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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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Been working my way through the Toxic Avenger movies, the first 3 are really fun cheesy films but I'm not digging the 4th one so far


Troma lost all of their money and made a crappy looking fourth one to get by. It didn't work.

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Been trying to go through my Virgin Tivo box having recorded about 150 movies in the last few months, Recently I've watched Spacecamp, which I'd not see for about 25 years. as a kids film it ties into all of the tropes at the time, technology, cute robot and a main love story. It has a good cast including Tom Skerrett, Kate Capshaw, Lea Thompson, Tate Donovan et al, and is well told. It has an abrupt ending, and as expected the effects are now well dodgy 30 years later. However it is still endearing and an enjoyable romp inspite of that. Im not going to say it's brilliant but was a fine nostalgia effort considering the amount of time that had passed since last viewing.


The Runaways, is a complete mess of a film. It has a great opening half as the formation of the band, but the narrative loses it completely in the second half where it's more concerned with sexplotation of Dakota Fanning and her subsequent badly told breakdown. Kirsten Stewart was very good in this as was Michael Shannon hamming it up to high heaven as Kim Fowley, channeling Brad Pitt in Fight Club, but, Christ! what a mess. Too much faffing about framing the shots so it looked good as opposed to showing the complete melt down of the band as the pressures of touring family crises and coming of age took hold meant it became a complete cluster fuck I appreciate that there are factors at work including on going band issues to this day, but it could have been amazing rather than just a good first half. You know a film has lost it when it becomes a complete chore to watch the second half :/



Sabotage, Arnie, back on form, completely nonsensical narrative, lots of great action. No downside, nuff said! FWIW, I love Eraser. you have two uber bastards in John Lithgow and James Caan, there is also much fun to be had with the rail guns and mafia subplot. End of Days is lovely too mainly because of Gabriel Byrne hamming it up and that Miriam Margolyes fight scene.


Elysium is basically Battle Angel Alita isnt it? Sharito Copley is fun as Kruger and Jodie Foster's political machinations match the present day turmoil. 

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Been working my way through the Toxic Avenger movies, the first 3 are really fun cheesy films but I'm not digging the 4th one so far


Troma lost all of their money and made a crappy looking fourth one to get by. It didn't work.



Ah that explains why Toxie looks so different then, the make up work on the actor playing him is awful

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Funnily enough, I watched Rocky IV yesterday. It was weird because in this version they cut the scenes where Drago is being injected with steroids during his training, and where he is injected half way through the fight with Rocky.


It was on Blu-Ray too. It's not like it was a Sunday afternoon TV version.

i dont even think ive ever seen those scenes.


the only drug related thing i recall is where the Russian team are questioned about drug use during a press conference and the Drago team look a bit sheepish, so i've always thought the drug was implied but never actually shown.

Yeah, the press conference scene was on the version I watched.



This is the training montage. Everything from 0:18 to 0:32 has been cut.


Maybe I have imagined the steroid shot during the fight. I have a vague recollection of it. I hadn't watched this for a good 15 years prior to yesterday.

i've seen Rocky 4 about 20 times and ive never seen that version, mind blown.
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Hang on, there's been an Arnie conversation and Matrix hasn't popped by. Are we sure he's OK?


Haha, thanks for the safe and well check pal.  I'm fine thanks, drowning in work at the minute and thought chipping in with my thoughts on Commando might have been a little predictable..


Matrix is busy tweeting about Gladiators, which is classic Matrix.


This made me laugh a lot.  A) I live in my own bubble, and B) I forget some of you lot see my Twitter output - when I read that, it was like an awakening "Yes mate, you really are that tragic!"

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Been working my way through the Toxic Avenger movies, the first 3 are really fun cheesy films but I'm not digging the 4th one so far

Troma lost all of their money and made a crappy looking fourth one to get by. It didn't work.

Ah that explains why Toxie looks so different then, the make up work on the actor playing him is awful

I've always felt like Troma should have stuck to buying in films - their own films are terrible, but they've picked up some crackers for distribution.

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I've always felt like Troma should have stuck to buying in films - their own films are terrible, but they've picked up some crackers for distribution.


Troma are so disappointing when (as I'm assuming many people did), you try to get into them in your late teens. The posters and titles look so enticing, and their trailers always make their movies look super fun, but in reality, their in-house stuff is just ineptly made and tedious. I'm all for their attitude of "fuck the system!" independent spirit (and their infantile nature), but it's just movies made by people who've obviously never actually seen a movie. No idea of pacing or characters, just scenes that go on far, far too long, with a few, scattered minutes of tits, gore and explosions that can be put in a trailer and make it look like it won't be bad.


Their making-of documentaries are fucking ace, though, and despite everything I've said above, make it seem like a kind of hellish fun to work for them. Although 'All the Love you Cannes!', the one where they set up an office at the Cannes Film Festival and try to get distribution, makes them seem like the most childish, obnoxious crew in the world, barring Lloyd Kaufman, of course, who is like a lovely, gross old grandad. I think they're all on Youtube.


Actually, the most recent proper film, Return to Nuke 'Em High Volume 1, was genuinely pretty great.


One of the making of docs has one of my favourite scenes in anything ever, with Lloyd Kaufman, up against the clock, desperately trying to coach some poor production assistant through the most atrocious acting the world has ever seen, until he gets a passable line reading on film. If the timecode thing doesn't work, the scene in question is at 48minutes in. Excrutiating.



Edited by Astro Hollywood
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Spot on — just inept toss. I know they got started before Street Trash was released, but they might as well have packed it up as soon as that film came out (I actually thought that Troma had distributed it, but it was actually Lightning Pictures, who were another distributor of mostly-shit films in the 80s). It's like some people with genuine talent found a Troma script, buffed it up, and made a real film. 

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Admittedly It's been a long time since I've seen them, but I remember Surf Nazis Must Die and Sgt Kabukiman NYPD being enjoyable, whereas A Nympho Barbarian in Dinosaur Hell was the embodiment of "The posters and titles look so enticing".

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My memory has Kabukiman as thin but fun, but Surf Nazis is just a horrible, horrible film. Wasn't a Troma film, either, just another pickup. They had good taste (or good-bad taste) in their distribution — I have a soft spot for Blood-Sucking Freaks, and Combat Shock is a powerful film.

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