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I normally stay away from Jericho's podcast too but i went onto his feed just to see who he'd recently had on. Turns out I've not bothered with talk is Jericho at all this year because i saw he'd had Robbie Brookside on. So i listened to that one as I don't know much about Brookside other than what I've seen on Breaking Ground if I'm honest. It was a cracking Podcast (mainly because Jericho just let Robbie speak). I'd love to find out more about him.


I took a look who Colt's had recently too and decided to give the Virgil episode a listen. Does Virgil just make stuff up?

He also mentioned how he never realised he may have been portraying a slave character to Ted DiBiase but even if he was aware, it wouldn't have mattered. As long as he got paid :D haha!!

And for anyone else who has listened to that virgil ep, what the fuck is that "Ye, me" sound he's always making after a sentence? Is it his way of saying "You get me?" or "You with me?"

For someone who never took any big hits, he sure talks like someone that has!

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And for anyone else who has listened to that virgil ep, what the fuck is that "Ye, me" sound he's always making after a sentence? Is it his way of saying "You get me?" or "You with me?"

For someone who never took any big hits, he sure talks like someone that has!

I think it's a very short version of "Do you know what I mean?"


I quite liked Virgil after listening to it, he seemed like a good guy at heart. I thought Colt was shady in the way he framed some of his questions, trying to trip him up.

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I quite liked Virgil after listening to it, he seemed like a good guy at heart. I thought Colt was shady in the way he framed some of his questions, trying to trip him up.



I warmed to Virgil also but i don't think he's a "good guy at heart" I just don't think he's at all a bad guy. (Roman reference not intended). Just maybe, not all there. I imagine he couldn't pour water out of a boot if the instructions were on the heel. ye-me?


I didn't get that feeling about Colt myself though. I just got the impression (as did Colt by the sounds of it) that unless Virgil was prompted to fill bits in, then his stories weren't making much sense at all (as if he was making a lot up). And even those stories just weren't very interesting. "I went into a room, (Pause to think)......... Vince's office Colt ye-me? aaaaaaaaaand (Pause to think) ........ Andre was there ye-me? I don't know what they were talking about" and my fav wtf comment from Virgil was "I got called up to WWF Colt ye-me? But I didn't know I got called up to WWF Colt" Ooooo, I thought to myself. Could be interesting, I thought. Turns out it was simply because they called his parents home and he wasn't there at the time. His Mum took the message. Gave it to him later that day.


It was a great listen but mainly because I was amazed at how it just felt like the wheel was turning but the hamster was dead. Ye-me? 

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It's always seemed pretty apparent to me that nothing about Enzo is a joke, or some sort of ironic commentary on that subculture by him. I'd say it's a huge reason why he's so good at it and knows how to get it over too.

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Lots of people have raved about the SCG podcast so I thought I'd give the Monday Night Wars series a try but on my phone, the oldest one in the feed (I'm on iPhone btw so it's just through the generic podcasts app) is SCG#62. Any way to get further back from that? Am I just being a bit dense? Thanks

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Lots of people have raved about the SCG podcast so I thought I'd give the Monday Night Wars series a try but on my phone, the oldest one in the feed (I'm on iPhone btw so it's just through the generic podcasts app) is SCG#62. Any way to get further back from that? Am I just being a bit dense? Thanks

Direct links pal


1995 http://squaredcirclegazette.podbean.com/mf/web/feznb8/SCGRadio22-TheMondayNightWarin1995.mp3


1996 p1 http://squaredcirclegazette.podbean.com/mf/web/56jfgt/SCGRadio29-TheMondayNightWarin1996-Part1.mp3


1996 p2 http://squaredcirclegazette.podbean.com/mf/web/2axgr8/SCGRadio39-TheMondayNightWarin1996-Part2.mp3


1996 p3 http://squaredcirclegazette.podbean.com/mf/web/y37x5k/SCGRadio40-TheMondayNightWarin1996-Part3.mp3

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