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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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There are definitely closet fans more open about it now. It's more down to nostalgia than anything but all my mates fuckin love hogan, austin, rock etc.

A lot of my pals who don't follow wrestling at all also watch wrestle mania every year just for the guys they knkw. They can't be the only ones.

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You only have to go on Instagram and twitter to see that wrestling currently has this subculture of hipster fans that support "cool stuff" like the Bullet Club, PWG and Lucha Underground. Mostly all wankers to be fair. Not saying that you're a wanker if you enjoy PWG and Lucha Underground (I do myself), just that you get a lot of "wrestling is evolving, because I'm into it now!" types. The negative in all this is that you get wrestlers who hang out with these fans, so there's very little in between the "stars" and the fans. Probably why there are no stars anymore. You have to give off that aura.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Unless you specifically seek out those shows, you'd never see him. I was vaguely aware he was there still, but the only time I've seen him in ages was when they announced something significant (it was either the Draft or Lesnar vs Orton, I think) during the Raw pre-show and replayed the moment on Raw itself.


It was then i learned they do the Raw pre-show in a green screen studio these days, too.

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I'm re-watching the Stone Cold v Mr. McMahon Rivalries episodes on the Network and it doesn't half remind you of how abysmal some of their decision making was in 2001. Obviously the two big ones are Stone Cold turning heel and the Invasion angle being completely underwhelming.

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The invasion was fucked because it could never live up to the fantasy version we'd had in our heads for years prior. The big names weren't an option, do the only thing they could've done differently was book DDP and Booker T stronger... And I don't think that would've made a huge amount of difference. Apparently Flair was available so it's a bit baffling that he wasn't brought in if so, but at the same time, it would've been half ridiculous positioning him as a threat to the top guys then. I suppose they could've had Rock join WCW instead of Austin, but even then I still can't see it lasting long enough for the big names to become available.


The Austin heel turn is a funny one. It did nothing good for business, but the landscape with him as a babyface didn't have much going on either. It was a continuation of the HHH feud that had already gone about six months, or Kurt Angle who had played chump to Stone Cold loads of times already since late 2000. I feel like the big mis-step was doing more Austin vs Undertaker. I don't know if babyface HHH or properly elevating the Hardys were the answer, mind.

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Babyface HHH would have helped I think. They could have got some miles out of Austin ducking him because HHH proved he had the measure of him at No Way Out. But then if the Invasion happens with a fit and healthy HHH, it's impossible to predict the impact it might have had on that story anyway.

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Babyface HHH would have helped I think. They could have got some miles out of Austin ducking him because HHH proved he had the measure of him at No Way Out. But then if the Invasion happens with a fit and healthy HHH, it's impossible to predict the impact it might have had on that story anyway.


I can imagine a few HHH & Vince vs Austin and Shane matches being some awesome clusterfucks.

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I listened to Russo's "Raw then and now" podcast, they went through the Raw after Survivor Series 98 so it prompted me to go and watch it, bloody hell the opening to that show, I was just sat there grinning like a Cheshire cat, fucking love it, unreal heat for the Rock and McMahons, the shots of Austin arriving at the building and the pop when his music hits, then he reveals one of the 6 thousand "but I have it in writing" segments that swings things back in his favour, and bloody Mills Lane shows up. What an energy to that opening, 20 minutes of brilliance.

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