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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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The Sheild V The Wyatts at Elimination Chamber 2014 was amazing. The people involved should have gone on to better things. What a match.

Would like Wyatt to add a touch of face paint to himself or a reptile to freshen his gimmick. Him and Ambrose as a team if booked correctly could be huge.

Edited by Porkchopcash
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The Sheild V The Wyatts at Elimination Chamber 2014 was amazing. The people involved should have gone on to better things. What a match.

Would like Wyatt to add a touch of face paint to himself or a reptile to freshen his gimmick. Him and Ambrose as a team if booked correctly could be huge.

Good old Shield and Wyatts jobbing out on Superstars...

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The Sheild V The Wyatts at Elimination Chamber 2014 was amazing. The people involved should have gone on to better things. What a match.


Two of the six were in the WrestleMania main event last year, and both have held the title. Four of the six have main-evented numerous PPVs between them and have wins over John Cena, Randy Orton and the like. Two are main-eventing the next PPV with Brock Lesnar, and at least one of them will be in the main event of WrestleMania.

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None of them have broke out to be genuine stars. Reigns and Wyatt have gone backwards in popularity, Ambrose is pretty much the same other than wearing blue jeans now. Rowan and Harper are as they were. Seth, no matter how much they push him is still the same, wrestles the same, looks the same, will never be anymore than what he is. I just expected 1 or 2 if them to be genuine main eventers, like build a ppv around them main eventers and not there opponenta. A side instead of b side main eventers.

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None of them have broke out to be genuine stars. Reigns and Wyatt have gone backwards in popularity, Ambrose is pretty much the same other than wearing blue jeans now. Rowan and Harper are as they were. Seth, no matter how much they push him is still the same, wrestles the same, looks the same, will never be anymore than what he is. I just expected 1 or 2 if them to be genuine main eventers, like build a ppv around them main eventers and not there opponenta. A side instead of b side main eventers.

You mean like when Rollins defended the World title against Dean Ambrose last year and was due to do the same against Reigns before he got injured?

All three members of the Shield are bigger stars now than they were 2 years ago when that match happens

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Watching Bash at the Beach 1998, because I wanted to watch the Junkyard Battle Royal mentioned in the worst gimmick match thread. All its done is remind me how much I Fucking hate Mike Tenay!


I can't be the only person to think he's the worse thing to ever happen to wrestling can I? I'm including Saxton, Gobblegooker and even Katie Fucking Vick in that statement. Always hated him.


Edit: What's worse is that I've just realised I should have been watching BATB 99

Edited by PSF
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Loads of the participants in that 6 man tag have gone on to be placed in better positions on the card, and have been booked to hold championship belts, but I would agree that in terms of excitement, character, stature and momentum, it never really got better than Eimination Chamber 2014.


That match was fucking amazing, and it felt like the next crop of genuine main event stars had arrived, but whilst all of them went on to, "main event," in terms of going on last, pretty much all of them were booked poorly and didn't achieve anywhere near the potential they displayed that night. Roman's push has been an inconsistent mess, Seth was overexposed and scripted into oblivion, Dean lost to everyone, both Harper and Rowan were harmed badly by the split from Bray that went nowhere and achieved nothing, and Bray's samey interviews and lack of character development has made him an utter chore to watch.


I definitely understand what the guy is saying. The talent in that match should have set them up for years, but without exception the handling of the Wyatts and Shield members has been terrible.

Edited by Supremo
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Agree with Porky and Carbomb here, watching that match at the time I felt like I was looking at a bright future for WWE. Collectively, those six guys were fucking stars and the fans were so hot for both teams and the match itself. Two years on, not one of those guys is as over as they were during that period. Of course you could argue that some of them have 'gone on to better things' because they have held belts or whatever, but fan reaction tells the real story.

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Agree with Porky and Carbomb here, watching that match at the time I felt like I was looking at a bright future for WWE. Collectively, those six guys were fucking stars and the fans were so hot for both teams and the match itself. Two years on, not one of those guys is as over as they were during that period. Of course you could argue that some of them have 'gone on to better things' because they have held belts or whatever, but fan reaction tells the real story.

Much as I would like to take credit for one of Supremo's excellent posts, I'm afraid I must respectfully decline the honour!

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