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I can't stand it. It's fell from my weekly routine of things to watch and did so about 4 or 5 weeks ago. I think the last episode I watched fully was the one before BFG.

Just really shit tv.


Has been better the last few weeks, but the build to Bound for Glory was indeed totally terrible.

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With Rob Terry and Jay Bradley touring with Wrestle-1 and AJ having just defended the title over there anyone reckon Mutoh will be sending anyone over in exchange soon? I'm hoping the spoilers i am refusing to read will maybe include something like this soon.

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We've noted before how AJ Styles could be done with TNA soon and word is that both sides are still far apart on money. Styles' contract extension with TNA expires on December 16th. As of December 17th, Styles is a free agent and has already begun taking independent bookings through Bill Behrens at showbis@aol.com.


Unless something changes in the next few days, Styles will not be back in TNA. He officially finished up with TNA at last week's Impact Wrestling tapings for episodes that will air in 2014. Word is that it's a situation where TNA just couldn't offer Styles what he had been earning and he wouldn't agree to a lesser deal feeling that he has been a major part of the heart and soul of TNA.

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I actually think AJ should leave TNA. He's done everything, and the attempt to reboot his character was a total disaster.


If he spends a year or two on the indies, or WWE, they can always re-hire him at a later date when perhaps business has improved, or his demands are lower.

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I'd see if that WWE deal is still on the table, if I was him. Its in a strange position where his name is big to be working for shit money and to small to be demanding big money. At 36, it's now or never. More likely never, because I imagine he'll fold eventually and go back to TNA.


Sad thing is, he's not worth any kind of six figure sum he'd be after, because he doesn't draw for TNA (to be fair, nobody does). TNA's in the business to make money through TV rights fees. So basically, they are making no secret that they want all their workers to be making close to nothing per taping so they get in the black from their TV money. Thats why you have cheap and cheerful acts like Derrick Bateman and Spud all over TV. Saying that, they have announced Sting is wrestling in January, though. So if they have actually re-signed Sting, this all counts for fuck all. Re-signing Sting sends out a rotten message.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Fuck it, he might as well have a go in WWE. Even if it turns out to be a right disaster (which would surprise me), he can say he gave it a try and his reputation as a 'TNA Great' would surely remain intact. And if it does go tits up, TNA will have him back. Otherwise he could be kicking himself asking 'what if' had he not tried his luck in WWE. I really hope they pick him up.

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not sure what to make the whole situation. If WWE seriously wanted him, im sure they'd have poached him years ago. I just can't help but they'd just fuck with him if they signed him now.


Give him that Harry Potter gimmick that Mickey Batts refused to do before he got released from developmental. Unless I've dreamt that, in which case discard

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They could always debut him as AJ Lee's hick boyfriend, if they wanted to explain why Norton McBegebap has an AJ tattoo.


Styles would fit right in to the current super athletic roster. The thought of Styles going head-to-head with Seth Rollins or Daniel Bryan puts a smile on this face.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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not sure what to make the whole situation. If WWE seriously wanted him, im sure they'd have poached him years ago. I just can't help but they'd just fuck with him if they signed him now.

They did try. Thing is, he's had a cushty contract with TNA for years now and has been able to spend plenty of time with his family while on good money. He didn't need to make the move. Now however, it might be a better option, and maybe his last chance of giving it a go there.


Why do you think they would fuck about with him in WWE? Have you ever seen NXT to see what they do with development?

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