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Oh my god, you guys are amazing. I wish I could just C&P some of the stuff you're coming out with and pretend I wrote it. "...A bloke with a bag. A bag! Heavens to Betsy," and about his "sub-Will Self word soup". I love you guys.

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I thought I'd share some of his writing skills... I don't know who taught him about usage of capital letters but they need to be Shot.

On Star Wars:

"I thought the last two Star Wars movies were garbage and this one looks like more Politically Correct, Emo, Virtue Signaling, Hipster, decision by committee trash for gullible snowflake Millenials. I'll end up checking it out in January probably, no rush for me...But nice to see that others aren't brainwashed into tacit, docile groupthink acceptance of corporate shit. Fuck the new Star Wars...The Emperor has no clothes."

More on Star Wars:

"Absolutely Hilarious and dead on...This is a spoiler laden review of the nonsense that was the new Star Wars movie. It was a bunch of corporate uninspired groupthink crap. The writing was awful and the characters boring. The rebels looked less like a fighting force and more like National Public Radio hosts and Public Television Fundraiser volunteers. What they did to Luke's character was a travesty and they made Chewie a Vegan. I need to study but this review by this cantankerous puppet man NAILS it. How much more of this crap can we take?"

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Remember the old "Alannis Morrisette lyrics generator" type websites?

His writing style is so over laden with clichés and buzzwords, it's as if it was knocked together by some algorithm. Instead of "I am serious writer", it feels that it should have "i wrote it to make my mates laugh more than anything and so far that's what it's done" as a disclaimer.

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The thing is, I know (knew?) him as this liberal all-loving Jewish guy who loves music (we bonded over a love of the Beastie Boys) who embraces different cultures and is proud to be American. But, it seems that more and more, he's becoming this guy who's so filled with hate that it's embarrassing. He rants at everyone that doesn't fit to his ideal. A few years ago he would have ripped someone to shreds for using the word "snowflake" but now he's just so angry all the time.

When there was a terrorist attack in NYC recently (at the Port Authority Building if I remember correctly) he posted and said that he was annoyed because he had a test to get to. WTF?! People might be dead or injured and he's just worrying about himself! He's currently studying to become and paramedic or nurse or something like that and keeps bitching because he’s not getting the grades he thinks he deserves. He keeps get around the 75 mark and doesn’t understand why he can’t get higher grades because he knows the stuff and he’s studying. Well, sorry, but just accept that your [sic] average and that’s that. He thinks the world owes him something and has a grudge.

It's so annoying and that's why he's muted. Sorry if I'm rambling but it's a shame to see someone who was once bright and promising 20 years ago to have wasted their lives and just become someone who bitches and moans and puts people down just to make themselves feel better. I have no time for people like that.

Edited by Monkee
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Aside from the wordiness, that seems exactly like a guy I'm Facebook friends with. He used to work with my brother, and was a Labour supporting Guardian reader, and pretty much socially liberal in all respects. Something seems to have clicked in the last couple of years, as now half his Facebook posts are about "offence culture", "virtue signalling" or "snowflakes", or banging on about students and university safe spaces and all that shit. He went from someone I could happily have a pint with and chat about almost anything to sharing alt-right memes and Milo videos.

I ended up hiding his posts on Facebook after Trump was elected, and he posted a picture of some protesters in London with the caption, "just as I thought, all middle-class students". I asked him how he could tell from a photo what a group of people's income and employment status was, and never got a reply. Just couldn't be bothered dealing with him any more.


In this guy's case, I think it's something similar to what you're talking about - he'd got out of a dead-end job, started writing, did a couple of shows at the Fringe, and thought he was going to be something special, and then just became incredibly bitter and self-centred when he wasn't handed instant success. A bit of the more explicit alt-right type stuff I think came from the old standard, "PC gone mad, you can't tell jokes about anything any more!" nonsense, which I think he started using as an excuse for why his comedy career never took off.


It's a hard thing, being told that you're something special and having to face up in later life to the fact that either you're the same as everyone else, or that "being special" isn't enough to get you what you want. From having spent a lot of time around the local music scene when I was younger, at a point when a couple of bands from here looked on the verge of making it big, and there was a bit of industry hype around one of them, I knew too many people who were getting talked up, or otherwise had just convinced themselves that it was just a matter of time before they became massive stars. I'm seeing the same thing most likely happen in real time with a kid in wrestling who used to work with us who has gone on to work in the US. Some of them adjust and end up happily keeping up with whatever creative endeavours they have as a hobby or a side-project, but too many end up bitterly slogging through office jobs, or still thinking that it's just a matter of time ten years later, and far too many that are still the drugged up, drunk wasters they always were, only without someone telling them they're a genius any more.

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Yeah, "virtue-signalling" is always a giveaway. A wanker's term, invented by wankers, for use by wankers. Basically, "I'm an abject tosser, and I can't imagine anyone else not wanting to be, so they must just saying these things to make themselves look good and get laid with women".

You can play bingo with these guys. Tick off when you see:

Cultural Marxism
Soft genocide
Offence culture
Social Justice Warriors/SJWs

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5 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

You can play bingo with these guys.

But you'll soon get sick of them moaning that "you can't say two fat ladies anymore."

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9 minutes ago, Uncle Zeb said:

But you'll soon get sick of them moaning that "you can't say two fat ladies anymore."



I've still never been given a satisfactory explanation as to what "Cultural Marxism" even means in the sense they use it, and I don't they know either. It's such a nonsense term, or else its just the "Cultural Bolshevikism" the Nazis used to blame everything on when they hadn't quite plucked up the courage to just say "The Jews" yet.

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53 minutes ago, Uncle Zeb said:

But you'll soon get sick of them moaning that "you can't say two fat ladies anymore."


Yeah, it should be of no surprise that any explanation given of "Cultural Marxism" by the kind of person who uses the term shows a complete and utter ignorance of what Marxism actually is.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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A friend of a friend who is a teacher:

I’m trying to teach my 10 year old students that sharing photos online can be dangerous. To prove the point we’re putting a picture online and tracking it for shares/comments etc to see how far it travels and the potential danger of this. One student suggest a bag of apples as it’s a pretty boring picture, so no one would bother sharing or commenting. I want to show them that dangers are real, please help me to do this by sharing and commenting on the picture of this bag of apples”.

Where to even start with this one. I get that the teacher wants kids to be safe when online, that’s fine, good stuff, but fucking Howay you daft twat.

The need to prove.... Urgh.

Maybe teach about differentiation, that ‘putting images online’ isn’t dangerous in general, but photos of children online can be used by bad people to do bad things. Posting pictures of your hamster, new footy boots, or a bag of fucking apples isn’t.

Which ties in nicely to my main issue with this. A kid suggests a bag of apples because people won’t be arsed about sharing/commenting. So the teacher asks people to unnaturally share and comment simply to be right? What the fuck is that about?

The kid is right. Simple as that.

Finally, let’s say the picture of the Apple gets shared and for argument sake, 10 comments. The teacher is likely to feed this back to the kids, but with what actual point? WHERE IS THE POTENTIAL DANGER IN THIS EXPERIMENT? 

Not only has the teacher managed to lose the argument about a boring picture to a kid, due to asking people to share it, it’s got fuck all to do with the point they are trying to prove?

A fucking teacher.... arrgghh.

Edited by Kaz Hayashi
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I rarely go on Facebook, but joined this local 'network' when I was looking for a room and job and well...it's exactly the sort of thing you expect from an affluent, leafy Tory town in Surrey. I would like to present this bit without context or content to be honest (I've changed their names don't worry)


Lesley WhickerWacker Although I agree it’s not the responsibility of the schools, they could send out a letter to parents warning of the dangers and could do a hard-hitting assembly about it.
Tracey WhickerWacker I thought all of this had died down with the police intervention 1f614.png? The theory of this started out as quite noble (doing tricks on bikes instead of doing drugs/using knives) but has got so out of control. If they did their wheelies etc in open spaces like Brooklands and weren’t aggressive, it could be a wonderful thing
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