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I thought Trevor Lee was called Chubber Lee until I read this thread. Not sure if that helps with the rebrand suggestions.


Let's face it, they did fuck all when they had Hogan, Nash, Steiner and Sting not to mention the best non WWE talents in North America. How the fuck do they do better business without any of that? Instead of growing they should concentrate on getting the max out if what they have and staying sustainable until a better channel wants them. Maybe cut a ppv deal with Netflix or something.

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It's quite strange the spend a month building up the lockdown themed show and lose around 60,000 viewers on the previous week yet claw back the majority of them for a nothing show the next week


It's as if content is unimportant the viewers they've still got will tune in or not if they can be bothered too regardless

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The replay this week was the lowest of any show on the channel, so the same people who watched TNA last week (inc replay) will have watched it this week. That's TNA's audience. Some people watch live and then watch the replay others dont. Its a few thousand people. Its not like seeing 900,000 people tune out for the 3rd hour of Raw. There is little investment in TNA's storylines because the channel they are on is just shit, it cant help but have a minority of people who care. TNA could barely get that 1.3 million on Spike to stick around and put their hands in their pockets. They've got no hope now.


Apparently the UK tour was a bad one for them.


Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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So then what is it tna can actively do to improve things? For me there putting on a fairly good show right now there's not really anyone available that could come in a big a difference so TNA are doing the right thing imo building up from within but if the network just isn't going to get extra viewers in regardless of the quality of the show then where do TNA go from this point forward


Regardless if your one of these tna haters or a fan of the show if Dixie gave you control right now how would you get that viewership back up?


I personally think there doing the sensible thing in trying to create there own stars but that doesn't mean I think the show is flawless I think they need a shakeup in the creative team and my views on the commentary team are well documented

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48,000 people in TV ratings terms are represented by about 4 actual people, right? Lister should know the ratio if anyone does.


The precise number of Nielsen homes is secret, but between the ones who do diaries and the ones who have some form of electric meter, it's around 37,000 people, so one real viewer = around 8,000 viewers in the ratings.


Obviously that works fine when you're measuring shows with several million viewers. Not so much when you're dealing with smaller channels and small audiences.

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For me there putting on a fairly good show

Considering how blinkered you are to their faults, the fact that you only think the show is "fairly good" should be an indicator of how the rest of us see it.
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Judging by http://www.wrestlingforum.com/#/forumsite/20544/topics/1925049?page=8id say my opinion of the shoe fits the general consensus of those who are actually tuning in

If your using threads from other forums I could post this link




and claim the people currently watching Impact are delusional and in some cases borderline insane and their opinions should only be taken in jest.


To take a line from Fight Club, Impact has become a copy of a copy of a copy. These constant reboots offering exactly the same as before. I watched the first episode on Pop hoping for a carcrash show like the first one from 2010 instead I got the same old dull soulless stuff I was seeing the past few years.


I've watched the last two months and I wished I have gone with my first opinion from the ONO show and first show on Pop and stopped there.

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I keep thinking what would people think if TNA actually folded.


No one would be surprised.


No one outside of the Impact Zone regulars and a few other fans would even care.


I bet even the talent would be fairly relieved like an old horse being put down.


Their time to make an impact and be something different has passed. Their time of being an attractive alternative where talent want to go.. that's mostly passed. Yes there's the occasional idiot who chooses them but on the whole it's a pointless promotion.


There were times I hoped it could be something but now it'll NEVER be more than it is now.

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