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If he's geared to the gills, then I bet he's done it so he can be recast as a 'big guy' and not have to do the big bumps.

Surely it'll be because he was training himself up for a bodybuilding contest?

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Shelley was only about 22 at the time. The confidence he had was sensational around a big star like Nash. It was confidence few had at the time. If Shelley doesn't become a star in wrestling, its a crying shame.


The reason he left TNA wasn't a money issue apparently. His love for wrestling is dead and he wanted to go to New Japan to re-discover his passion for the game (which I hope he has). TNA's constant fucking about with him and his friends nearly finished him off. Which is shocking since he's better than all of that roster. Or has more upside than all that roster. Who else is young, can talk, can work, can be funny and looks like he's sprung up from a film from the 80s depicting someone from the future? He's so unique. Honestly I can't think of anyone better in TNA than Shelley. WWE should snap him up yesterday.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Shelley's a long-term favourite of mine, even back to the "Baby Bear" days.


Judging by his Twitter, he's certainly got the bug back in Japan. Most of his tweets are about how much he's loving it and being able to get involved in things like the junior tournaments they do, with the odd thinly veiled poke at how shit he felt in TNA by the end.

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I thought Shelley had been offered a WWE contract? To be part of their now-scrapped Cruiserweight show on the Network? Or was that just the usual internet bullshit?

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On a positive note, I miss Kevin Nash and Alex Shelley so much. What a pair these were.


I still reckon those skits were some of the best wrestling comedy I've ever seen. It was a work of genius pairing Nash with the X-Division and seeing everyone really enjoying themselves, especially when they got rid of Johnny Devine, who was shit. I was really disappointed someone didn't ask about them on his YouShoot.

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I think one of TNA's worst decisions was the time they opted to run with Brian fucking Kendrick in place of Shelley as the X-Division Champion. I know in the long run it might seem pretty inconsequential, but I can see it really pissing him off because they were building the two of them up at the same time then Shelley just got pushed to the side. I was living with my parents at the time and even my mum couldn't believe it.

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Just had a horrible thought about the August 1st "surprise". Not sure if the name has been mentioned in the thread but what if it turns out to be King Mo? I mean he's been in OVW for ages. You'd figure they'd bring him into wrestle sooner or later? Adam Pearce seems too obvious, even for TNA.

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Where is Adam Pearce's name coming from? A lot of people are saying this, and to me it seems completely insane to bring in Adam Pearce as a mystery man. What reaction are we meant to give? It has to be Jarrett or Bischoff. It cant be Bob Holly or Luke Gallows. People are just going to go "urrrgh!" if its someone we haven't been educated to give a single fuck about. Jarrett's back working there as well (since they sacked Prichard and D'Lo, they need someone to help out) so it only makes sense its him. If not, its going to be another on the list of shitty surprises.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Yeah, it's not going to be Adam Pearce. And I've liked Adam Pearce for ages and would actually watch him in TNA. People REALLY think it's going to be him?


It reminds me of a story a friend once told me back in the 1990s. He said he was walking hone from school and on a sandwich board they had outside a newsagents giving the latest Manchester Evening News headlines it said "CITY SIGN DUTCH STAR".


So he raced into the paper shop, picked up the Evening News to see if it was Overmars or Rijkaard or Van Basten - and it was Alfons Groenendijk.


Adam Pearce would be the new Alfons Groenendijk.

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I can't remember a time when Alex Shelley hasn't impressed the hell out of me. For all the TNA bashing that has been going on recently Shelley is the one thing no one could even remotely disagree with. They guy is all round gold. He can play any role given to him and make it awese to watch

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Where is Adam Pearce's name coming from? A lot of people are saying this, and to me it seems completely insane to bring in Adam Pearce as a mystery man. What reaction are we meant to give? It has to be Jarrett or Bischoff. It cant be Bob Holly or Luke Gallows. People are just going to go "urrrgh!" if its someone we haven't been educated to give a single fuck about. Jarrett's back working there as well (since they sacked Prichard and D'Lo, they need someone to help out) so it only makes sense its him. If not, its going to be another on the list of shitty surprises.


Don't get me wrong. For the reasons you've stated, I hope and pray it's not Pearce, King Mo, Kaval, Gallows et al and if any of the names mentioned is revealed to be the "surprise" then "urrrgh!" really won't quite express the contempt people will have for it. Also Pearce, himself, has kind of fueled rumours it maybe him via his twitter account by alluding to what people will be doing on August 1st when the surprise is revealed and commenting alot about TNA, in general, over the past few days.


Also with Pearce; how asinine would be to bring him into TNA under this supposed "justice" gimmick? (if that's what it is?). They [TNA] considered him not good enough for their "GutCheck" challenge but he somehow magically becomes good enough for their main roster. Argh!

Edited by Mr.Wrestling
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