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Facebook updates that blow your mind


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There's absolutely nothing on my Facebook that I could should get into trouble for, but I still wouldn't want my girlfriend having unfettered access to my Facebook account.


Girls are weird, and you can never be sure of how they'll react to something.

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I think I'm going to ditch Facebook, anyway. Anyone I want to speak to I speak to in real life or on WhatsApp. I'm only using it to book comedy spots. I might just make a new, basic account for that. Facebook is over. My mum's on there posting Britain First pictures on a daily basis.

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The absolute worst thing about social media is people who never go out making sure everyone knows when they do, quantified by the phrase "im going out, on the drink" and next morning no matter how irrelevant it is to a status using the quote "im so hungover, I need a Sunday Dinner" and there photos look like a night ironing was more exciting


Often the statuses end up someone commenting something akin to "johnny asked for a sausage roll in pizza shop, they don't even do sausage rolls, he's totally mental, crazy night"

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I'm being ruthless now. Anyone on my friend list who shares anything from Britain First or who complains about people claiming benefits is being unfriended.



I have that rule myself.


I've been surprised at who I've said goodbye to, but I don't make any exceptions.

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Is that to do with that painfully obvious parody video about replacing Peppa Pig with Abdullah the Cat?


I don't know. Someone shared it on my feed. The page its from is the full of the sort of it you'd find on Britain First etc though.


Speaking of Britain First, I might need to start unfriending people who share their pish as well. I just got called a "traitor" and accused of "sweeping Islamic extremism under the carpet" by a friend of a friend for asking how Britain First lying about the benefits that Asylum Seekers get in anyway stops Muslim extremists.


I actually like the guy who shared it originally (and who bailed right the fuck out of the argument) but for fuck's sake.

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It's hilarious it got any traction whatsoever. The "campaign" is openly started by a group called "British Muslim Comedy" and that it's got any serious outrage from people is one of the best arguments for a certain Farnsworth meme we're going to get.


Had one of my favourite Britain First idiot posts this morning, "after another day of rubbish and repeats share and like if you think the BBC license fee should be abolished!" the icing on this cake before unfriending was that the bloke has got loads and loads of Doctor Who stuff all over his page...

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The complete saturation of online petitions has rendered them beyond meaningless now, I'm as happy as anyone that the the independence referendum got people talking about politics again but it's also spawned a whole generation of armchair revolutionaries. Get back to posting pictures of your dinner and/or ugly kid please.

Slightly different I know but the sheer volume of them on my newsfeed recently has been grating on me.

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