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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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But at least with Outlaw we get the beautiful directors commentary which is unintentionally the best thing Love has ever done.

I'm intrigued.

Elaborate, sir. I never got that far or cared that much about said flick.



"Taxi Driver, Dirty Harry... they got cunted when they came out too"




I might have to re-watch that just for fun. I've just finished watching "Danny Dyer's Deadliest men" with my mate for it's high quantity of unintentional comedy moments.

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Harry Brown's a hilariously awful film. It's every hysterical Facebook status about "wat r world comin too?" put to film, with zero sense of irony.


That's one theory.


The other, more plausible one, is that it is a vigilante thriller. And that's it.

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Harry Brown's a hilariously awful film. It's every hysterical Facebook status about "wat r world comin too?" put to film, with zero sense of irony.


That's one theory.


The other, more plausible one, is that it is a vigilante thriller. And that's it.



I remember reading Astro's take before I saw the film. And the when I saw it, it just seemed in the tradition of the vigilante film. I quite enjoyed it.


Mind you, the director may have thought he was making a great statement.

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Harry Brown's a hilariously awful film. It's every hysterical Facebook status about "wat r world comin too?" put to film, with zero sense of irony.


That's one theory.


The other, more plausible one, is that it is a vigilante thriller. And that's it.


Maybe watching it now you might think that, but it came out right in the midst of the broken Britain, feral hoodies mania, and at the time, it was hard not to see it as some lame attempt at a reactionary statement.


I only got as far as the first page of Google results for interviews about it with the director, but the one I clicked on opened with this:


Q. What is your hope for the film in Britain?


Daniel Barber: I think it does make important social comment and I hope that it inspires some sort of a conversation

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Maybe watching it now you might think that, but it came out right in the midst of the broken Britain, feral hoodies mania, and at the time, it was hard not to see it as some lame attempt at a reactionary statement.


So did Eden Lake, and that was still a well executed thriller.

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Am i right though Baz, despite Jackie's character being called Kevin or Ka Kui, and having a girlfriend called May played by Maggie Cheung, it wasnt always meant to be a direct sequel was it?

PS3 is definitely part of the Police Story series. He's Ka Kui/Kevin, she's May, Uncle Bill is Uncle Bill (although this means nothing, as he's called Uncle Bill in almost everything he's in), and Jackie was referring to it being a continuation of the series when it was in pre-production. He still claims First Strike is the fourth part of the series though, as he was/is planning on doing a Police Story 5 to wrap everything up and have him finally marry May.


I'd struggle listing suitable pairings because aside from the well known Jackie/Samo collaborations, I'd be hard pressed to say who directed what. There's also the factor of the director not actually directing (City Hunter being a prime example of this. Wong Jing is listed as director, but he spent almost the entire production sat in his caravan writing gags for future films. Actual directorial duties were done by the second unit director, the DOP, Jackie, and pretty much anyone else that fancied a go).

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Tried watching American Splendor again last night, just couldn't get into it, which was annoying as I like Paul Giamatti but just think it doesn't work with all the switching to the real Harvey Pekar then back to the film then having really uninteresting scenes where nothing actually happens


I normally like films where nothing really happens by the way, In Search of a Midnight Kiss is in my top 3 favourite films and barely anything happens in that, American Splendor looked like they thought they'd come up with a really clever idea of mixing all these things up (real life Harvey commenting on the film, him chatting to the crew, pointing out Paul Giamatti looks nothing like him etc.) but the problem was they just seemed like gimmicks that didn't really work combined with the fact that every 'normal' scene in he film drags like fuck and I just gave up halfway through, again


Probably could've saved myself some bother if I'd looked at the front cover of the DVD before watching it though, As I was taking it to the charity shop I noticed it said it was from the producer of Happiness, which barring the scenes with Dylan Baker in is one of the worst films I've ever seen

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Finally watched The Wicker Man last night. Absolutely superb film. Wasn't really spoiled by having already known the ending for years either, absolutely superb stuff. Christopher Lee is fantastic in it.

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