was getting on facebook and letting the whole world know how unhappy she was with her GP.


In fact. if I remember correctly she first posted about 10 minutes after she arrived at the hospital because she mentioned that she had only just been signed in so I doubt she even was bored or frustrated.

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