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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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It's horrible, isn't it? Between the age of 10-20 seemed to go on forever. 20-30 fucking flew by. I'm dreading hitting 40 in what will no doubt come around even faster. My nephew is 15 now and he pointed out the other day that he's as old now as I was when he was born. Bastard depressing to think about. Noticing a bit less hair on the head, a little bit more weight on the belly and I'm now making a noise when I bend down to pick something up (sure that wasn't happening a year ago, it's since I turned 30).


So that. And I think Pitcos is spot on about the Attitude era point. It seemed like more happened in wrestling just between 1998 and 2000, a two year span, than has happened in any five year period before or since. From 2002 onwards, once there was no more Monday Night Wars, no real competition, things seemed to get stale quicker.

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Give him a latte, skinny chinos and a single speed bike and make him a hipster. Vape his way down the aisle giving out vegan recipes......

Either a killer hipster, or a hipster killer - have him invading cereal restaurants, and pool parties held in skips, and beating up all the hipsters. As a face.



Then bring back Big Dave as a mahoosive coffee-snob, tagging with his equally coffee-snobbish friend, the Big Show - renamed Dave Barista and Paul "Flat" Wight. Teamed up as the US Espresso.

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Give him a latte, skinny chinos and a single speed bike and make him a hipster. Vape his way down the aisle giving out vegan recipes......


Either a killer hipster, or a hipster killer - have him invading cereal restaurants, and pool parties held in skips, and beating up all the hipsters. As a face.


Then bring back Big Dave as a mahoosive coffee-snob, tagging with his equally coffee-snobbish friend, the Big Show - renamed Dave Barista and Paul "Flat" Wight. Teamed up as the US Espresso.

Coffee Kingston

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It's horrible, isn't it? Between the age of 10-20 seemed to go on forever. 20-30 fucking flew by. I'm dreading hitting 40 in what will no doubt come around even faster. My nephew is 15 now and he pointed out the other day that he's as old now as I was when he was born. Bastard depressing to think about. Noticing a bit less hair on the head, a little bit more weight on the belly and I'm now making a noise when I bend down to pick something up (sure that wasn't happening a year ago, it's since I turned 30).


So that. And I think Pitcos is spot on about the Attitude era point. It seemed like more happened in wrestling just between 1998 and 2000, a two year span, than has happened in any five year period before or since. From 2002 onwards, once there was no more Monday Night Wars, no real competition, things seemed to get stale quicker.

With the 3-0 looming personally i think you fellas have nailed it.


That heel Father Time.

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  • Paid Members


It's horrible, isn't it? Between the age of 10-20 seemed to go on forever. 20-30 fucking flew by. I'm dreading hitting 40 in what will no doubt come around even faster. My nephew is 15 now and he pointed out the other day that he's as old now as I was when he was born. Bastard depressing to think about. Noticing a bit less hair on the head, a little bit more weight on the belly and I'm now making a noise when I bend down to pick something up (sure that wasn't happening a year ago, it's since I turned 30).


So that. And I think Pitcos is spot on about the Attitude era point. It seemed like more happened in wrestling just between 1998 and 2000, a two year span, than has happened in any five year period before or since. From 2002 onwards, once there was no more Monday Night Wars, no real competition, things seemed to get stale quicker.

With the 3-0 looming personally i think you fellas have nailed it.


That heel Father Time.



Life is just a big waste of fucking time any way. What do we all keep going on with it for, more coffee puns. That's as good as it gets chaps.

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What about an antitheism gimmick, ala Christopher Hitchens? He could spread the "infection" that is organised religion. It would be far too controversial for the WWE so I'm shooting down my own idea instantly. Plus I wouldn't want him ending up like Salman Rushdie circa 1988.


I can't see how it would work unless the end game is the return of God to WWE after Backlash '06 to face Harper one-on-One. God would have to win, of course, because Harper's presumably going to be the heel refusing to acknowledge God's even there in the build-up.


You can even recover the character afterwards with Luke claiming he never lost because his opponent doesn't exist. They'd probably have to think of something like that anyway, because there's no way they're getting God on a full-time deal. He'd get Lesnar-style dates if they ever got Him back in the ring.


Fuck's sake, I've talked myself into wanting to see Luke Harper vs. God.

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