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Facebook updates that blow your mind


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Maybe it's the relative age of my connections but there's a spate of "yeah I don't do housework but at least my kids have FUN" (that means watch CBeebies).


It's giving people an excuse to give up doing the washing up.

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If I didn't know this girl in person, I'd think she was trolling.


just been called a cruel person by my ex nice ta no but who gives a fuck not me well maybe u shouldnt of been a dick then i wouldnt of had ta de this ‪#‎facelookbovaddontfinkso‬ pmsl


Made me wince, that one.

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God, there's this guy on my Facebook who won't shut up about his fucking runs, Iron Man, and training. I preferred him when he used to sit n his grundies smoking Undertoker and watching the Royal Rumble.




Yep, and fuck off, Loki. You love my Vine vids and shit food.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Following a BBC documentary about Muslim men preying on Sikh girls, a fuckwit who also happens to be a Sikh girl (which I mention only so you know the below status isn't hostility from someone of another religion and/or gender) posted this:


What I don't understand is why do these young sikh girls give out their numbers in the first place!! Especially on nagar kirtan (vaisakhi walk) they need educating properly, dumb bitches! Why go to a hotel room with a guy you only just met in the first place and don't know anything about properly?!!! Then lie to your parents about it all etc... Waheguru help these girls !!!! — feeling angry.
Edited by Vice
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One of the guys on my FB is in the US Navy and is always posting on a related page so his comments pop up on my timeline. Tonight he commented on a post that got me really angry. The admin had posted a photo of a pregnant lady posing in a camo jacket, looking down at her belly and kneeling on a bed. The main caption was "Ladies, this is not cute. If you feel badly because you got fat as fuck while pregnant then ask your partner [who's in the armed forces] for a PT plan." All the comments on the photo are slagging off this lady for being obese, having thick thighs, not eating properly because her hair's not shiny and her skin's not glowing like it should be, and lots of other purely vile comments. I'm disgusted by it. What makes it worse is that the admin who posted it is also a woman who justifies it by saying she's had 4 kids and never put on any extra weight (although admitting she has Grave's disease meaning she struggles to gain weight anyway) so she can call whoever she wants fat.


Why would anyone do this?!?

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One of the mums on my Facebook has posted a meme about what kind of girls are suitable for her son which includes a line about how badly she'll react to seeing 'sexts' (what a horrible) word on her son's phone. She certainly didn't seem to mind that kind of thing when she was young.

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There's a few people on my Facebook who've annoyed me with their simplistic 'shame on us for not helping!' statuses on Syria in the past week, but at least they meant well, I suppose. Yesterday, though, one lad - not one I'd pegged as a nasty piece of work - spectacularly tucked himself with a status bemoaning not our 'failure to help', nor our leaders' dubious motives for wanting a war, but rather the volume of Syrian asylum seekers who would no doubt flood into the gullible UK as a result of the conflict.


To be fair, he got crucified by pretty much everyone who saw it.

Edited by Magnum
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I know people have a right to be proud of their kids, but all the "First Day of Big School" posts over the last 24 hours is excessive. Just wait till you see what the uniform looks like when they get back...

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