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Facebook updates that blow your mind


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We used to call it loads of things. The Leap of Faith, Crossing the Desert, the Unblinking Eye, the Wreck of the Hesperus...

Those are all different ones - though they are very similar...

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You's lot are all north of the border I think. Down here, it was Christ's Fat Cock, or The Lonely Suicide of Bobby Davro's African Cleaner.


It got confusing when the French exchange students came down one spring, and suggested we kill a boring evening with some 'Tis I, LeClerc, but eventally we found common ground with Cure Your Cold With a Steaming Bucket of Roy Jay's Piss, a title which seemed to transverse both languages, like 'deja vu'.

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I find "social media" to be best for actual networking, IE for business/work purposes [that reflect on your work]. I was staying on it as I have a lot of family who are spread about, but even that was just taxing to me towards the end.


I just hated how I'd spend time on Facebook, literally because its the "normal" thing we all do now, for some reason. I'd spend like 10-20 minutes just scrolling through........and I never knew why because I wasn't interested in teh drivel that's on there ("look at this thing I've bought" , "lol messy night out wooo", [other generic non interesting thing from people you never actually speak with] ), when my real close friends I ring/text/speak with in person on a regular basis anyway......so no idea why I was even doing it other than, "its a thing" .

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