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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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I watched Begin Again recently. I really liked it. Love the soundtrack too. Keira Knightley's got a surprisingly lovely voice (albeit about as genuine as Vinny Mac on the cover of Muscle & Fitness) and they wrote a couple of great tunes for her.


Adam Levine is pretty good in it too but Mark Ruffalo is absolutely superb. A really great performance. I've no idea where I heard about it but I downloaded it ages ago and the wife liked the sound of it. It has some great shots of New York which can make a shit movie alright but it's a pretty decent story. The characters are strong and it doesn't try too hard.


Probably the first movie soundtrack I've bought since Notting Hill! And yes, I'm a big poof.

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I watched Idiocracy again last night, after not watching it for ages. When I first watched it I really enjoyed it, I feel the same about it now. It's just a fun film with a simple premise which is done well. It has its funny moments and isn't long, the perfect length for a comedy like that.


What I did notice this time was how the word 'fag' was used so often, obviously I remember it being used but watching it back made me feel a bit differently towards it. I still did laugh, though I put that down to the delivery more than anything.


Mike Judge is a genius and I know the point of using it, but it would seem almost impossible to release that film today. Even if it was making fun of stupid people using that word thus making them even more stupid (which I did enjoy), I just spent the whole time thinking the shit storm this film would be getting if it were released now.


If you haven't watched it, I highly recommend it. A really fun film which is about 80mins long.

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Watched Birdman after it did well at the Oscars. I thought it was a good film and I both Keaton and Norton were excellent in it.


Are there any South Park fans here that have seen it? There's a drum track playing consistently through the film, I half expected the next scene to be Randy rehearsing some cock magic

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Yeah I'm a massive old movie fan and I didn't care much for On the Waterfront either, can't take Brando's wierd voice or face seriously. He looks like he was made out of clay. Best thing about both of those movies is Lee J. Cobb, fantastic character actor. Karl Malden was really good as the priest too.

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It Follows : It’s really, really, REALLY quite excellent. We can all relate to the fear of an STD and this flick nails it by turning the STD into a physical form.

It’s a lot of fun, very creepy, will send your arsehole out of your mouth, all the while having a lovely innocent charm.

Thoroughly enjoyed it – even though it’s a teen heavy cast – and is reminiscent of Drag Me To Heck and The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon.

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