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You can get Dailymotion on the 360. Not sure about PS3, but it's been on 360 for ages,

Hmm... interesting! Never shown up when I've searched for it, but then the 360's search is shit. Cheers Trips.


You can get Youtube as well, which is good for watching older matches. Still, I do like to watch Impact and Raw on the telly, because my Xbox is in my bedroom and fuck trying to watch them when I'm half asleep.


EDITED: Death to tit quoting.

Edited by Forrest
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Not keen on Sabin being the champion at all! Nothing about him screams Main Event. I would like to think in the grand scheme of things TNA have plans to make him look like a credible champion but i'm not holding out much hope.


Haven't seen it yet, but was going to post something similar. I can name a dozen guys i'd put the strap on before Chris Sabin!


To be fair, I can't imagine they've got more than a dozen more guys above lower midcard at this stage, what with all the releases!

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The ending was just so dire, just all seemed so rushed and then there was absolutely no reaction to it from anyone. You'd of thought Tenay and Borash would've gone mad considering the title was back in true TNA hands, instead they both sounded like they were ready to clock out for the evening. No pyro or confetti or people coming out from the back either, just like 10 seconds of Sabin standing on the turnbuckles celebrating. Just all horribly done. You'd of thought at least Hogan would've come out?

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Does the whole destination x concept not just make the X Division title look weaker than it already is. The fact that Sabin binned it off for a world title shot the second he won it back?


I don't think so. I'm one of the folks that complains about titles being treated badly when the IC Champ or US Champ jobs clean on Raw to an opponent involved in a completely different angle, but I think everybody has to be ultimately aiming for the World Title.

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Impact hasn't been better than Raw in an age. Dunno why Loki thinks that. Impact's product is worse than the ROH Sinclair show some weeks. Impact's not as bas as it was in 2011, but it's still not exactly a fine two hours viewing.


Sabin as champ as well. Fucking hell. I know they want to make the X Division title their own MITB or something, but the Division is predominately lower card geeks.

Edited by PowerButchi
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I am glad Chris Sabin won the big one. He is one of the only originals left and its nice he finally got rewarded for his loyalty but my big problem is how he won it. The focus on the match was on the MEM vs The Aces and not on the match itself. Sabin may be the CM Punk of TNA. He will be the World Champion but never be in the main event spot :(

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Well, I know I've been beaten to the point, but could that era of Sabin/Styles/Daniels/Aries/Kaz types main events that certain fans have been dying for for years be more of a reality than fantasy?


With the cost-cutting that's going on might we see an exodus of players with any name value external to TNA, and a transformation back into the "indie with production values" that TNA really used to come across as (and sometimes still does) where you could see the same main event on an Impact that you would on an ROH show one weekend and flying over for Fludder the next? In fact, might the talent start accepting dates elsewhere again? "Look mate, you aren't going to be able to make a living on what we're going to be paying you, so if you can get work on days we don't need you, take it."


I know, sounds dramatic. But when one of the best "career revival" and "homegrown singles star" stories of all time and lengthy build and heel turn only results in a couple of months title reign where the beneficiary of dethroning him is Chris Sabin, you start to think.


I would like to think in the grand scheme of things TNA have plans to make him look like a credible champion but i'm not holding out much hope.


I genuinely think there are a couple of scenarios :


1) Due to a combination of factors they decided it was the right way to go on the night :

I. Reinforce the Destination X stip,

II. Add more fuel to the A&8 v MEM fire,

III. Give Sabin the belt as a thank you for all the years of hard work and service

..... and the belt will be back on Bully Ray in short order for a big, well-built up proper dethroning to the next longer-term champion, maybe at BFG.


2) It was a "shock for the sake of a shock" result, and the belt will be back on Bully Ray in short order, see above.


3) They actually decided to get the belt off Bully Ray because he's one of their top names with friends at WWE that's been sending feelers out for work and they expect he'll ask to be allowed to leave soon.



Does the whole destination x concept not just make the X Division title look weaker than it already is. The fact that Sabin binned it off for a world title shot the second he won it back?


On the contrary, I think it reinforces the idea that at any time a guy that's good enough to be the top guy in the X Division could also be a credible threat to the World title. That's not something we would have said 13 months ago.


You'd of thought Tenay and Borash would've

You'd of thought at least Hogan would've




Sabin may be the CM Punk of TNA. He will be the World Champion but never be in the main event spot :(


Punk in 2008, yeah?

Edited by air_raid
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Does the whole destination x concept not just make the X Division title look weaker than it already is. The fact that Sabin binned it off for a world title shot the second he won it back?


On the contrary, I think it reinforces the idea that at any time a guy that's good enough to be the top guy in the X Division could also be a credible threat to the World title. That's not something we would have said 13 months ago.


For me it just devalues the world title. "Oh, the man who's been going 50/50 in opening matches beat the world champion? How shit must the old champion be then?"

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Not sure how you can say that it has been better than WWE output when you confess to hardly ever watching Raw.

That's the only circumstance in which you could say it.


It's all opinion isn't it? A good chunk of the audience was still watching WCW when it went down and never turned to watching the WWF. You can't please all the people.

As I said yesterday, i'd say the majority of members on this board watches Raw every week and never tune into Impact. It's obvious you'll get a handful who don't follow this path.

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Impact hasn't been better than Raw in an age. Dunno why Loki thinks that. Impact's product is worse than the ROH Sinclair show some weeks. Impact's not as bas as it was in 2011, but it's still not exactly a fine two hours viewing.


I watched a few Raws at the beginning of the year, and outside of the Rock, they were pretty dull. Seems like things have turned around a lot in the last 6 months or so, but for quite while last year and this, in my humble opinion of course, Impact was a better show. Even in these last few months, Impact's had some very good shows. Not quite sure why this offends you so much, someone liking something that's not WWE. I've suggested this before, but if you find watching 2 hours of Impact a chore, then don't? If this load of sackings etc. makes Impact shit, I'll stop watching. Plenty else on.


Nevertheless, I will try and find some time to hunt for Raw on Dailymotion, if only to stop you nerds whinging :p

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For me it just devalues the world title. "Oh, the man who's been going 50/50 in opening matches beat the world champion? How shit must the old champion be then?"


That's more to do with the booking of the X division and it's champion the other 11 months of the year, I guess. In the words of Michel Roux Jr, "the idea is good, the execution is flawed."

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Does the whole destination x concept not just make the X Division title look weaker than it already is. The fact that Sabin binned it off for a world title shot the second he won it back?


On the contrary, I think it reinforces the idea that at any time a guy that's good enough to be the top guy in the X Division could also be a credible threat to the World title. That's not something we would have said 13 months ago.


For me it just devalues the world title. "Oh, the man who's been going 50/50 in opening matches beat the world champion? How shit must the old champion be then?"

Is that any worse than WWE pushing a guy who got beat at Wrestlemania and lost his World Title in just a little over 7 or 8 seconds?

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Yes. Quite a bit. You're comparing Apples and Oranges there. A loss that made sense with someone's gimmick, followed by a slow and prolonged push over a year with someone getting wildly organically over is completely different to someone going 50/50 towards the bottom of the card then beating the world champ a few weeks later. Also, that Wrestlemania was a fucking age ago. Not a few weeks ago. I honestly can't see how you think they are comparable in anyway.


Daniel Bryan cracking the main events (still hasn't won the top prize though) and Chris Sabin winning the top title are amazingly different.

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