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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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I watched Prisoners the other night. Really a great film and Hugh Jackmans performance was amazing. I think I've just got used to him being Wolverine all the time and forgot he can actually act. Jake Gyllenhaal as Detective Loki was class as well. It probably wont take you long to figure out where the film is going, but you will still be entertained, well worth a watch.

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I watched Prisoners the other night. Really a great film and Hugh Jackmans performance was amazing. I think I've just got used to him being Wolverine all the time and forgot he can actually act. Jake Gyllenhaal as Detective Loki was class as well. It probably wont take you long to figure out where the film is going, but you will still be entertained, well worth a watch.


I'm stunned at the reaction to this. It's in the IMDB Top 250. At first, yeah, it seems like a really solid drama, but the last hour is like the most insane Nick Cage film ever, increasingly mental with every passing minute. It's worth watching for how utterly batshit it goes. It's like they meant to cast Cage and John Cusack, but instead got two guys who acted the shit out of it.

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I'm stunned at the reaction to this. It's in the IMDB Top 250. At first, yeah, it seems like a really solid drama, but the last hour is like the most insane Nick Cage film ever, increasingly mental with every passing minute. It's worth watching for how utterly batshit it goes. It's like they meant to cast Cage and John Cusack, but instead got two guys who acted the shit out of it.


I do think it's a bit longer than it needs to be. I never knew about it's praise before watching it, so I didn't expect much going in, so was surprised. LOL @ Cage and Cusack, don't they have a similar film? I think it's called The Frozen? I remember seeing the trailer too it awhile ago. Might be worth a watch, to see if it turns out better or more insane than this.

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Well watched Berberian Sound Studio over the weekend and well, it wasnt as 'glorious' as some have said, nor was it rubbish. Well shot and cruelly funny in places, it certainly isnt a run of the mill film and is very Lynch like in execution and is beautifully shot. Decent enough and worth searching out if you want something different. Toby Jones is excellent and Im not usually a fan of him either.


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

I took it that the whole film was an allegory for his breakdown, what with the never ending quest for expenses, flights that didnt exist and a flashback to his previous work. It suggested to me that the whole thing was a construct of his mind as in there was no film in the first place. This was all as he he slowly unravelled, whilst trying to cling to what he knew best or made him happiest (IE Sound FX) hence the link back to the documentary he made


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Had a bit of an author-based film weekend this weekend. First managed to catch Bright Star before it went off iPlayer. I'd been wanting to see it since it came out, but more so since visiting the Keats-Shelley House in Rome where John Keats died. Ben Whishaw made a good Keats, and Abbie Cornish was excellent as Fanny Brawne - they had a great chemistry together, which is what the whole thing hinged on quite nicely. Those letters they wrote each other are unquestionably some of the greatest in history. Worth watching if you're into Romantic poetry, certainly!


Coupled that with seeing Saving Mr Banks today, which I loved. Emma Thompson was sensational as PL Travers, I'm partly guessing but mostly hoping she'll get some awards recognition for it, and Tom Hanks' Walt Disney made a really nice counterpoint. I generally enjoy films about films as it is, and with this one being a Disney production and therefore having the heft of the Disney archive behind it was a massive advantage. Just little things like the storyboard imagery, the layout of the studio, "man is in the forest", that sort of thing, was great. It also gets you leaving the cinema singing 'chim chiminey', probably without realising it.

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It's not as good, but it's still excellent. There's not many episodes of tv that are more emotionally draining than the POW one.

Edited by Loki
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Pretty much as Loki said, Pacific is a fantastic series but Band Of Brothers is on another level to almost everything else.

Pacific suffers by bouncing around from character to character so you don't get as invested. Fuck it I'm watching Band Of Brothers again tonight

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I watched The Conjouring last night and I can honestly say I've not jumped like that since Skeletors "I'll be back" at the end of Masters of The Universe. Particularly the

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Girl on top of the wardrobe but more so the maid running out at the sceptical policeman


[close spoiler]

");document.close();. Unfortunately the ending goes a bit mental and the climax loses most of the tension that's been expertly built up which seems to be James Wan's calling card for third acts. Definitely worth a watch though, it doesn't do anything revolutionary, quite the opposite it plays exactly like every other haunted house film that's been done since Amityville Horror but the scares are magnificent despite the predictability, it adds to the tension if anything.
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Skeletors "I'll be back" at the end of Masters of The Universe.


I only saw this again the other day, it made me wonder what the first ever post-credit scene was (and the history of end of film teasers in general). Anyone know any factoids?


I remember Bond used to have 'James Bond will retun in.......' and BTTF 2 had a load of talk at the time about being filmed back-to-back with pt3 IIRC, but whats the history of this now oft used thing in the movies?


I could look on Google, but someone out there must want to show some nerdy knowledge?

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I found the experience of watching The Conjuring quite similar. They did well to build some tension during the first half of the film, but the further the film went on the more the tension sort of escaped from the screen. The finale was underwhelming, when it arrived.

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