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Facebook updates that blow your mind


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Thing is, I know a girl (trying my hardest not to be stereotypical here) - bleached blonde hair, fake nails, fake t.. tan, 22 going on 16, believes everything written on Facebook, no common sense whatsoever, and it wouldn't surprise me if she wrote something like that confusing Islamic State with the Islamic faith.


In fact, there are some people I know who I'd be surprised if they did know the difference between the two.


Not saying that's what has happened above in Merzbow's post, nor am I defending it. Just a random thought really.

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Nah, she's got previous for racially aggravated assault. There are people who no doubt get the two confused out of ignorance but this isn't one of them. My personal favourite part of her outburst was posting her address to challenge people who "want to say something to my face" if people had issues before telling people she hopes ISIS blow their families up.


It was a pie wrestling style breakdown up until her arrest by Thames Valley Police.

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Seen this banded around quite a bit on Facebook today. Typically it's the utter cretins that have shared it. Thank god for the unfriend button, times like this people show their true colours.


Edited by Nick James
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So, following on from our discussion of blatantly bullshit Facebook posts about coming to the defense of helpless Muslims, there's one that has been picked up by the newspapers here now.


It's worded in a bit more of a plausible way than the others, but still sounds like bullshit to me. Am I just being cynical? Why is there no-one who can corroborate the story if the train was so packed?



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We got to my stop and I asked her if she'd like me to stay on until her stop. When I asked, tears started running down her face because of what she called "my tremendous kindness and bravery". I don't think that's true. I just saw someone in need, and it was my human nature to do what I could.


This part is so self-fellating it makes me feel sick.

Edited by Slapnut
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Yeah. Even if it's true he's totally pulling a Bono there.



OK. I can't let this go. It's driving me nuts that no one seems to care that it's complete fucking bullshit... I feel like I'm crazy here. People are so fucking dumb.


I'm actually getting sucked into comments on his stupid facebook post, that's how much it's annoying me. And obviously that's getting me even more worked up.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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I used to post on a different nerdy hobby forum and it reminds me of a story one of the nobs on there posted on his Facebook. Still makes me chuckle and he got (rightly) ripped to pieces for it.




He later got outed for catfishing as a Korean chick and asking some under-age girls to share nudes. The following fallout is still by far the best turn of events I've ever seen on the internet. And the bus cheered.

Edited by Undefeated Steak
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