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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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Legend wasn't meant to be all about the brothers as many expected it to be. The storyline was all based around the relationship of Reg and Frances.


Doesn't make it any better as film though, mind it can't be as bad as that Rise/Fall of the Krays one that came out, can it?
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The tone of Legend was all over the place. Felt like a wasted opportunity as Tom Hardy is a great actor but it felt like a wasted opportunity.


I've not seen I, Daniel Blake yet but I think you pretty much know what you're going to get with Ken Loach. I loved Raining Stones & Looking For Eric and I'm really happy that Dave Johns is getting plaudits for his role in this.

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Does D-Tox fall into the slasher genre though? It definitely looks the odd one out in that movie list.

There's a couple in the list which are tweeners but D-Tox isn't one of them IMO. With the exception of some gun play at the end it's pretty uniform. Look at it as if you swap Stallone for a final girl and the cops to co-eds its basically every 80s slasher with a hint more irritating emo.

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I watched I, Daniel Blake last week. It starts out quite funny then slowly falls into a bit of a miserable experience. I was watching it in Edinburgh where all the posh folk were crying for the poor people.


Wasn't a fan of the ending.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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Coming to an end of the "we taped all the horror movies on TV for Halloween", i saw the original A Nightmare on Elm Street.


i'm probably going to get some flak for this, but...what a load of garbage. I'd read the budget was low, and it shows a whole lot in certain places. Some of the actor's aren't too bad, but a few of them (the girls mother for example) are just the worst. And that end scene with her mother and the door. I laughed out load, which I'm sure is not the desired reaction.


For those that haven't seen it:






Are the others any better?

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I imagine a lot of people would have shat themselves at the end of the original "Nightmare on Elm Street".


In fairness, the overall feel/tone of the ending part, along with the arm coming through to door, is very creepy in deep, but the mannequin stunt double is just hilarious. 

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I love Nightmare on Elm Street and have done since I was a wee pup.


I remember the first time I saw it. I was about 8 and my mates big sister and her mates were babysitting us of a Sunday while our parents went out. They rented The Lost Boys (and I’ll never forget them all gooing over Corey Haim singing in the bath) and Nightmare on Elm Street. I fucking adored the Lost Boys after watching it and wanted to be a Frog Brother, but the euphoria and mirth I felt after that movie was soon replaced with trepidation and disquiet as the opening hum and subsequent notes of Charles Bernstein’s score greeted me with the fact this would be a very different experience.


Looking back, Craven was an absolute master. Even a seemingly innocent enough scene of Nancy walking down the street with Bernsteins ominous score accompanying it was shot in a way that filled me with fucking dread. A dread that did not relent until my Ma and Da picked me up later that night, but returned when I was lying in bed, resulting in me reading Buster and Hotshot Hamish comic strips until about 3am.

All I could think of as I tried to concentrate on Faceache and Slow Coach, was Freddy whispering “Tina” and a barrage of imagery like herself being dragged around a room, standing up in a bodybag with her watery eyes, the claw in the bath, Depp being pulled into the bed and Nancy getting her feet stuck in the stairs as she tried to run. Not to mention the fact, I was terrified that if I fell asleep he’d come for me.


But I do remember us all busting out laughing at the end when ‘that’ happened. I just laughed because everyone else was, even though inside I was crying, but the rest seemed genuine with their laughter in 1987.


Very unsettling and unnecessary movie for an 8 year old to be watching, but I've loved it since as it stood me in good stead because I wasn’t afraid of much after that.

Except the Exorcist. I slept with the lights on, watching Road Runner and Tiny Toons How I Spent My Summer Vacation on repeat when I was 18 or 19 after seeing the re-release of that. I don’t like anything to do with the divvil and all those type of movies and tv shows can fuck off.

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Yeah I shat myself when I saw it for the first time - I was probably a couple of years older too. I can't imagine it's aged well though.

Maybe that's it. i'm aware the budget wasn't the best, at the time of production, so maybe thats why going in fresh now is a bad idea. With this, I found the mother [hot or not, up to you to decide] was just the worst actor by far in this. That added into that, whilst it was mentioned, there wasn't a whole lot on Freddy's back story, and the generic "people can't run at normal speed/always rolling about with the killer" just made it look real bad to me. The concept is great, just not very well executed in my opinion.


Are any of the other ones any good? The only other "Freddy" film I ever watch was Freddy Vs Jason.....which I really enjoyed at the time hah.

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