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Been watching 2000 WWE on the Network. Perry Saturn came in looking like an absolute star, surprised he didn't go further. They're really putting him over too and at points acts like the leader of the Radicalz.

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Perry doesnt remember most of that WWF run, so that probably tells you why they couldnt rely on him. Saturn was fucking ace, though. I remember when he first came into WCW, and because of his torn ACL that he was working on, he sort of adopted Taz's gimmick. Suplexes and submissions. Jeans tucked into his boots. Looked great and was really intense.


Mental how over everyone seemed to be in WCW. You had about 11 headliners (you're Hogan, Piper, Nash, Luger, Sting etc), then this undercard of Benoit, Raven, Rey Mysterio, Saturn, Guerrero, Jericho, Konnan, Booker T, Finlay, Regal and a load of others. They must have had about 30-odd wrestlers that people were really into.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Saturn's murdering of Disco for the TV title in late '97 is one of those lovely little moments I sometimes forget about. I thought he was going to be a big star. The Jericho run was also fun, but dicking around in tag teams too long caused him to stall in WCW and he never really had the mic skills to be a big deal in the WWF.

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Saturn was superb. One of the most believable guys I've seen in the ring. As smooth as silk and moved with grace hardly fitting someone who looked as shit as he did. I was thinking recently that we should start a serious of threads on guys who just don't get enough love but I then couldn't think who to start with. Saturn would be perfect. He's seriously under-rated, and sometimes feels almost forgotten.


On Ian's point about WCW's talent - that's clearly true. However, re-listening to the SCG Monday Night War timelines, it's really noticeable how little mention there is of guys in the mid-card. They just weren't doing anything of note. There's the Benoit/Sullivan stuff, Jericho's conspiracy rants, Raven's debut and Mysterio getting darted into the side of a lorry. But otherwise it's just the occasional title change that gets a mention. Fucking Mongo has more going on than that World Class mid-card.

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Yep also watching 2000 on the Network as I alluded to on the Network thread and I have to agree, Saturn was brilliant at the start of his run. He's also bumping like he's too doped up to care on those shows, taking some right wallops. He'll hurl head over shoulders into steel steps, eat Rikishi's big kicks and generally rag doll himself out of Taz's suplexes like a coin in a washing machine. There's something about his precision and build though that never, ever makes it look like floppy overselling.


How over WCW midcarders were is another good point. Especially with an audience that routinely gets a doing for being pissed up frat boys who only came to see the big boys. For every argument that there was a glass ceiling in WCW - and there was - there's countless examples of guys in WCW who were super over with one crowd and not over in the slightest with the WWE crowd despite a similar lack of angles.


Malenko's probably the best example. He just went out on Nitro every week mostly doing nothing but being a sour faced killer and his reactions were generally nuts. When he went to WWE maybe they didn't give him enough time to simmer in a similar role but I doubt anyone would have cared. Maybe because there was just so much going on in 2000?

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I think that was because of the massive differences in WCW and WWF core crowds. WCW still had a lot of the old Southern "NWA: We Wrestle" base as a hangover from before the Bischoff takeover so someone like Malenko would get far more over there than somewhere like WWF which was always more gimmicky.

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Looking back at WCW 2000 and might be the only person who thinks Mike Awesome should have been World Heavyweight Champion. With the momentum he had from ECW, had a great look and they paid him over a million dollars to get him in the bloody company. His debut was pretty cool but after a few months he became a joke and never recovered.

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Looking back at WCW 2000 and might be the only person who thinks Mike Awesome should have been World Heavyweight Champion. With the momentum he had from ECW, had a great look and they paid him over a million dollars to get him in the bloody company. His debut was pretty cool but after a few months he became a joke and never recovered.

Lance Storm was the one for me, he was pushed to the moon holding all them belts and towards the end looked to have the potential to be more of a player around the Magnificent 7 angle. I loved that angle and I wish it had been continued.
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Looking back at WCW 2000 and might be the only person who thinks Mike Awesome should have been World Heavyweight Champion. With the momentum he had from ECW, had a great look and they paid him over a million dollars to get him in the bloody company. His debut was pretty cool but after a few months he became a joke and never recovered.

Lance Storm was the one for me, he was pushed to the moon holding all them belts and towards the end looked to have the potential to be more of a player around the Magnificent 7 angle. I loved that angle and I wish it had been continued.



That was a bit later wasn't it? Regardless, I'd never make Lance Storm World Champion of anything! He was fun in that mid-card role though.


I'd go along with Awesome as Champion. They needed someone for Goldberg to chase and Awesome was a big guy, had a good look, had some steam behind him and wasn't tarnished by TNA stink. Sorry, I mean WCW, force of habit.


Booking Awesome was fucking easy. He just needed to be Goldberg but with a shit attitude until Goldberg Goldberg'd Goldberg. Piece of piss.

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